Honest. Does Anybody Think Healthcare.gov Will be Working at the End of the Month?

Healthcare.gov fully Operational in 28 Days?

  • Not a Snowball's chance in Hell

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • I'd give it a 10% chance...maybe

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 50-50

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Of Course it Will Work. Obama Promised, Right?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
December 1, 2013. what will it be, America Held Hostage; Day 63? I wonder if we will break the record of 444 days?
tomorrow is one week to go. we all know its not even close, now dont u think those working on the site are all going on vacation next week?
Son, it is working now. It will be working next week. And the week after that.

And each week, ACA website will be getting better.

OP fail.
Son, it is working now. It will be working next week. And the week after that.

And each week, ACA website will be getting better.

OP fail.

Do you ever say anything with a factual basis, or is it all just bullshit you pull out of thin air?

Here are the facts. The site was supposed to handle up to 250,000 users per hour in order to function. It can currently only handle 25,000 users per hour, if you believe the Obama people. You may recall it crashed three days ago when Sebilius was doing a photo op saying how wonderful it was. The Obamacare Navigator said, "don't worry, that happens all the time.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPqx_jkg-iY]Healthcare.gov Crashes in Front of Kathleen Sebelius - YouTube[/ame]
The Obamacare website isn't the only Government social services portal with chronic problems. I tried yesterday to create an account at the Government's Social Security website, the access point titled "MY Social Security" :http://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/

I could not do it! I have an active account with Social Security (I'm 65), but when I attempted to create a login ID and password to access my account info online, the Social Security system refused to properly validate my personal info and create a userid for me . The problem sounds eerily similar to the problems people are having with the Obamacare website.:-(
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The program is getting better daily, and all some people can do is whine.

I helped a friend register for SS in August and had no trouble with the site.
I just went on. Still can't get any specific prices/plans without entering personal info.

Still says: You'll get final quotes for specific plans based on your income and household after you complete a Marketplace application. All health plans and stand-alone dental plans may not be available at this time, due to technical issues. We'll update this information as soon as it's available.

If you are not applying for a subsidy or know you are not eligible for a subsidy, the amount of personal information you must give is limited and pretty basic. After doing so, you can then see all the plans available along with the prices.

But Obama said it was just like Kayak.com. I don't have to give Kayak any personal information to get a quote.

I just want a quote. Is that so damn hard? I don't qualify for a subsidy. Give me a quote. And I will not give this stupid site any personal information because it is not encrypted or secure.

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas

Enroll America Director Conspires to Release Private Data

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdkFi91JJBM#t=103]Fox 4 in Dallas Covers Obamacare Navigators Counseling Applicants to Commit Fraud - YouTube[/ame]

It is all about politics, not helping anyone but themselves to our personal info

501 (3)(C)? What a crock
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYVpfMrDWMk]Enroll America Director Conspires to Release Private Data for Political Purposes - YouTube[/ame]
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Son, it is working now. It will be working next week. And the week after that.

And each week, ACA website will be getting better.

OP fail.

Did you pay for your insurance. They said the pay part is NOT READY it is not even 60 percent ready. If you cant pay for it you don't have insurance
Obama-Care: Forcing young people who don't smoke,eat well, work out, aren't 6 feet 350 pounds, to pay for those who smoke, drink, eat fast foods 8 times a week, already have pre-exsisting conditions caused by their deadly habits, etc. The ones Liberals Hate with a passion! How dare you take care of yourselves to the extent where you don't need Health-Care! so anti-American!!!
Democrats are failures when it come to basic math. Did they have any idea what the average 20-35 yr old makes? maybe that 1/2 of them live at home,unemployed,working for a fast food place? maybe the 500-700 a month polices would make them have to take out a mortgage to pay for health-care?
The Obamacare website isn't the only Government social services portal with chronic problems. I tried yesterday to create an account at the Government's Social Security website, the access point titled "MY Social Security" :my Social Security ? Sign In Or Create an Account

I could not do it! I have an active account with Social Security (I'm 65), but when I attempted to create a login ID and password to access my account info online, the Social Security system refused to properly validate my personal info and create a userid for me . The problem sounds eerily similar to the problems people are having with the Obamacare website.:-(

From the day I first applied, I have never been able to wade through the SS site. Find your local office and talk to a human being.

For the first two years, Medicare was impossible and now works almost flawlessly.

The R will throw a fit but bottom line is, there is more than one way to get your SS and there's more than one way to buy your health care insurance. To those who want to buy your own insurance, find your local exchange and talk to a real human being.
The Obamacare website isn't the only Government social services portal with chronic problems. I tried yesterday to create an account at the Government's Social Security website, the access point titled "MY Social Security" :my Social Security ? Sign In Or Create an Account

I could not do it! I have an active account with Social Security (I'm 65), but when I attempted to create a login ID and password to access my account info online, the Social Security system refused to properly validate my personal info and create a userid for me . The problem sounds eerily similar to the problems people are having with the Obamacare website.:-(

From the day I first applied, I have never been able to wade through the SS site. Find your local office and talk to a human being.

For the first two years, Medicare was impossible and now works almost flawlessly.

The R will throw a fit but bottom line is, there is more than one way to get your SS and there's more than one way to buy your health care insurance. To those who want to buy your own insurance, find your local exchange and talk to a real human being.

36 states have no local exchange. Also, if you go outside of Healthcare.gov you cannot access a subsidy if you are eligible nor can you find out what your subsidy would be. So basically, unless you are absolutely sure you do not qualify for a subsidy...it is worthless. And keep in mind, the system was supposed to help those without insurance (i.e. subsify eligible).

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