HONEST THREAD- How many here got the jabs and feel worse?

I think it's very clear that the Biden Adm is lying to us every day.
Every administration spins, people speaking off the cuff often get their facts wrong, and some of what is honestly believed at the time turns out to be incorrect. If you have examples of real lies, please share.

The boosters that you got depended on who made it and which variant they were geared toward.
I don't believe there has been any tweaking for specific variants.

Also, if the first shot did something to you....the booster only made it worse....and most people didn't start feeling symptoms until they got their first or second booster. Some actually died after their fourth booster.
Everyone dies but there is no link to boosters so far as I know.
Every administration spins, people speaking off the cuff often get their facts wrong, and some of what is honestly believed at the time turns out to be incorrect. If you have examples of real lies, please share.

I don't believe there has been any tweaking for specific variants.

Everyone dies but there is no link to boosters so far as I know.
The only reason for the so-called booster shots was to fight the new variants.
And the booster shots weren't really vaccines.

The only reason for the so-called booster shots was to fight the new variants.
And the booster shots weren't really vaccines.
Wrong again, you seem woefully uninformed, maybe you should not be making your own medical decisions. Just saying, wouldn't want you to make more bad choices.

Boosters are needed since their efficacy wears off in a few months. The boosters are exactly the same as the originals.
A COVID booster shot is an additional dose or doses of a vaccine given after the protection provided by the original shot(s) has begun to decrease over time. The booster helps people maintain strong protection from severe coronavirus disease.

I'm not sure how much credibility she has. Several of her stories have been debunked and then there is her BACKGROUND: Formerly a Washington DC health economist and New Right political pundit with fascinating conservative insights
to the jabbed and unjabbed go to veda forums under covid vaccine side effects, almost 1825 pages of side effects from the poisoned themselves. all greatly regret getting it.
please be honest; did you wish you did not get them? details? side effects?

In order to keep my job I had to get vaxed. Since the empire pumped me full of God Knows what when joining the army after 9/11 to help kill jihadists I figured this probably won't KILL me, but lemme tell ya sumpin. After the second "booster" within 9 hours I was shivering with a coat on in TX waiting for my shift to be over.

I had the fuckin disease in March. It was a minor cold. Some Vitamin C, Chicken soup in a can, and netflix binge watching Lucifer and in 4 days I was just fine.

The 48+ hours after getting the 2nd "booster" of the Moderna shot was awful. Far worse than the actual fucking cold itself was. On top of the chills and fever, every muscle in my body felt like wet wood. I had insane dreams in the 36 hours I was sleeping. I will not get a 3rd shot. If I have to sue to avoid it I will.

I can not legally articulate how fucking pissed off I am at all of the sniveling, servile, bed wetting, ballot box stuffing, piece of shit leftist parasites that keep this hysterical covid bullshit alive. You malignant mask wearing shit worms should have all been aborted with rusty coat hangers and tossed to starving rats in an inner city back alley.


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