Honest question: what constitutes an ideal world, GOP perspective?

Is it anything the rest of us could buy into? If not, why not? And if not, is that truly ideal?

The GOP has two levels of vision...
1. Leadership vision: labor as chattel, no stoop is too low to pick up a dollar

2. Membership vision: to be like the leaders - except for bathing every day

And an operations plan...
1. Wrap Kinkadian images of America's past in the flag and feed it to pot-gutted leisure-suited religious nuts like slop to hogs

2. Wrap fear and resentment for personal failures in the flag then wave it in front of every white trash loser with an attitude
When a political party's future depends on fantasy and delusion about the past and fear and resentment in the present, its days are probably numbered in its current format. The Republican Party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt pretty much ended with Nixon.

When people who understand history consider the nutball party of today, what comes to mind is the Whig party. It died because it had nothing to offer, nothing to say, and did nothing.
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Is it anything the rest of us could buy into?

if the rest were intelligent they could buy into it:

1) support of the family rather than liberal attack on and destruction of it

2) economy in which free voluntary capitalist transactions prevailed and social programs were designed to promote independence rather than always increasing dependency and a voting block

3) national defense/police force that was in effect an empire of Republican liberty in order to pacify and civilize the world.
It died because it had nothing to offer, nothing to say, and did nothing.

One would have to be a picture perfect liberal idiot to say freedom from liberal government is nothing when it is what our Constitution is based on and what made us the greatest country in human history by far!!
In the ideal GOP world, there are no minorities, and women know their place. Every man has at least one gun, with 50 round ammo clips, and armor piercing bullets. 98% of all taxes collected go to the military. Christain teachings are codified into the law of the land. There are no food stamps, Medicare, Social Security, school lunches, or public assistance of any kind. The border is not only fenced, but manned by military with machine guns and seeded with land mines. Anyone who does not speak english is deported. Guam is turned into a self supporting prison colony, so that all prisons in the USA can be closed. Nobody can vote unless they have three levels of proof of identity, and citizenship, including photo id's , birth certificates and drivers license. Public schools are closed and home schooling takes it's place. Minimum wage is abolished. Virtually all government regulations are aboilshed. Islam is outlawed. All regulation of business, investments, stocks, bonds, etc. are deregulated, including insider trading laws. Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Iraq are bombed off of the map. The jury is still out on China. Prayer is brought back into all government meetings, and loyalty oaths are required for any job. The federal reserve is abolished. Joseph McCarthy would have his own memorial in Washington DC. Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin would be appointed head of the government for life. The NRA would become a civilian branch of the military, in charge of protecting the people from itself. Belief in creationism becomes mandatory to maintain citizenship. Oral Roberts University gets their accreditation back.
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It died because it had nothing to offer, nothing to say, and did nothing.

One would have to be a picture perfect liberal idiot to say freedom from liberal government is nothing when it is what our Constitution is based on and what made us the greatest country in human history by far!!

People are surprisingly basic, Edmund. Political anger and social resentment are not typically tightly focused emotions; political anger and social resentment are more likely to be forms of anxiety.

Now that you've had some background on the American body politic, why don't you try to eat or fuck "freedom from liberal government"?

Then report back to us how that helps you understand the similarities between you nutballs and your Whig gr gr gr grandfathers.
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why don't you try to eat or fuck "freedom from liberal government"?

too stupid!! the instant China switched to freedom and capitalism they got rich rather than continued to slowly starve to death at a rate of 5 million a years. Slow starvation is a bad thing, eating is a good thing. Over your head??

see why we are 100% positive a liberal will be a brainwashed fool without the IQ to imagine what's happened to him!!!
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We'd have one of these...

why don't you try to eat or fuck "freedom from liberal government"?

too stupid!! the instant China switched to freedom and capitalism they got rich rather than continued to slowly starve to death at a rate of 5 million a years. Slow starvation is a bad thing, eating is a good thing. Over your head??

see why we are 100% positive a liberal will be a brainwashed fool without the IQ to imagine what's happened to him!!!

What was I thinking, Ed?

There is one little hitch, though. Apparently Foxconn's workers in China are no longer free to commit suicide by leaping from factory roofs. The joys of working there SHALL NOT BE DENIED based on Foxconn's installation of nets around buildings tall enough for discouraged workers to jump from with realistic hopes for death.

In a hilarious aside, originally Foxconn did nothing, then they installed nets. It wasn't until Foxconn hired an American firm to clean up the public relations mess that it was "revealed" the jumpers merely wanted to collect insurance.

Happens all the time in America, d'ye see? Some a them Chinese is just figuring it out that it's better to be dead than work a bad job. Good thing there was a nutball consulting firm available to save on training expenses by keeping miserable workers alive and on the job regardless of the worker's thoughts.
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Is it anything the rest of us could buy into?

if the rest were intelligent they could buy into it:

1) support of the family rather than liberal attack on and destruction of it

2) economy in which free voluntary capitalist transactions prevailed and social programs were designed to promote independence rather than always increasing dependency and a voting block

3) national defense/police force that was in effect an empire of Republican liberty in order to pacify and civilize the world.

