Hooray for Pallywood!

It's actually pretty good, from an acting point of view that is!

Pallywood (Arabic: باليوود‎ Bālīwūd; Hebrew: פאליווד‎), a portmanteau of "Palestinian" and "Hollywood", is a coinage that has been used by some in the international media, to describe "media manipulation, distortion and outright fraud by the Palestinians and other Arabs ... designed to win the public relations war against Israel." The incidents of the Muhammad al-Durrah tapes and the 2006 Lebanon War photographs controversies (dubbed "Hizbollywood" or "Hezbollywood")[1] are notable events which have been cited as examples.[2]

The term has been publicized in part by Richard Landes, as a result of an online documentary video he produced called Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources, alleging specific instances of media manipulation.[3] The term is considered by some to be a racist ethnic slur and a conspiracy theory, as it associates the Palestinian people with the telling of lies and the deliberate staging of their own suffering and death.[4]

Richard Landes' video

Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources... an online documentary byRichard Landes.[5]
In 2005, Richard Landes produced an 18-minute online documentary video called Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources.[6] Landes and pro-Israel advocates argue that the Israeli government is insufficiently robust in countering Palestinian accounts of events in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.[2]

In his video, Landes shows Arab-Israeli conflict-related footage that was taken mostly by freelance Palestinian video journalists. He argues that systematic media manipulation (which he dubs "Pallywood") dates back to at least the 1982 Lebanon War, and argues that broadcasters are too uncritical of the veracity of Palestinian freelance footage.[7]

He focuses in particular on the case of Muhammad al-Durrah, a 12-year-old Palestinian who was widely reported to have been killed by Israeli gunfire in the Gaza Strip on September 30, 2000 at the beginning of the Second Intifada. The shooting was filmed by a Palestinian freelance cameraman and aired on the France 2 television channel with narration by the veteran French-Israeli journalist Charles Enderlin, who was not present at the incident. It made worldwide headlines and the conduct of the Israel Defense Forces was heavily criticized internationally, severely damaging Israel's public standing on the world stage.[2]

Landes questions the authenticity of the footage and disputes whether al-Durrah was killed at all, arguing that the entire incident was staged by the Palestinians.[8] An investigation by Israel after the shooting found that the boy was killed but did not determine whether he was shot by the IDF or Palestinians. Landes based his argument on an incident earlier in the day that he alleges shows that "Palestinian cameramen, especially when there are no Westerners around, engage in the systematic staging of action scenes."[6]

Journalist Ruthie Blum, writing in the Jerusalem Post, describes "Pallywood" as a term coined by Richard Landes to refer to "productions staged by the Palestinians, in front of (and often with cooperation from) Western camera crews, for the purpose of promoting anti-Israel propaganda by disguising it as news." Landes himself describes Pallywood as "a term I coined... to describe staged material disguised as news." Besides al-Durrah, Landes cites the Gaza beach blast and Hamas's alleged exploitation of electricity shortages during the 2007–2008 Israel-Gaza conflict, as incidents of Pallywood. According to Blum, Landes's "pretty harsh claims" have earned him a "reputation in certain circles as a right-wing conspiracy theorist."[9]

Other uses of the term
Dr. Anat Berko, a research fellow with the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, and Dr. Edna Erez, head of the criminal justice department of the University of Illinois at Chicago, say that "the phenomenon of manufacturing documentation about the conflict has been referred to as "Pallywood" (Palestinian Authority Hollywood)."[10]

Similar allegations have been made by other media analysts, particularly after assertions of media manipulation (dubbed "Hizbollywood")[1] were made during the 2006 Lebanon War.[3][11][12][13][14] The Mackenzie Institute, a Canadian defense and security think tank,[15] has argued that given "a long history of posing for the cameras... the cynical 'Pallywood' nickname from once-deceived journalists for [Palestinian Authority] news services becomes understandable."[16]

The term has been applied beyond the Muhammad al-Durrah case in a number of publications,[17][18] and by conservative commentators such as David Frum,[19] Michelle Malkin[20] and Melanie Phillips.[21] Canadian columnist Paul Schneidereit has written, "[...] we've seen cases where the bodies of Palestinian martyrs carried on stretchers are inadvertently dropped, then, of their own volition, climb back on again. We’ve seen reports of massacres, as in Jenin in 2002, that turned out, after independent investigation, to have been greatly exaggerated. Needless to say, such episodes don’t instil an abiding trust in subsequent Palestinian claims, at least until they’re verified."[22]
What's up with the data dump?

