Honourable Seattle cop makes video supporting the constitution, and chief suspends him, jeopardizes his job

But don’t feel too bad for Anderson, who said in a follow-up post that he expects to be fired for insubordination. While plenty take exception with his stance, he’s still getting lots of love. In fact, a GoFundMe page started on Monday has already raised more than $340,000 for him.
---------------------------I guess it pays for not doing your job.
Good for him.

Too often when you call out wrongdoing, all you get is your career crushed.

(Ask me how I know this.... go on, ask me)

How do you know?
I called out and reported a CSM for illegal activity when I was in the army. And then I called out and reported the BN Cmdr for ignoring the illegal activity.

I wish I had had some guys around me with the integrity this guy showed, I could have used some support.
Too bad this guys integrity only decided to rear its head, when his personal business ventures were being impacted... Up until then he was fine with infringing on peoples rights. Crazy, ain't it...?
The Constitution is the highest authority in this nation; and it explicitly forbids government from violating the people's freedoms of speech, religion, assembly, and other rights.

Of course, this applies the rights of every individual, right? You usually support government violating people's rights.

Any public official that tries to impose or enforce any order or law that violates the Constitution deserves no more respect or obedience than the lowest of criminals.

So, government officials like Texas governor Abbott and his minions who love to legislate in violation of the Constitution deserve no respect or obedience. Got it.
There are three levels of judicial scrutiny to determine whether a law should be held unconstitutional: rational basis, intermediate scrutiny, and strict scrutiny depending on the facts of the case. What court applied which standard to this executive order? Where is the cite for this decision so that we can read it?

Anderson just offered his individual opinion, with nothing to back it up, and did so in uniform. Anyone can have an individual opinion, but it has no weight.
If the guys with guns in the employ of the state won't enforce it, then it is the edicts of the wannabe tyrants (it is not in any way shape or form a "law") that have "no weight".


Now the judiciary is "wannabe tyrants"? What you are proposing is anarchy by thugs out to destroy the rule of law. I hope that you know that you are endorsing a scheme by which each individual among the 320+ million of us is allowed to anything s/he wants to do at the time, with no regard for anyone else, based merely on the individual's finding that what is being demanded by a governor or state legislature is "unconstitutional." Your hero putin must be very proud of you.
"Now the judiciary is "wannabe tyrants"?
Of course they are, why else would they go into that line of work?

"What you are proposing is anarchy"
Yes, because anarchy is a good thing.

"I hope that you know that you are endorsing a scheme by which each individual among the 320+ million of us is allowed to anything s/he wants to do at the time, with no regard for anyone else, based merely on the individual's finding that what is being demanded by a governor or state legislature is "unconstitutional."

What did you think we meant by "land of the free?" :rolleyes:
But don’t feel too bad for Anderson, who said in a follow-up post that he expects to be fired for insubordination. While plenty take exception with his stance, he’s still getting lots of love. In fact, a GoFundMe page started on Monday has already raised more than $340,000 for him.
---------------------------I guess it pays for not doing your job.
Good for him.

Too often when you call out wrongdoing, all you get is your career crushed.

(Ask me how I know this.... go on, ask me)

How do you know?
I called out and reported a CSM for illegal activity when I was in the army. And then I called out and reported the BN Cmdr for ignoring the illegal activity.

I wish I had had some guys around me with the integrity this guy showed, I could have used some support.
Too bad this guys integrity only decided to rear its head, when his personal business ventures were being impacted... Up until then he was fine with infringing on peoples rights. Crazy, ain't it...?
But don’t feel too bad for Anderson, who said in a follow-up post that he expects to be fired for insubordination. While plenty take exception with his stance, he’s still getting lots of love. In fact, a GoFundMe page started on Monday has already raised more than $340,000 for him.
---------------------------I guess it pays for not doing your job.
Good for him.

Too often when you call out wrongdoing, all you get is your career crushed.

(Ask me how I know this.... go on, ask me)

How do you know?
I called out and reported a CSM for illegal activity when I was in the army. And then I called out and reported the BN Cmdr for ignoring the illegal activity.

I wish I had had some guys around me with the integrity this guy showed, I could have used some support.
Too bad this guys integrity only decided to rear its head, when his personal business ventures were being impacted... Up until then he was fine with infringing on peoples rights. Crazy, ain't it...?
This guy willingly, and enthusiastically engaged in policing tactics that infringe upon people’s rights. Only when these laws directly affected his personal business ventures, ( his Dojo, and rental property) did he break out into star spangled diatribes about overeach of law enforcement, and constitutional transgressions..
But don’t feel too bad for Anderson, who said in a follow-up post that he expects to be fired for insubordination. While plenty take exception with his stance, he’s still getting lots of love. In fact, a GoFundMe page started on Monday has already raised more than $340,000 for him.
---------------------------I guess it pays for not doing your job.
Good for him.

