Honest. Does Anybody Think Healthcare.gov Will be Working at the End of the Month?

Healthcare.gov fully Operational in 28 Days?

  • Not a Snowball's chance in Hell

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • I'd give it a 10% chance...maybe

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 50-50

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Of Course it Will Work. Obama Promised, Right?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I understand it crashed again while Sebelius was testifying before Congress so not promising will it be working better than it is now probably but that's not really saying much.

The Obama Administration has promised it will be 100% fully operational and glitch-free by the end of this month.

The promise was not "kinda-working," or "sorta-working." The promise is 100% fully operational. That is the poll question. Do believe that this is accurate?

Chalk that up to another lie by the administration. And they probably knew it was a lie when they said it.
nope, that is a propaganda lie.
obamacare plans are much worse than the plans available before it and the sole purpose people are being dumped from their insurance is to force everybody into this crap obamacare.
Your mouth is stink of sh@t.

Please provide a link to backup your bogus claims.
nope, that is a propaganda lie.
obamacare plans are much worse than the plans available before it and the sole purpose people are being dumped from their insurance is to force everybody into this crap obamacare.
Your mouth is stink of sh@t.

Please provide a link to backup your bogus claims.

after you provide any link to prove your prpaganda shit

statistics. not media bullshit.
nope, that is a propaganda lie.
obamacare plans are much worse than the plans available before it and the sole purpose people are being dumped from their insurance is to force everybody into this crap obamacare.
Your mouth is stink of sh@t.

Please provide a link to backup your bogus claims.

after you provide any link to prove your prpaganda shit

statistics. not media bullshit.
Well don't go stating partisan sh@t as fact.
I been reading from a variety of sources, and everything I am hearing says the Healthcare.gov website will not be working for months...if ever. Democrat Max Baucus, who helped write the bill called the website "Humpty Dumpty" said the following:

"Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), in a new interview, compares President Obama's new health-care exchanges and the accompanying Web site to "Humpty Dumpty."

Baucus also said he's open to delaying the penalties for those who don't obtain insurance by the current March 31 deadline, but that he thinks it's "premature" to do so.

"Let's just see how much of this can be put together, how much Humpty Dumpty can be fixed, in the next month," Baucus told KYAA-AM. "And if it looks like Humpty Dumpty's not getting put back ... together, then maybe we should start thinking about delaying the penalties.

"It's not right to penalize people for mistakes that the government's made because the exchange isn't working."

Baucus, whose committee helped draft the law and has been described as an "architect" of it, previously warned that its implementation could result in a "train wreck" -- a comment Republicans have used with gusto ever since he uttered it."

It does not sound like Max Baucus is real confident the web site will be glitch-free in 28 days.

Do any of you out there seriously think it will work properly in 28 days? The clock is ticking.....

ACA was dead before it began.
I give it the same odds of being ready to roll as the same odds of any given Wal-Mart having a surplus of Ammo for sale, so much that they may actually have to call for a "Blue Light Special" for the MAG series.
nope, that is a propaganda lie.
obamacare plans are much worse than the plans available before it and the sole purpose people are being dumped from their insurance is to force everybody into this crap obamacare.
Your mouth is stink of sh@t.

Please provide a link to backup your bogus claims.

The proof is that more people have fallen for the Nigerian scam than have signed up for Obamacare. If the program were that good people would be flocking to it without being forced to. You know, like Obama promised would happen.
Marc, when are you going to admit the obvious: Obama lied to pass a program that never had any hope of working?
More testimony today that is saying Healthcare.gov is fucked. Four independent security experts said the site does not have even the most basic on-line security and should be shut down. Some of the experts said the system should be scrapped all together.

Obama officials keep moving the goal posts, but are now talking about moving away completely from Healthcare.gov. The lead IT expert said 70% of the payment software has not even been built yet.

My guess is this piece of crap will never work. Just so people can remember...this was our Liar-in-Chief's exact words at the launch of Healthcare.gov.

“Starting on Tuesday, every American can visit HealthCare.gov to find out what’s called the insurance marketplace for your state. Here in Maryland, I actually think it’s called MarylandHealthConnection.gov. But if you go to HealthCare.gov, you can look and they’ll tell you where to go. They’ll link to your state.

Now, this is real simple. It’s a website where you can compare and purchase affordable health insurance plans, side-by-side, the same way you shop for a plane ticket on Kayak — same way you shop for a TV on Amazon. You just go on and you start looking, and here are all the options.”

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