That has nothing to do with the video I posted.

BTW, most of that shit has already been debunked.

Nobody gives a shit about the video you posted, anus mouth, it isn't even the topic of this thread.

In fact nobody gives a shit anything anus mouth says, except that it provides good entertainment.

Pallywood exists and is recognized because Palestinians are professional liars and media manipulators, and this has been proven before. So whatever "claim" Palestinians make is often looked at pessimistically until there is backup from an independent, credible source. Regardless of what anus mouth :cuckoo: says.
Nobody gives a shit about the video you posted, anus mouth, it isn't even the topic of this thread.

In fact nobody gives a shit anything anus mouth says, except that it provides good entertainment.

Pallywood exists and is recognized because Palestinians are professional liars and media manipulators, and this has been proven before. So whatever "claim" Palestinians make is often looked at pessimistically until there is backup from an independent, credible source. Regardless of what anus mouth :cuckoo: says.
The topic of this thread is a juvenile attempt to get people to think videos depicting the suffering Palestinian's have been subjected to for over 50 years, are fakes. I provided 3 videos and you can't tell me what is fake about them. And the reason for that is because they're not fake. They're real. The Palestinian's suffering is real. You're the one who's the liar!

The only thing fake around here is this thread.
...The Palestinian's suffering is real...

And they have nobody to blame but themselves.

Starting with the arrogant slaughter of Jewish settlers, long before the establishment of the State of Israel.

Including the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948, in which the Palestinians ran like rabbits, and let their Muslim neighbor-states fight (and lose) for them, rather than standing their ground.

( "He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day." )

Including decades of intransigence and false dealing and failing to reach a negotiated settlement while there was still time - prior to 1967, and during several windows since that time.

Including Intifada I and II.

Including terrorism directed against not only Jews but Westerners worldwide - directly by their hand, and by other Muslim idiots, in their name.

Including the abandonment of the Oslo accords.

Including the embedding of Death-to-Israel policy within the charters of their political parties and militias.

Including the illegal embedding of war-assets (rocket launchers, ops-centers, barracks, ammunition caches, etc.) amongst their civilian population centers.

Including stupid suicide-bombing campaigns directed against Israeli civilians.

Including stupid rocket-barrage campaigns directed against Israeli civilians.

Including stupid and endless provocations of the Israeli Colossus for the stupidest of reasons.

Six or more decades of stupid Palestinians pissing into the wind.

To come away with nothing more than cold, wet, smelly pants-cuffs.

Rank amateurs, and idiots, when it comes to diplomacy, pragmatism and public relations.

And that goes double for their painfully embarrassing bullshit propaganda videos.

Oh, there's no question that some of them actually include images of genuine suffering from time to time.

Most of it self-inflicted, from one perspective or another.

Dumb-ass Palestinians.

Not exactly the brightest crayons in the box.

Which is why Nature has de-selected them.
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And they have nobody to blame but themselves.

Starting with the arrogant slaughter of Jewish settlers, long before the establishment of the State of Israel.

Including the Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948, in which the Palestinians ran like rabbits, and let their Muslim neighbor-states fight (and lose) for them, rather than standing their ground.

( "He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day." )

Including decades of intransigence and false dealing and failing to reach a negotiated settlement while there was still time - prior to 1967, and during several windows since that time.

Including Intifada I and II.

