Private Mail and Package Services - The end of the USPS ?

Are you satisfied with the USPS delivery times and pricing?

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so how long have you or did you work in the PO?...

Never have, but I have several close friends who do now.
then they must be pretty new....because people who have been there awhile know how the seniority system works....and its been that way for quite a long time.....and when you are new,yea you do the routes no one wants to do,most regular carriers who have more than a few years in have their own routes,ones they bid on,the routes no one bids on are usually assigned to the top unassigned regular,guys who are basically substitute carriers and do the routes were the regular is on vacation or sick.....if that is getting "crapped" on then they are free to quit....
BasicHumanUnit, have you no substantive answers to my questions? You're the one who created this thread and advocated for CitizenShip. Surely you know enough about it and its processes, policies and procedures to directly and comprehensively answer those questions? At the very least, you should be able to point me to where they are specifically answered on CitizenShip's website....
Okay...I see now that I must infer that you are advocating CitizenShip yet you don't know enough about it to provide solid information to individuals who want to learn more about it. least now I know., you don't
then they must be pretty new....because people who have been there awhile know how the seniority system works....and its been that way for quite a long time.....and when you are new,yea you do the routes no one wants to do,most regular carriers who have more than a few years in have their own routes,ones they bid on,the routes no one bids on are usually assigned to the top unassigned regular,guys who are basically substitute carriers and do the routes were the regular is on vacation or sick.....if that is getting "crapped" on then they are free to quit....

So how long have you worked for the post office?
I guess it's just a final slap in the face when they so obviously set up their "Customer Support" system in such a way that is CLEARLY designed to keep you off their backs even at the call centers.

Make no mistake....they DO NOT want to hear from you.......PERIOD.

So if your Priority Package is 4 days late......just keep waiting.
sorry i knew to many customers who called in and complained about a non-delivery and did not get what you are saying....
sorry i knew to many customers who called in and complained about a non-delivery and did not get what you are saying....

ok then....tell the the steps to call in and get a human being.....

Like my packages....
I'll be waiting......and waiting........and waiting......
I’ve complained and get results for maybe a month, then it’s back to what it was before.
There is something seriously wrong with the Postal Service in South Florida.

Especially the OPA LOCKA FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER. All packages are getting delayed through there for up to a week.
there are ways to complain about it....and get results....
then complain again or go to the next higher up....whoever is the Manager of Customer Services in your city will usually find out whats going on,and if it still goes on contact the Post Master of your City....they dont like it when something like an ongoing complaint gets to them...
then complain again or go to the next higher up....whoever is the Manager of Customer Services in your city will usually find out whats going on,and if it still goes on contact the Post Master of your City....they dont like it when something like an ongoing complaint gets to them...

People who work at local post offices have usually been there a long time.
They know each other.

They also know addresses and local people who they consider "a pain in the arse"

I try not to get on that list.
Besides, the point is not to see who can complain the most.....

The USPS just needs to get it's shit together and deliver those packages!
then they must be pretty new....because people who have been there awhile know how the seniority system works....and its been that way for quite a long time.....and when you are new,yea you do the routes no one wants to do,most regular carriers who have more than a few years in have their own routes,ones they bid on,the routes no one bids on are usually assigned to the top unassigned regular,guys who are basically substitute carriers and do the routes were the regular is on vacation or sick.....if that is getting "crapped" on then they are free to quit....

So how long have you worked for the post office?
i worked there 33 years as a letter carrier.....and one thing many of us know,many complaints are from the same people,complaining about everything and i mean everything....those are the people who get put on the back burner because there is no pleasing them....the UPS driver on my route said its the same in his world too,he said there was woman who is always getting packages,and something was always wrong with them....there are more of these people then you could even realize....
sorry i knew to many customers who called in and complained about a non-delivery and did not get what you are saying....

ok then....tell the the steps to call in and get a human being.....

Like my packages....
I'll be waiting......and waiting........and waiting......
you will not get that on an automated 800 number....if you get a lot of shit,get to know your regular carrier,if he/she is worth a dam they will take care of any problem you have and will be able to tell you either what the problem was or what is being done.....communication with the person who delivers on your route can save a lot of time and aggravation....
Besides, the point is not to see who can complain the most.....

The USPS just needs to get it's shit together and deliver those packages!
according to many who have audited the PO's on time delivery percentages,for the amount of mail they deliver daily they do quite well...and i was there when mail volume was at its all time high,many new people in the 90's quit after a week when they seen how much mail they had to put up and then go out a deliver it,hopefully in 8 hours,many of them were out there 10 hours and needed someone to come out and help them get it delivered,if it was winter time,like Christmas,it was in the dark,which sucks big time....
I went higher up. It lasted a month. Did it several times through the years. Just because you think all areas listen, (must be in management) they don’t. You have no right to tell others it is their approach as to why things don’t run well in certain areas, as you are not here. Unless you happen to be in management in south Florida, then I suggest you bring the hammer down on the ones not performing.
I’ve complained and get results for maybe a month, then it’s back to what it was before.
There is something seriously wrong with the Postal Service in South Florida.

