Honest. Does Anybody Think Healthcare.gov Will be Working at the End of the Month?

Healthcare.gov fully Operational in 28 Days?

  • Not a Snowball's chance in Hell

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • I'd give it a 10% chance...maybe

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 50-50

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Of Course it Will Work. Obama Promised, Right?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The Obamacare website isn't the only Government social services portal with chronic problems. I tried yesterday to create an account at the Government's Social Security website, the access point titled "MY Social Security" :my Social Security ? Sign In Or Create an Account

I could not do it! I have an active account with Social Security (I'm 65), but when I attempted to create a login ID and password to access my account info online, the Social Security system refused to properly validate my personal info and create a userid for me . The problem sounds eerily similar to the problems people are having with the Obamacare website.:-(

From the day I first applied, I have never been able to wade through the SS site. Find your local office and talk to a human being.

For the first two years, Medicare was impossible and now works almost flawlessly.

The R will throw a fit but bottom line is, there is more than one way to get your SS and there's more than one way to buy your health care insurance. To those who want to buy your own insurance, find your local exchange and talk to a real human being.

36 states have no local exchange. Also, if you go outside of Healthcare.gov you cannot access a subsidy if you are eligible nor can you find out what your subsidy would be. So basically, unless you are absolutely sure you do not qualify for a subsidy...it is worthless. And keep in mind, the system was supposed to help those without insurance (i.e. subsify eligible).

Sorry, I forgot to write ...

"and/or the 800 number".

The right will hate it no matter what but fact is, its here to stay and it would be helpful if the pubs would stop throwing away money pretending to repeal it and just get to work doing their job.

I didn't vote in the poll but honestly, I do not think all the moving parts will up and working by the end of this year.

Its huge. Its massive. Its finally our turn to work toward the goal of good health care for ALL Americans. And, its going to take some time to iron out all the inevitable kinks.
I think it's already working or they'd be preparing people not to expect too much.
The longer the belly-aching goes on, the more "Benghazi-like" the entire episode becomes. A false "scandal" that the GOP tried very hard to politicize to their advantage.

They need to be careful and, oh yeah, come up with an alternative at the same time.
The amount of spin is stunning.

The website disaster is not a phony scandal. What utter bullshit. Your Kenyan Messiah said it does not work and has apologized for the screw up (sort of).

The other poster is equally clueless, I guess not realizing Obama initially promised the website would be working perfectly by the end of November, but is now saying it should work for about 80% of users. Of course we are also finding out the payment system does not work at all and has not even been built yet...so in effect the web site does not work at all.

Nice try at spin = Fail.
well at least this week we will have plenty to laff at as Jay Carney and the rest of the clowns try to spin it all over again! what will be the next excuse? the unexpected winter weather?
The program is getting better daily, and all some people can do is whine.

I helped a friend register for SS in August and had no trouble with the site.

We have 650 million and counting reasons to whine. You'd think for 650 million dollars you could get something from obummer and the democrats that work, and they're in charge of your healthcare.. freaking hilarious, my only source of comfort is in knowing democrats will suffer badly from this.. for years and years and years.
They have six days before they have to find another excuse.

One of the problems now is that even if someone does manage to get on the site, their informatiion is stolen almost immediately.
Well, it' supposed to be up to 80% working--LOL. But you know how your computer is working when it's working at 80%--meaning it's not working.
Honest. Does Anybody Think Healthcare.gov Will be Working at the End of the Month?


it has been working exactly as intended since day 1
I wonder what Kathleen Stoopelius's will be saying on December 1? well, these screw ups happen every day!
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Anybody that goes on that website and enters anything is a complete fool who deserves to have his identity stolen...
We are four days from finding out folks. Democrats are now breaking rank and issuing ultimatums to the President. "Fix the website or else."

we will all be laughing if some of these senators go nuclear and decide to switch to republican, making harry reid look like a farting turkey,,,considering what he just pulled.
Of Course it Will Work. Obama Promised, Right? 0 0%

so why didn't any liarberal click this box, all you liberals feeeel that Maobamacare is the greatest thing sine fire was discovered.

you fucking hypocrites are some of the most disgusting creatures on this planet.

go to the back of the bus......., please. :up:
The program is getting better daily, and all some people can do is whine.

I helped a friend register for SS in August and had no trouble with the site.

another liarberal chimes in with typical liberal bullshit.., i surmise you are lying just to counter what Mr. Bill Angel posted. :up:

why do liberals lie ? and don't any liarberal counter what i typed, simply because the biggest and most prolific liar this country has ever known is in the W.H. :up:

liberalism is a mental disease. :up:

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