Including terrorism directed against not only Jews but Westerners worldwide - directly by their hand, and by other Muslim idiots, in their name.

Including the abandonment of the Oslo accords.

Including the embedding of Death-to-Israel policy within the charters of their political parties and militias.

Including the illegal embedding of war-assets (rocket launchers, ops-centers, barracks, ammunition caches, etc.) amongst their civilian population centers.

Including stupid suicide-bombing campaigns directed against Israeli civilians.

Including stupid rocket-barrage campaigns directed against Israeli civilians.

Including stupid and endless provocations of the Israeli Colossus for the stupidest of reasons.

Six or more decades of stupid Palestinians pissing into the wind.

To come away with nothing more than cold, wet, smelly pants-cuffs.

Rank amateurs, and idiots, when it comes to diplomacy, pragmatism and public relations.

And that goes double for their painfully embarrassing bullshit propaganda videos.

Oh, there's no question that some of them actually include images of genuine suffering from time to time.

Most of it self-inflicted, from one perspective or another.

Dumb-ass Palestinians.

Not exactly the brightest crayons in the box.

Which is why Nature has de-selected them.
This is like blaming the rape victim, because she was wearing a red dress.
Nobody gives a shit about the video you posted, anus mouth, it isn't even the topic of this thread.

In fact nobody gives a shit anything anus mouth says, except that it provides good entertainment.

Pallywood exists and is recognized because Palestinians are professional liars and media manipulators, and this has been proven before. So whatever "claim" Palestinians make is often looked at pessimistically until there is backup from an independent, credible source. Regardless of what anus mouth :cuckoo: says.
The topic of this thread is a juvenile attempt to get people to think videos depicting the suffering Palestinian's have been subjected to for over 50 years, are fakes. I provided 3 videos and you can't tell me what is fake about them. And the reason for that is because they're not fake. They're real. The Palestinian's suffering is real. You're the one who's the liar!

The only thing fake around here is this thread.
Nothing but another "strawman thread", nothing to see or do here.
Nobody gives a shit about the video you posted, anus mouth, it isn't even the topic of this thread.

In fact nobody gives a shit anything anus mouth says, except that it provides good entertainment.

Pallywood exists and is recognized because Palestinians are professional liars and media manipulators, and this has been proven before. So whatever "claim" Palestinians make is often looked at pessimistically until there is backup from an independent, credible source. Regardless of what anus mouth :cuckoo: says.
The topic of this thread is a juvenile attempt to get people to think videos depicting the suffering Palestinian's have been subjected to for over 50 years, are fakes. I provided 3 videos and you can't tell me what is fake about them. And the reason for that is because they're not fake. They're real. The Palestinian's suffering is real. You're the one who's the liar!

The only thing fake around here is this thread.
Nothing but another "strawman thread", nothing to see or do here.

Personally I think you and Billy the anus mouth potentially have a promising career as Pallywood actors. Perhaps Oscar winning leading roles as USEFUL IDIOTS. Have you guys thought about auditioning? :rofl:
Nobody gives a shit about the video you posted, anus mouth, it isn't even the topic of this thread.

In fact nobody gives a shit anything anus mouth says, except that it provides good entertainment.

Pallywood exists and is recognized because Palestinians are professional liars and media manipulators, and this has been proven before. So whatever "claim" Palestinians make is often looked at pessimistically until there is backup from an independent, credible source. Regardless of what anus mouth :cuckoo: says.
The topic of this thread is a juvenile attempt to get people to think videos depicting the suffering Palestinian's have been subjected to for over 50 years, are fakes. I provided 3 videos and you can't tell me what is fake about them. And the reason for that is because they're not fake. They're real. The Palestinian's suffering is real. You're the one who's the liar!

The only thing fake around here is this thread.

Naaaaaaaaah. Pay attention anus mouth, the topic of this thread is whether Palestinians fabricate shit and manipulate the media, and the answer is a resounding YES.
So much to amaze us on Pallywood productions. Ya gotta love the Palis for their great sense of humor.