Especially the OPA LOCKA FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER. All packages are getting delayed through there for up to a week.
there are ways to complain about it....and get results....
then complain again or go to the next higher up....whoever is the Manager of Customer Services in your city will usually find out whats going on,and if it still goes on contact the Post Master of your City....they dont like it when something like an ongoing complaint gets to them...
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Tried that when one was leaving all the mail boxes open and packages sitting on the street next to the mail boxes I saw at neighbors. Approached her kindly, asked if she could close the boxes, take pkgs up the porch. She did for a few days, then returned to leaving the mail boxes open. She no longer delivers our route, as the complaints must have gotten really bad. This one just tosses or squishes the pkgs, but at least closes the mail boxes. An improvement.
sorry i knew to many customers who called in and complained about a non-delivery and did not get what you are saying....

ok then....tell the the steps to call in and get a human being.....

Like my packages....
I'll be waiting......and waiting........and waiting......
you will not get that on an automated 800 number....if you get a lot of shit,get to know your regular carrier,if he/she is worth a dam they will take care of any problem you have and will be able to tell you either what the problem was or what is being done.....communication with the person who delivers on your route can save a lot of time and aggravation....
No, the regular mail has a similar priority. USPS has become a better business model. My job is not seasonal, although you are correct, they hire you initially as non career.

I think once you get in there and learn the "real ropes", you're going to see things aren't what they're advertised or supposed to be.

You'll see that the long time employees basically crapping on newbies because they have seniority.
They'll make you do the grunt work and take lots of time off......union protected of course.

I think you'll see things different a few months from now. You'll get a paycheck....but no benefits and you'll work hard for that paycheck. Many even leave withing the first 6 months.

Your a cynic and I am an optimist. I am no stranger to hard word, I enjoy it.
I went higher up. It lasted a month. Did it several times through the years. Just because you think all areas listen, (must be in management) they don’t. You have no right to tell others it is their approach as to why things don’t run well in certain areas, as you are not here. Unless you happen to be in management in south Florida, then I suggest you bring the hammer down on the ones not performing.
I’ve complained and get results for maybe a month, then it’s back to what it was before.
There is something seriously wrong with the Postal Service in South Florida.

Especially the OPA LOCKA FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER. All packages are getting delayed through there for up to a week.
there are ways to complain about it....and get results....
then complain again or go to the next higher up....whoever is the Manager of Customer Services in your city will usually find out whats going on,and if it still goes on contact the Post Master of your City....they dont like it when something like an ongoing complaint gets to them...
management me?
Tried that when one was leaving all the mail boxes open and packages sitting on the street next to the mail boxes I saw at neighbors. Approached her kindly, asked if she could close the boxes, take pkgs up the porch. She did for a few days, then returned to leaving the mail boxes open. She no longer delivers our route, as the complaints must have gotten really bad. This one just tosses or squishes the pkgs, but at least closes the mail boxes. An improvement.
sorry i knew to many customers who called in and complained about a non-delivery and did not get what you are saying....

ok then....tell the the steps to call in and get a human being.....

Like my packages....
I'll be waiting......and waiting........and waiting......
you will not get that on an automated 800 number....if you get a lot of shit,get to know your regular carrier,if he/she is worth a dam they will take care of any problem you have and will be able to tell you either what the problem was or what is being done.....communication with the person who delivers on your route can save a lot of time and aggravation....
if she was leaving boxes open and packages on the ground by the boxes she wasnt a career employee.....she was probably let go...and you may be on one of those routes that does not have regular carrier.....or you get temps (temporary people) who work 6 months and then are usually let go...and that is something that should not be happening....
why dont you try going to your local Office and bitch to the station manager.....
I have for years and nothing has changed. I'm still complaining about the misdelivered package just a few weeks ago and I can't get them to change the tracking or give me something in writing that the package was misdelivered, which they have known since the day I reported it. To me it is fraud and I am now thinking of going to the police since eBay will accept a police report.
why dont you try going to your local Office and bitch to the station manager.....
I have for years and nothing has changed. I'm still complaining about the misdelivered package just a few weeks ago and I can't get them to change the tracking or give me something in writing that the package was misdelivered, which they have known since the day I reported it. To me it is fraud and I am now thinking of going to the police since eBay will accept a police report.
yea good luck with that,im sure the local police will listen to the company that sent the package,let them deal with it,they have just a tad more weight than you do....

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