Honestly, why are the people of today racist?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Can anyone of the black race tell me why those who are black racist towards white, hate white people?

Can anyone of the white race tell me why those who are white racist towards black, hate black people?
Can anyone of the black race tell me why those who are black racist towards white, hate white people?

Can anyone of the white race tell me why those who are white racist towards black, hate black people?
I think that your premise is flawed. Hate may not be the motivating factor. Hate in its purest form seems to require a more personal, and intimate connection.
The last time I’ve heard/seen a sign of racism was a few weeks ago as I was leaving work. An old black guy in the ER was yelling “ain’t none of you white motherfuckers gonna touch me!” lol

All I could do was smile and know he was about to get ‘touched’. I was also smiling because I was on my way out. :)
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The racism we’re hearing about today is a remnant of our last administration.
The race baiting liberals and the left wing media are to blame....
The last time I’ve heard/seen a sign of racism was a few weeks ago as I was leaving work. An old black guy in the ER was yelling “ain’t none of you white motherfuckers gonna touch me”! lol

All I could was smile and know he was about to get ‘touched’. I was smiling because I was on my way out. :)

That made me laugh.

A month or so ago I was at a fast food restaurant. The worker asked this black guy his name, you know, to call him when his order was done. The black guy said "Fuck white people. That's my name. Fuck white people."
I assume it's taught and is often hard to unlearn.

throw in some bad experiences and people learn to be racists.

Nope, it's not so much that it's "taught" as it is the way people believe, and their kids generally take those beliefs as their own.

But................not always. I happen to be an example of being raised in a racist environment, but know that racism is stupid. I grew up in Montana, and my Grandparents thought that if you weren't white, you weren't right. They didn't differentiate on the various shades of brown or black, they didn't like anyone who wasn't white.

I also remember the day I shipped off for boot camp. My Grandparents told me that I was going to meet some of the best people I'd ever get to know, and to feel free to bring anyone home, just make sure they were white.

Well................I thought that was a pretty stupid statement to make, and as chance would have it, my roomie in "A" school was a black dude we called LA (it's where he was from), and he and I got along great. He taught me about black culture, and I taught him about rock and roll.

And, if I was a racist, that would mean that I wouldn't listen to anyone not like me, because I would be thinking that only my kind had anything useful to offer. And, if I had taken that attitude, I would have missed out on a whole bunch of new information, and I would have also missed out on some of the better times of my life.

Nope. I can't understand why anyone would be racist in this day and age either. Lack of understanding and a closed mind is the only reason I can think of.
too much is made of racism in my opinion . If someone doesn't respect or like my race , well feck them , who cares . Only time i'd ever worry about racism if they were coming to do violence to me because of my race .
You know Pismoe, that is one reason why I believe that everyone should do at least 2 years in the military. It teaches a person to work together with others, even if they aren't like you.
too much is made of racism in my opinion . If someone doesn't respect or like my race , well feck them , who cares . Only time i'd ever worry about racism if they were coming to do violence to me because of my race .

I agree with that. I think people would be a lot happier if they ignored racism. Everyone says we have to have a conversation about it so things will get better. It’s such bullshit. There will always be racists in every group. All this “dialogue “ for the most part makes things worse. We shouldn’t focus too much on it. If someone is a racist that’s pretty much their problem
The best way to fight racism is to have contacts with people LIKE YOU who are members of other races.

If all I knew about so-called "Black people" was what I see in the newspaper and on TV, I would wonder why the white people in this country don't just send them all someplace and impose strict apartheid.
Contact theory has failed, DGS49. Studies show that the more whites have "contact" with blacks, the more they don't like them. It's whites in places like freakin' VERMONT who *love* black people. Easy to do when you never have to deal with them.
You know Pismoe, that is one reason why I believe that everyone should do at least 2 years in the military. It teaches a person to work together with others, even if they aren't like you.
------------------------------------------------ feck THOSE people and your advice . Anyway reread my post , all i said is that the only problem with racism is if it involves VIOLENCE and i stand by that . You guys make TOO much of the silly word racism BSailor .
and your advice , well feck it . YOU have no idea of what other people have experienced or done BSailor .
Actually: the real question should be: Why are people so hypersensitive and so ignorant at the same time, that's the real question.
it just gets annoying , if some one doesn't like the looks of me and clutches their purse or crosses to the other side of the street when they see ME coming , well so what , that is their RIGHT . Only thing unacceptable is violence eh . ------------ sorry but i hear the 2 things i just described as being racism and all i can say is people are foolish .
Can anyone of the black race tell me why those who are black racist towards white, hate white people?

Can anyone of the white race tell me why those who are white racist towards black, hate black people?

Collectivists gonna collectivize.

Collectivism is, of course, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike. As collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups.

Now. About the race relations section of the board. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism.

The latter is actually a quote from a congressman on the topic but in context I believe it rings true eternally.

End thread. lol.
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You know Pismoe, that is one reason why I believe that everyone should do at least 2 years in the military. It teaches a person to work together with others, even if they aren't like you.
------------------------------------ and maybe a person of whatever race doesn't want to have anything to do with other Races and that also very Acceptable in Private Life as its called FREEDOM BSailor .
I have lived with blacks for over 50 years. We have had this big infatuation with black culture, from the get go. Spirituals, jazz, up to rock. I despise racial disparity and racism. White culture and learning, put a man on the moon. But the highest we aspire to now is poor black culture? How the mighty has fallen.

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