Honest. Does Anybody Think Healthcare.gov Will be Working at the End of the Month?

Healthcare.gov fully Operational in 28 Days?

  • Not a Snowball's chance in Hell

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • I'd give it a 10% chance...maybe

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 50-50

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Of Course it Will Work. Obama Promised, Right?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I just went on. Still can't get any specific prices/plans without entering personal info.

Still says: You'll get final quotes for specific plans based on your income and household after you complete a Marketplace application. All health plans and stand-alone dental plans may not be available at this time, due to technical issues. We'll update this information as soon as it's available.

If you are not applying for a subsidy or know you are not eligible for a subsidy, the amount of personal information you must give is limited and pretty basic. After doing so, you can then see all the plans available along with the prices.

But Obama said it was just like Kayak.com. I don't have to give Kayak any personal information to get a quote.

I just want a quote. Is that so damn hard? I don't qualify for a subsidy. Give me a quote. And I will not give this stupid site any personal information because it is not encrypted or secure.
Just checked Healthcare.gov again. Here is the latest error message.

"The Health Insurance Marketplace online application isn't available from approximately 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. EST daily while we make improvements. Additional down times may be possible as we work to make things better. The rest of the site and the Marketplace call center remain available during these hours."
Just a reminder: Only 25 days until Healthcare.gov is fully operational. Here is a link to prove the Obama Administration promised it would be "fully operational," by the end of November.

I believe Obama...don't you? :lol:

Healthcare.gov Czar Promises Site Will Work By End Of November - Fox Nation

For you libtards...here's the Huffington Post with the same story. "Obamacare will be working smoothly by the end of November." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/25/obamacare-website_n_4163937.html

I'm going to throw in one more. USA Today "Healthcare.gov will be running smoothly by the end of November. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/10/25/zients-update-healthcaregov-website/3187867/
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If they got someone who actually knew what they were doing, the website could be up and running. Of course, it would likely mean scrapping it and starting over. Hell, why they're at it, why don't they scrap the entire health care law and start over. Naw, they aren't smart enough to do the right thing. Besides, they just wanted the other laws and taxes hidden in ACA that allows them to micromanage our lives. The whole health care part was last on the list of priorities.

For now, they can blame the minimal participation on the website. How nice of Obama to give people extra time to obey him since it's impossible to sign up on the site. I think Obama is suggesting people call or fill out paper forms, but they still need to go through the website.

Obamacare and it's implementation is a total clusterfuck.
More bad news on the Obama website.

Obama Administration Blames “Software Code” for HealthCare.gov Privacy Breach
HHS Blames "Software Code" for HealthCare.gov Privacy Breach

Okay, some sensitive private information was easily accessible to anyone. Of course they are claiming they fixed the problem, but that is a little hard to believe since they have fixed anything else with the website.

They have had a long time to build the website. They spent hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to do it and all they have to show for it is a website that seems to have been put together by inexperienced children. Most teens could have done better, like the one who came up with Facebook.

Why should anyone feel safe when they type their personal info into that website?

Obama quickly blames others for every fuck up. What will the next one be and who will get blamed?

What the next Obamacare problem will be and who Obama will blame?
Politics: Anticipating the next ObamaCare problems that will be someone else's fault | Best of Cain
Good news about the Obamacare website. Per Kathleen Sebelius "we are down to only a couple of hundred issues to fix." :rofl:

When Healthcare.gov went live it could only handle 1100 users at a time. It was being hit with always 250,000 users at a time. With 22 days to go Sebelius proudly reported they were up to 17,000 users "with almost no errors."

That's comforting...isn't it? This clusterfuck won't be fixed for months...which means bu-bye Obummercare. :bye1:

Here is the latest from the WSJ. Sebelius Pressed on Health-Site Problems in Hearing - WSJ.com

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qnd-hdmgfk]I'm sorry, Dave - YouTube[/ame]

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I chose 10%, because I know what it takes to get stuff fixed.

The Administration is stuck b/w a rock and a hard place, if they say it will take long to fix, they'll get hammered, if they say it will take a month or so, and it's not fixed, they'll get hammered.

The Republicans have been attacking it from day one, so nothing new here.

