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Honesty would go far in solving immigration debate


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The left is only interested in portraying every illegal alien as an innocent person who wants a better life. That is the reason why America exists. But there are rules they must be followed to ensure that we remain a desirable country. We must stop excusing people from breaking the law. We must stop allowing the left to gloss over the serious problems we face because of illegal immigration. And we need to actually get a handle on the problem before any talk of amnesty can be discussed. You don't fix a leaky faucet till you shut the water off.

Some DREAMERS do commit crimes and the leftists refuse to talk about that. Just recently, a DREAMER killed a father of two and others were arrested for human trafficking at the border. Human trafficking remains a huge problem but the media and the left don't like to focus on that. Human traffickers are the worst scum on the planet.

Maybe if leftists would acknowledge that illegal immigration is indeed a problem and that many deserve to be deported (and prevented from reentering) maybe more would be willing to talk about making a deal to allow some to apply for citizenship.

Right now, the left only argues that all deserve our help. That causes opponents to focus on the negative to balance things out and get to the truth of the matter. Since the safety of Americans should always be the first consideration in any policy decisions, it is necessary to point out why this unchecked immigration is very bad for us.

Leftists continue to claim that illegals will take jobs that Americans won't do. Of course, a path to citizenship would mean they could demand better jobs and better wages. Does that mean we would have to continue to allow people from third world countries to flood in to replace workers? If you remember, the slave owners argued that minorities were the only ones who would work the fields. Not a good argument by any means. Citizens used to do those jobs. Claiming that produce prices will increase if farmers have to pay decent wages is the most incredibly stupid argument leftists have come up with.

Also, as millions of citizens struggle to pay the burdensome student loans, DREAMERS and other illegals are enjoying a free education, courtesy of the tax payers. Nothing like paying your own student loans as well as other peoples.
We need to stop calling Americans racist just because many are tired of being treated like second class citizens while illegals get preferential treatment. How does that not breed resentment?

We do need solid border security. Deporting criminals when we have no borders is like putting murderers in jail and leaving the doors open and having few guards watching. Criminals should be separated from society and whether it's jail or keeping them off our streets, we must take this responsibility seriously.

Hundreds of thousands of young people are kidnapped each year in the U.S. and sold as sex slaves. The average victim has about 7 years to live after being taken. They are forced on drugs and go through the most disgusting process of being prostituted before being left for dead of drug overdoses or other cruel treatment. Most are being taken through our southern border before being shipped to the highest bidders all over the world. The flow of traffic through our southern border by murderers, human traffickers, drug cartels and other dangerous people is rampant. If anyone is against stopping the flow of scum, they are the ones who should be called names, not those who actually care about the well being of citizens.

Few people have a problem with honest people who truly want to contribute to society. On the other hand, it's understandable that people have a problem with those who seek to harm or those who seek to take advantage of us while expressing their hate of Americans.

Assimilation is a must. We don't need to have cities turned into third world shitholes. We don't need multiple languages being spoken in classrooms because it stops the learning process for all students. And we don't need people trying to import a whole new form of government, as the radical Muslims are doing. Islam is government masquerading as religion. They seek to replace our constitution with sharia law. People like Linda Sarsour have openly pushed sharia as the answer to all problems. No thanks. I like my freedom.

Virtually every other country has borders and consequences for those who disrespect them. We have borders for a reason. We have limits on immigration for a reason. There is nothing wrong with doing what is in our best interest. Politicians were elected by the people of America, not illegals. Well, we do know illegals vote but they have no business doing so. Politicians on the left are acting like the world elected them and they must cater to people from other countries. Wrong! They work for U.S. citizens and had better remember that.

Until the left is willing to properly vet people and have strong borders to allow us control over who enters, there will never be a compromise on illegal immigration.

The media cannot mention the issue of DACA without adding "these are children who have never known any other country" as if it were a verbal tic. For a great many such illegal immigrants this is simply not the case.
The media cannot mention the issue of DACA without adding "these are children who have never known any other country" as if it were a verbal tic. For a great many such illegal immigrants this is simply not the case.

While some know nothing but this country, I think most are just taking advantage of DACA. An official claimed that more than 50% of the 800,000 candidates were outright lying on their applications. How many more came here hoping to claim they were so-called Dreamers?

And why, if some came before the age of 16 and are 35 years old now, haven't bothered to take any steps to become citizens?

I also think that anyone saying they consider themselves an American citizen would speak English.

Anyone claiming to have come as a child would have school records and school pictures to back up the claim. All should be checked thoroughly and immediately disqualified and deported along with the parents if they lied about anything on the application, have no proof to back up their claims or if they have been convicted of any crime.

Then we have chain migration and that means millions more unvetted people being allowed to stay.

I am always angry when a known illegal alien is arrested for a violent crime and are allowed bail, which means they are released onto the streets. Too many never show up for court and remain in sanctuary cities. They are also released onto the streets after serving jail time after being found guilty of crimes. Any illegal alien committing a crime should be kept in jail till trial and if they do time after being found guilty, should be turned over to ICE the minute they finish their sentence. Of course, with no border, they turn around and come right back after being deported.

It's the equivalent of putting a criminal in prison, leaving all the doors unlocked and having only one or two guards for the entire prison. Can't maintain security that way. Doesn't work for prisons and doesn't work for the border.
This is the Democrat philosophy of "No Voter Left Behind". They want the broad brush, bring em all in, we'll sort it out later. This is an irresponsible and dangerous stance for the sole purpose of maximizing Democrat vote count.
The average age of the illegal "dreamers" is 18 to 24. They are not children.

These people are pawns in the democrats quest to legalize them all to vote, nothing more.

But president Trump has the dems between a rock and hard place because the kenyans illegal EO letting them stay expires in March. If they dems don't want to deal, then just let Barry's EO expire... too bad for the dems.

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