For the sake of honesty, this one is not Pallywood, but rather coming from the same producer.

This is a stage video of the Muslim Brotherhood payed demonstrators, who staged an act to make it look like the Egyptian military revolution abused the people.

Mursi sympathizers. Radical Islam. Friends of Hamas.

Same crap, different location.

Carry on.
Yes, the boy was beaten. That's was the main title, and it was soon forgotten that this incident followed the brutal butchering of 3 Jewish boys.

3 Jews were killed, but the boy got a punch in it's face. Oh, the horror.
And you wonder why you get rockets?

You have a very sick society!
Naaaaaaaaah. Pay attention anus mouth, the topic of this thread is whether Palestinians fabricate shit and manipulate the media, and the answer is a resounding YES.
Yet when I post 3 videos and its time for you to put up, or shut up, you puss out, like the no-ball bitch that you are. You say the videos are "fabricated", but you can't say what is fabricated about them?

This thread is not a total loss. It does show the whole world how full of shit you are.
Naaaaaaaaah. Pay attention anus mouth, the topic of this thread is whether Palestinians fabricate shit and manipulate the media, and the answer is a resounding YES.
Yet when I post 3 videos and its time for you to put up, or shut up, you puss out, like the no-ball bitch that you are. You say the videos are "fabricated", but you can't say what is fabricated about them?

This thread is not a total loss. It does show the whole world how full of shit you are.

Anus mouth having a mental breakdown over his beloved Palestinian fraudsters being exposed. :lmao:
I think what concerns me about our Rude-eee is his quaint and naieve belief that only Palestinian mass media tries to manipulate our perceptions, then goes out and buys a Coke from MacDonalds wearing his Levis and Ralph Lauren shirt and Nike trainers.

What he also ignores is the fact that Zionist mass media have been feeding the world BS for decades and are far more expert at deception and mass manipulation.
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Yes, the boy was beaten. That's was the main title, and it was soon forgotten that this incident followed the brutal butchering of 3 Jewish boys.

3 Jews were killed, but the boy got a punch in it's face. Oh, the horror.
And you wonder why you get rockets?

You have a very sick society!

YOU have a very sick mind, willingly recording that every beat-up was because of previous killings by your fucker friends Hamas, idiot.
Yes, the boy was beaten. That's was the main title, and it was soon forgotten that this incident followed the brutal butchering of 3 Jewish boys.

3 Jews were killed, but the boy got a punch in it's face. Oh, the horror.
And you wonder why you get rockets?

You have a very sick society!
No, the Israelis are merely facing-down a very sick pseudo-society... a.k.a. the Muslim-Arabs of Rump-Palestine.
YOU have a very sick mind, willingly recording that every beat-up was because of previous killings by your fucker friends Hamas, idiot.
You just tried to justify the brutal beating of an innocent child, but say I have a sick mind?

There you have it folks.................Zionism's finest!
YOU have a very sick mind, willingly recording that every beat-up was because of previous killings by your fucker friends Hamas, idiot.
You just tried to justify the brutal beating of an innocent child, but say I have a sick mind?

There you have it folks.................Zionism's finest!
I think you finally discovered the true Zionism, let me clarify things for you:
Justified or not - when someone try to kill me I'm gonna make sure that he/she will end up with a third nostril.
That's me, now if you pick on Lipush or other tolerant Zionists you might have the disagreement over justification, but people like Lipush are exceptionally tolerant unlike you - intolerant Jew hating filth.
Is this Pallywood?

Yes, the boy was beaten. That's was the main title, and it was soon forgotten that this incident followed the brutal butchering of 3 Jewish boys.

3 Jews were killed, but the boy got a punch in it's face. Oh, the horror.

Which they were shot, strange to be killed right away and not use for prisoner exchange , but it was after the Israel gov decided on punitive damage for the marriage of Hamas and Fatah was more settlements. Besides once again the timing is highly suspicious.

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