1. Alen Keyes said the exact same thing just before he kicked his gay daughter out of the house with nothing but the clothes on her back.

2. Failed social programs like Work/Study and education/technical schools instead of successful GOP programs like "Feed the poor and they will breed" and "let him die".

3. Pacify and civilize the world? What the Fuck????????
why don't you try to eat or fuck "freedom from liberal government"?

too stupid!! the instant China switched to freedom and capitalism they got rich rather than continued to slowly starve to death at a rate of 5 million a years. Slow starvation is a bad thing, eating is a good thing. Over your head??

see why we are 100% positive a liberal will be a brainwashed fool without the IQ to imagine what's happened to him!!!

Chinese workers make $150 a month IF THEY ARE LUCKY. And free? They're "Communist". Where do people like you come from? Is the water in your are so bad you've become brain damaged? How can anyone respond to such ignorance? There is no "debate" there. Just stupidity.
There's no such thing as an ideal world. People have free will, and some will always use that for evil ends. The best we can do is to foster a climate which enhances individual liberty with a proper rule of law to hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Idealistic Utopias are always nightmares in actual application.
Honest question: what constitutes an ideal world, GOP perspective?

Ideal world? A world in which there were no liberal Democrats. That would be a good start.
There's no such thing as an ideal world. People have free will, and some will always use that for evil ends. The best we can do is to foster a climate which enhances individual liberty with a proper rule of law to hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Idealistic Utopias are always nightmares in actual application.

In a successful society, we help each other. That happens in many ways. People like Mitt Romney, George Bush and John McCain are helped by successful and fabulously wealthy and connected parents.

For those that aren't so "lucky", we may need the help of our neighbors and our community. Especially when illness or disasters happen. We hope we are a society that is compassionate enough, the government steps in to help. If millions of people are affected, like with Katrina or Sandy, the local community isn't enough. And I personally don't believe people should pay to be rescued or in "let him die" like so many Americans seem to.
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When people who understand history consider the nutball party of today, what comes to mind is the Whig party. It died because it had nothing to offer, nothing to say, and did nothing.

Strange that you bring up the demise of the Whig Party. There are more interesting parallels under the surface. And why the Kansas--Nebraska Act destroyed the Whig Party in the North but not the Democratic Party is one of the great unresolved issues of 1850's American historiography.

1. The Whig Party in the North was never as cohesive as the Democratic Party. It's ideology was weaker (it was a "bigger tent" party) and contained a substantial pro-Southern element in the Cotton Whigs. If we are reaching for parallels today, one could divide the Republican party into social/religious conservative elements, fiscal conservatives, pro-business (especially very big business) advocates, internationalist neocons, and libertarians. Like the Whig Party, there could be no platform that would make all of these constituencies happy.

2. The Whig coalition could not stand the strain when it was out of power. When they prevailed, as in the elections of 1840 and 1848, the prospect of governing and allocating spoils could hold it together. But the defeat in 1952 was virtually catastrophic. One wonders if the Obama re-election is viewed the same way in today's Republican Party.

3. The real stress that broke the Whigs was the enormous effect of Irish immigration.
When it became apparent that the Irish were splitting 95--5 Democratic (compared to 80--20 for the Germans, 20--80 for the English, and 10--90 for the Scots and Welsh) and it was recognized that the immigration of the 1840's and 1850's was a sea change from the previous very modest amounts of immigration. I wonder that the reaction to Latinos in the Republican Party is not an echo of the Whig reaction to the Irish.

4. When anti-Nebraska Democrats began to bolt the party, the Whigs were not well positioned to form alliances with them. Whigs had already been bolting the the Liberty Party and the Free-Soil movement to express their anti-slavery sentiments, and despite the efforts of William Seward and Thurlow Weed in New York and Abraham Lincoln in Illinois to turn their state Whig organizations into an anti-slavery party, the effort was not successful in most states. The Whig base eroded in the span of two years to the point the party was no longer viable. Is this a good analog to the position of all the Republicans to the left of the tea party? Unable to recapture their old organization, will they be forced to form a new one?

So let the history buffs brush off their tomes and refresh their memory on "popular sovereignty" and the Zachary Taylor administration and wade into the fray!
Is it anything the rest of us could buy into? If not, why not? And if not, is that truly ideal?

I have no idea what you'll buy into. In my ideal world government was withered to the point where it is almost non-existent. All the functions government used to perform are no perform by private firms. Taxes are close to zero, it not non-existent. There are no bureaucrats, regulations, civil servants to harass you. The standard of living would be multiple times what it is today. Poverty would almost entirely disappear. Private charity would be more than sufficient to provide for the few human wrecks that were unable to support themselves.
Honest question: what constitutes an ideal world, GOP perspective?

Ideal world? A world in which there were no liberal Democrats. That would be a good start.

Looking at the Republican Party makes me think if there had been blacks and Hispanics in Germany, there would have been no "Jewish Holocaust". At least not until the problem of the blacks and Hispanics had been "solved".
The ideal GOP world?
Total corporate control.

Well that is the line they follow for their masters anyway.
Along with at least 1/2 of the dems.

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