Too often when you call out wrongdoing, all you get is your career crushed.

(Ask me how I know this.... go on, ask me)

How do you know?
I called out and reported a CSM for illegal activity when I was in the army. And then I called out and reported the BN Cmdr for ignoring the illegal activity.

I wish I had had some guys around me with the integrity this guy showed, I could have used some support.
Too bad this guys integrity only decided to rear its head, when his personal business ventures were being impacted... Up until then he was fine with infringing on peoples rights. Crazy, ain't it...?
This guy willingly, and enthusiastically engaged in policing tactics that infringe upon people’s rights. Only when these laws directly affected his personal business ventures, ( his Dojo, and rental property) did he break out into star spangled diatribes about overeach of law enforcement, and constitutional transgressions..
I'd like to hear more about that; I hadn't heard anything about ulterior motives.

(If I wasn't already so disillusioned and jaded, I'd be disappointed.)
You're ignorant. States have laws to allow the police to do things in traffic that we cannot in an emergency. They don't break the law, their actions are within the law (disregarding those who do break the law in non-emergencies because they can).

There's nothing in the Constitution that allows government to disregard the Constitution in an emergency or even war.

Sure, sure, sure you right...

So, you didn't stay home and walked without a mask inside the store.

You just reminded me the great stupidity of many people asking for the president for lifting the stay home ordinance, etc. Such is not for the president to order and such belongs to the Congress and the States.

In emergencies like the Corona virus the Judicial power has not a single bit of control either.

The action of president Trump to stop the entrance of foreign people suspected of carrying a disease was the smarter decision made. No Constitution rule was broken.

The stay at home order can override the basic rights if the intention is protection of the people. The Judicial power can't go against such attempt to protect lives of people and their health.

This is why I compared the BREAKING OF THE TRAFFIC LAW by police when there is an emergency with the current orders of stay at home. No one is ABOVE the law, but in emergencies lots of exceptions are TOLERATED, and the VIOLATIONS to the law are not considered as such.

This police officer and you are the ignorant in this case. Him, because he has acted agaisnt his own police department when he let his feelings to overcome his reason, and you, well, you because you are you and I don't think anyone can change that.

You know, for most of my life I have wondered how things like Communist China, Nazi Germany, and Stalin's Soviet Union ever came to be. I wondered also how so-called decent folks could just stand by while folks were kept as slaves and hung for running away...... I simply couldn't figure it out. How could so many people do nothing, and just let that kind of crazy evil take over? How could they let it exist?
But more and more I see just how many people in this world simply don't care about, or have any respect for, freedom and liberty. Like you, for example.
Ya'll just don't give a shit.... it's so important to you to show that you're a compliant and obedient member of the herd, that you will allow people to be robbed of their freedom, their livelihoods, their property, and even their lives, rather than break ranks. You're the kind of people who told the other jews to hurry up and get in the boxcars because you didn't want to upset the Nazi guards. :rolleyes: And none of you said shit when your neighbors were put into camps during WWII because their parents were from Japan.

You all disgust me.

But I'm grateful this little pissant flu bug (that 99% of the population shrugs off like it was nothing) has gotten all of you to expose yourselves, and show us all your true natures. Rest assured, we're going to remember you. We're taking notes, and keeping lists, and gathering intel on every one of you mothefuckers, your associations, careers, addresses, etc.

Sooner or later, everyone gets what they got coming.

See you then.
To whatever you just have said, to idiots like you I say it on their face.

On the other hand...

Nazi Germany? Communist China? Soviet Union?


What the hell are you talking about?

Are you comparing the stay at home order as an extremist measure that has taken your rights?

The order came from the democratic/capitalist system you defend with all your heart, and not from any different foreign ideology. Your comparison is 100% stupid. You better seek for help because you live in the past and this is the present.

And later you said "we", so the question is, who the hell is "we"?

If you are a man, a real man, then you don't need a "we", and I'm here, you can come here, you alone and get me, man to man. I stand with my principles.
You're ignorant. States have laws to allow the police to do things in traffic that we cannot in an emergency. They don't break the law, their actions are within the law (disregarding those who do break the law in non-emergencies because they can).

There's nothing in the Constitution that allows government to disregard the Constitution in an emergency or even war.

Sure, sure, sure you right...

So, you didn't stay home and walked without a mask inside the store.

You just reminded me the great stupidity of many people asking for the president for lifting the stay home ordinance, etc. Such is not for the president to order and such belongs to the Congress and the States.

In emergencies like the Corona virus the Judicial power has not a single bit of control either.