Time will just have to pass and whenever it gets fixed and people start signing up and everything's fairly smooth, this "fiasco" will blow over.
I been reading from a variety of sources, and everything I am hearing says the Healthcare.gov website will not be working for months...if ever. Democrat Max Baucus, who helped write the bill called the website "Humpty Dumpty" said the following:

"Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), in a new interview, compares President Obama's new health-care exchanges and the accompanying Web site to "Humpty Dumpty."

Baucus also said he's open to delaying the penalties for those who don't obtain insurance by the current March 31 deadline, but that he thinks it's "premature" to do so.

"Let's just see how much of this can be put together, how much Humpty Dumpty can be fixed, in the next month," Baucus told KYAA-AM. "And if it looks like Humpty Dumpty's not getting put back ... together, then maybe we should start thinking about delaying the penalties.

"It's not right to penalize people for mistakes that the government's made because the exchange isn't working."

Baucus, whose committee helped draft the law and has been described as an "architect" of it, previously warned that its implementation could result in a "train wreck" -- a comment Republicans have used with gusto ever since he uttered it."

It does not sound like Max Baucus is real confident the web site will be glitch-free in 28 days.

Do any of you out there seriously think it will work properly in 28 days? The clock is ticking.....

I gave it a 10% chance--and in reality I hope it does work.--:lol: I hope millions of Americans can get on that site to see how the cough-cough "Affordable Health Care Act" is really not affordable. What was the promise of a family of 4 being able to save $2500.00 per year on their premiums?--:lol:

The states that elected to form their own Obamacare sites seem to be working fine--and the insurance premiums are through the roof. I imagine the Obamalongs--are raising hell over it with their congress people and senators.

Americans were promised lower premiums--NOT TRUE-- lol

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I chose 10%, because I know what it takes to get stuff fixed.

The Administration is stuck b/w a rock and a hard place, if they say it will take long to fix, they'll get hammered, if they say it will take a month or so, and it's not fixed, they'll get hammered.

The Republicans have been attacking it from day one, so nothing new here.

Time will just have to pass and whenever it gets fixed and people start signing up and everything's fairly smooth, this "fiasco" will blow over.

You, of course, are focused on the politics. What you are not considering, is that millions of people just lost their insurance due to the clusterfuck known as Obamacare.

You know...those people Obama promised could keep their plan if they liked their plan.

Those people...millions of them....will now have to try to get insurance on a website that does not work. They are screwed. Millions who had insurance now do not have insurance, and cannot get insurance. It's kind of ironic...isn't it?

And of course, almost all of those people are middle class working folks. You have to have money to buy your own insurance. So Obama and the Democrats....who claim to be champions of the middle class...just threw millions of middle class people off the insurance rolls with no way to get back on. Liberalism at its finest.
it's working great for the gop. That's what I kept saying during the shutdown: tell the TPM to get the hell outta the way. LOL
Premium anti virus software is a must if anyone does visit the site. The navigators aren't even given a background check.
I chose 10%, because I know what it takes to get stuff fixed.

The Administration is stuck b/w a rock and a hard place, if they say it will take long to fix, they'll get hammered, if they say it will take a month or so, and it's not fixed, they'll get hammered.

The Republicans have been attacking it from day one, so nothing new here.

Time will just have to pass and whenever it gets fixed and people start signing up and everything's fairly smooth, this "fiasco" will blow over.

You, of course, are focused on the politics. What you are not considering, is that millions of people just lost their insurance due to the clusterfuck known as Obamacare.

You know...those people Obama promised could keep their plan if they liked their plan.

Those people...millions of them....will now have to try to get insurance on a website that does not work. They are screwed. Millions who had insurance now do not have insurance, and cannot get insurance. It's kind of ironic...isn't it?

And of course, almost all of those people are middle class working folks. You have to have money to buy your own insurance. So Obama and the Democrats....who claim to be champions of the middle class...just threw millions of middle class people off the insurance rolls with no way to get back on. Liberalism at its finest.

Well not only that but the millions that are getting cancellation notices are surprised to see that their premiums are double if not triple in some instances. Again the states that elected to do their own Obamacare sites are working just fine.

In 2014 this virus will enter into the employer mandate--where millions more will be getting cancellation notices.

Obamacare is basically the Titanic that just ripped open it's starboard side--and it's sinking right now. This is just the beginning.

I chose 10%, because I know what it takes to get stuff fixed.

The Administration is stuck b/w a rock and a hard place, if they say it will take long to fix, they'll get hammered, if they say it will take a month or so, and it's not fixed, they'll get hammered.