The action of president Trump to stop the entrance of foreign people suspected of carrying a disease was the smarter decision made. No Constitution rule was broken.

The stay at home order can override the basic rights if the intention is protection of the people. The Judicial power can't go against such attempt to protect lives of people and their health.

This is why I compared the BREAKING OF THE TRAFFIC LAW by police when there is an emergency with the current orders of stay at home. No one is ABOVE the law, but in emergencies lots of exceptions are TOLERATED, and the VIOLATIONS to the law are not considered as such.

This police officer and you are the ignorant in this case. Him, because he has acted agaisnt his own police department when he let his feelings to overcome his reason, and you, well, you because you are you and I don't think anyone can change that.

You know, for most of my life I have wondered how things like Communist China, Nazi Germany, and Stalin's Soviet Union ever came to be. I wondered also how so-called decent folks could just stand by while folks were kept as slaves and hung for running away...... I simply couldn't figure it out. How could so many people do nothing, and just let that kind of crazy evil take over? How could they let it exist?
But more and more I see just how many people in this world simply don't care about, or have any respect for, freedom and liberty. Like you, for example.
Ya'll just don't give a shit.... it's so important to you to show that you're a compliant and obedient member of the herd, that you will allow people to be robbed of their freedom, their livelihoods, their property, and even their lives, rather than break ranks. You're the kind of people who told the other jews to hurry up and get in the boxcars because you didn't want to upset the Nazi guards. :rolleyes: And none of you said shit when your neighbors were put into camps during WWII because their parents were from Japan.

You all disgust me.

But I'm grateful this little pissant flu bug (that 99% of the population shrugs off like it was nothing) has gotten all of you to expose yourselves, and show us all your true natures. Rest assured, we're going to remember you. We're taking notes, and keeping lists, and gathering intel on every one of you mothefuckers, your associations, careers, addresses, etc.

Sooner or later, everyone gets what they got coming.

See you then.
To whatever you just have said, to idiots like you I say it on their face.

On the other hand...

Nazi Germany? Communist China? Soviet Union?


What the hell are you talking about?

Are you comparing the stay at home order as an extremist measure that has taken your rights?

The order came from the democratic/capitalist system you defend with all your heart, and not from any different foreign ideology. Your comparison is 100% stupid. You better seek for help because you live in the past and this is the present.

And later you said "we", so the question is, who the hell is "we"?

If you are a man, a real man, then you don't need a "we", and I'm here, you can come here, you alone and get me, man to man. I stand with my principles.
Happy to...... try not to look surprised when the day comes.

If you don't want to wait for me, you can always come here...... don't worry about bringing enough gas money, you won't be leaving ever again.
But don’t feel too bad for Anderson, who said in a follow-up post that he expects to be fired for insubordination. While plenty take exception with his stance, he’s still getting lots of love. In fact, a GoFundMe page started on Monday has already raised more than $340,000 for him.
---------------------------I guess it pays for not doing your job.
Good for him.

Too often when you call out wrongdoing, all you get is your career crushed.

(Ask me how I know this.... go on, ask me)

How do you know?
I called out and reported a CSM for illegal activity when I was in the army. And then I called out and reported the BN Cmdr for ignoring the illegal activity.

I wish I had had some guys around me with the integrity this guy showed, I could have used some support.
Too bad this guys integrity only decided to rear its head, when his personal business ventures were being impacted... Up until then he was fine with infringing on peoples rights. Crazy, ain't it...?
This guy willingly, and enthusiastically engaged in policing tactics that infringe upon people’s rights. Only when these laws directly affected his personal business ventures, ( his Dojo, and rental property) did he break out into star spangled diatribes about overeach of law enforcement, and constitutional transgressions..
I'd like to hear more about that; I hadn't heard anything about ulterior motives.

(If I wasn't already so disillusioned and jaded, I'd be disappointed.)
The Yankee Marshal video basically spells out the ground work. This guy has a military, and police background, who’s low pay is no secret. Couple that with him operating a jui jitsu studio, and financing a second home, and it becomes quite obvious that this guy is heavily leveraged. The stay at home orders shut down his Dojo, for which he still has a lease agreement to fulfill sans paying customers, and a tenant living in his rental property who is more likely than not, not making his monthly’s. Both sources of income are required by this public servant to stay afloat. Now he suddenly decides to become Mr. Super Patriot? I think not. This move appears to be one motivated more out of fear, and desperation; than out of some solemn regard for the sanctity of the “Constitution”, and individual Liberties. Liberties he had no problem stomping on, until it finally hit home...
But don’t feel too bad for Anderson, who said in a follow-up post that he expects to be fired for insubordination. While plenty take exception with his stance, he’s still getting lots of love. In fact, a GoFundMe page started on Monday has already raised more than $340,000 for him.
---------------------------I guess it pays for not doing your job.
Good for him.

Too often when you call out wrongdoing, all you get is your career crushed.

(Ask me how I know this.... go on, ask me)

How do you know?
I called out and reported a CSM for illegal activity when I was in the army. And then I called out and reported the BN Cmdr for ignoring the illegal activity.

I wish I had had some guys around me with the integrity this guy showed, I could have used some support.
Too bad this guys integrity only decided to rear its head, when his personal business ventures were being impacted... Up until then he was fine with infringing on peoples rights. Crazy, ain't it...?
This guy willingly, and enthusiastically engaged in policing tactics that infringe upon people’s rights. Only when these laws directly affected his personal business ventures, ( his Dojo, and rental property) did he break out into star spangled diatribes about overeach of law enforcement, and constitutional transgressions..
I'd like to hear more about that; I hadn't heard anything about ulterior motives.

(If I wasn't already so disillusioned and jaded, I'd be disappointed.)
The Yankee Marshal video basically spells out the ground work. This guy has a military, and police background, who’s low pay is no secret. Couple that with him operating a jui jitsu studio, and financing a second home, and it becomes quite obvious that this guy is heavily leveraged. The stay at home orders shut down his Dojo, for which he still has a lease agreement to fulfill sans paying customers, and a tenant living in his rental property who is more likely than not, not making his monthly’s. Both sources of income are required by this public servant to stay afloat. Now he suddenly decides to become Mr. Super Patriot? I think not. This move appears to be one motivated more out of fear, and desperation; than out of some solemn regard for the sanctity of the “Constitution”, and individual Liberties. Liberties he had no problem stomping on, until it finally hit home...

Disappointing, but good to know.
Sure, sure, sure you right...

So, you didn't stay home and walked without a mask inside the store.

You just reminded me the great stupidity of many people asking for the president for lifting the stay home ordinance, etc. Such is not for the president to order and such belongs to the Congress and the States.

In emergencies like the Corona virus the Judicial power has not a single bit of control either.

The action of president Trump to stop the entrance of foreign people suspected of carrying a disease was the smarter decision made. No Constitution rule was broken.

The stay at home order can override the basic rights if the intention is protection of the people. The Judicial power can't go against such attempt to protect lives of people and their health.

This is why I compared the BREAKING OF THE TRAFFIC LAW by police when there is an emergency with the current orders of stay at home. No one is ABOVE the law, but in emergencies lots of exceptions are TOLERATED, and the VIOLATIONS to the law are not considered as such.

This police officer and you are the ignorant in this case. Him, because he has acted agaisnt his own police department when he let his feelings to overcome his reason, and you, well, you because you are you and I don't think anyone can change that.

From where does the government get power not granted in the Constitution? As long as the intention is the protection of the people? Seriously? If Trump said no more Democrats because they're harming the people, he can say that? Rather than destroying their futures and their families, LBJ could have just said blacks were harming the people so, for the protection of the people, we're going to do away with them?

The idea that government can do what it chooses "for the protection of the people" is absolutely idiotic.
Any cop that doesnt adhere to his job description is a dirty cop.
It's called a Constitution, and it includes a Bill of Rights, with an explicit right to possess and carry firearms.

Gun control is vice. City Hall and all the Democrats must be severely punished out of their delusions of the Constitutionality of their gun control legislation and constructivist interpretations on the judicial bench which have resulted in a denial and disparagement of our rights.

The Democrats of City Hall need to be harshly and rudely corrected into a proper recognition and full restoration of the right of any human being outside the walls of their prison-industrial complex to keep and bear arms and weapons of war and self-defense.
Now the judiciary is "wannabe tyrants"? What you are proposing is anarchy by thugs out to destroy the rule of law.

The Constitution is the law. In fact, it is the highest law, in this nation.

One who openly advocates and defends blatant violations of the Constitution, and blatant violations of the people's rights as affirmed by the Constitution, is in no position to credibly claim to be on the side of the “rule of law”. Yours is the side of corruption, criminality, and lawlessness.

I hope that you know that you are endorsing a scheme by which each individual among the 320+ million of us is allowed to anything s/he wants to do at the time, with no regard for anyone else, based merely on the individual's finding that what is being demanded by a governor or state legislature is "unconstitutional." Your hero putin must be very proud of you.

Nobody is advocating any such thing.

We are condemning the attitude among criminals who infest our government, that they have the power to do to us, their rightful masters, whatever they wish, in defiance of the rules which the Constitution and other laws establish with regard to what they may or may not do and in what manner.

Of course, this applies the rights of every individual, right? You usually support government violating people's rights.

What rights do you claim I support violating?
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