The Republicans have been attacking it from day one, so nothing new here.

Time will just have to pass and whenever it gets fixed and people start signing up and everything's fairly smooth, this "fiasco" will blow over.

You, of course, are focused on the politics. What you are not considering, is that millions of people just lost their insurance due to the clusterfuck known as Obamacare.

You know...those people Obama promised could keep their plan if they liked their plan.

Those people...millions of them....will now have to try to get insurance on a website that does not work. They are screwed. Millions who had insurance now do not have insurance, and cannot get insurance. It's kind of ironic...isn't it?

And of course, almost all of those people are middle class working folks. You have to have money to buy your own insurance. So Obama and the Democrats....who claim to be champions of the middle class...just threw millions of middle class people off the insurance rolls with no way to get back on. Liberalism at its finest.
No sir, it is YOU who are focused on politics.

It's not Obamacare's fault if due to being a junk insurance plan it no longer is up to standards.

They have been given an upgrade that most likely can save their and/or their loved ones lives.

That is a fact.
depends what one wants from it.

since there is clearly much more of the hidden agenda than it is openly declared - I'll give it a 10% chance of working.

If the site would be just a simple purchasing site - it would have been working long time ago. Since it is a site which makes your file permanent and multiple government agencies have to have access to it - it makes it much more difficult to construct.

Don't believe the first line of defense which is thrown on you - incompetence.
It is just the way to drain the rage.
But it is not the truth.
I chose 10%, because I know what it takes to get stuff fixed.

The Administration is stuck b/w a rock and a hard place, if they say it will take long to fix, they'll get hammered, if they say it will take a month or so, and it's not fixed, they'll get hammered.

The Republicans have been attacking it from day one, so nothing new here.

Time will just have to pass and whenever it gets fixed and people start signing up and everything's fairly smooth, this "fiasco" will blow over.

You, of course, are focused on the politics. What you are not considering, is that millions of people just lost their insurance due to the clusterfuck known as Obamacare.

You know...those people Obama promised could keep their plan if they liked their plan.

Those people...millions of them....will now have to try to get insurance on a website that does not work. They are screwed. Millions who had insurance now do not have insurance, and cannot get insurance. It's kind of ironic...isn't it?

And of course, almost all of those people are middle class working folks. You have to have money to buy your own insurance. So Obama and the Democrats....who claim to be champions of the middle class...just threw millions of middle class people off the insurance rolls with no way to get back on. Liberalism at its finest.
No sir, it is YOU who are focused on politics.

It's not Obamacare's fault if due to being a junk insurance plan it no longer is up to standards.

They have been given an upgrade that most likely can save their and/or their loved ones lives.

That is a fact.

nope, that is a propaganda lie.
obamacare plans are much worse than the plans available before it and the sole purpose people are being dumped from their insurance is to force everybody into this crap obamacare.
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I chose 10%, because I know what it takes to get stuff fixed.

The Administration is stuck b/w a rock and a hard place, if they say it will take long to fix, they'll get hammered, if they say it will take a month or so, and it's not fixed, they'll get hammered.

The Republicans have been attacking it from day one, so nothing new here.

Time will just have to pass and whenever it gets fixed and people start signing up and everything's fairly smooth, this "fiasco" will blow over.

You, of course, are focused on the politics. What you are not considering, is that millions of people just lost their insurance due to the clusterfuck known as Obamacare.

You know...those people Obama promised could keep their plan if they liked their plan.

Those people...millions of them....will now have to try to get insurance on a website that does not work. They are screwed. Millions who had insurance now do not have insurance, and cannot get insurance. It's kind of ironic...isn't it?

And of course, almost all of those people are middle class working folks. You have to have money to buy your own insurance. So Obama and the Democrats....who claim to be champions of the middle class...just threw millions of middle class people off the insurance rolls with no way to get back on. Liberalism at its finest.
No sir, it is YOU who are focused on politics.

It's not Obamacare's fault if due to being a junk insurance plan it no longer is up to standards.

They have been given an upgrade that most likely can save their and/or their loved ones lives.

That is a fact.

Propaganda and completely false. I know you love Government. You are aware that every single insurance plan in the United States is fully vetted and licensed by the Government? Their is no such thing as "sub-standard" insurance. The Government has sanctioned them all.

Obama knows this, but he continues to lie. It is all he knows how to do.

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