Hooray for Pallywood!

I think what concerns me about our Rude-eee is his quaint and naieve belief that only Palestinian mass media tries to manipulate our perceptions, then goes out and buys a Coke from MacDonalds wearing his Levis and Ralph Lauren shirt and Nike trainers.

What he also ignores is the fact that Zionist mass media have been feeding the world BS for decades and are far more expert at deception and mass manipulation.

Ha ha ha. Palestinian media manipulation was perfected by none other than their infamous terrorist leader Yasser Arafat who would talk of peace and coexistence in English to the Western media and then in Arabic the exact opposite, jihad, suicide bombings, and slaughter of the Jews. It took a while before the Western media caught up with what he was doing. Those that came after him simply picked up where he left off, and now bullshitting has become part of the culture and such a Palestinian industry and art form that there is even the term named Pallywood for it.

You Pali Nazi supporters beat the cake when it comes to ignorance and nativity.
Here's 60 Minutes doing a special on Pallywood.

Hooray for Pallywood!

Pallywood propaganda: Dead men walking in fake Hamas footage of staged Israeli attacks

“Dead Palestinian” killed by “unprovoked Israeli attacks” with crying and wailing family members around him, walks off perfectly healthy after the cameras stop rolling.

Arab propaganda about the Isarel-Palestine conflict is filled with Taqqiyya; the deliberate and intentional lying to the non-Muslim world. Taqqiyya is part of Islamic teachings.
The problem with Pallywood, the Palestinian PR machine, is that it violates international media regulations by flooding the world’s press with distortion and outright fraud by the Palestinians and other Arabs.
Pallywood is infamous for fake photographs and news reports of ‘Israeli attacks’ that never occurred, and ‘dead Palestinians’ who only minutes later walk away once the camera is off.

The word Pallywood was coined by Professor Richard Landes.

In 2005, Professor Richard Landes of Boston University produced an 18-minute online documentary video called Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources. Landes and pro-Israel advocates argue that the Israeli government is insufficiently robust in countering Palestinian accounts of events in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

In his video, Landes shows Arab-Israeli conflict-related footage that was taken mostly by freelance Palestinian video journalists. He argues that systematic media manipulation (which he dubs “Pallywood”) dates back to at least the 1982 Lebanon War, and argues that broadcasters are too uncritical of the veracity of Palestinian freelance footage.

Press regulations state that the media is obligated to provide accurate and undistorted facts about news and events. Due to the massive volume of Pallywood publications seen in our media on a regular basis that are completely fraudulent, even the major media outlets such as CNN, Fox, BBC, NBC, 60 minutes, and other agencies around the world have been unwittingly violating press regulations and flooded the public with Palestine propaganda rather than factual and truthful news. The short time frame between breaking news and publication, added with weak verification sources in Arab territories have made verification of accuracy difficult for the press.
My neighbors has beautiful Hostas sand so I grew some. Mine are still not as large as hers though.
My neighbors has beautiful Hostas sand so I grew some. Mine are still not as large as hers though.
Forgot to take your meds today? What the heck does that have to do with anything in this thread?
I think what concerns me about our Rude-eee is his quaint and naieve belief that only Palestinian mass media tries to manipulate our perceptions, then goes out and buys a Coke from MacDonalds wearing his Levis and Ralph Lauren shirt and Nike trainers.

What he also ignores is the fact that Zionist mass media have been feeding the world BS for decades and are far more expert at deception and mass manipulation.

Ha ha ha. Palestinian media manipulation was perfected by none other than their infamous terrorist leader Yasser Arafat who would talk of peace and coexistence in English to the Western media and then in Arabic the exact opposite, jihad, suicide bombings, and slaughter of the Jews. It took a while before the Western media caught up with what he was doing. Those that came after him simply picked up where he left off, and now bullshitting has become part of the culture and such a Palestinian industry and art form that there is even the term named Pallywood for it.

You Pali Nazi supporters beat the cake when it comes to ignorance and nativity.
Whenever PAliNazi's got their back to the wall, they always break out the usual "Zionist Media Control" crap hahaha.
I think what concerns me about our Rude-eee is his quaint and naieve belief that only Palestinian mass media tries to manipulate our perceptions, then goes out and buys a Coke from MacDonalds wearing his Levis and Ralph Lauren shirt and Nike trainers.

What he also ignores is the fact that Zionist mass media have been feeding the world BS for decades and are far more expert at deception and mass manipulation.

Ha ha ha. Palestinian media manipulation was perfected by none other than their infamous terrorist leader Yasser Arafat who would talk of peace and coexistence in English to the Western media and then in Arabic the exact opposite, jihad, suicide bombings, and slaughter of the Jews. It took a while before the Western media caught up with what he was doing. Those that came after him simply picked up where he left off, and now bullshitting has become part of the culture and such a Palestinian industry and art form that there is even the term named Pallywood for it.

You Pali Nazi supporters beat the cake when it comes to ignorance and nativity.
Whenever PAliNazi's got their back to the wall, they always break out the usual "Zionist Media Control" crap hahaha.
They're like Pavlovian dogs. It's the same exact reaction and whining about Jooooos every time.
YOU have a very sick mind, willingly recording that every beat-up was because of previous killings by your fucker friends Hamas, idiot.
You just tried to justify the brutal beating of an innocent child, but say I have a sick mind?

There you have it folks.................Zionism's finest!

I'm getting tact lessons from a guy who cursed a murdered baby.

Yeah, I feel so bad..
I think what concerns me about our Rude-eee is his quaint and naieve belief that only Palestinian mass media tries to manipulate our perceptions, then goes out and buys a Coke from MacDonalds wearing his Levis and Ralph Lauren shirt and Nike trainers.

What he also ignores is the fact that Zionist mass media have been feeding the world BS for decades and are far more expert at deception and mass manipulation.

Ha ha ha. Palestinian media manipulation was perfected by none other than their infamous terrorist leader Yasser Arafat who would talk of peace and coexistence in English to the Western media and then in Arabic the exact opposite, jihad, suicide bombings, and slaughter of the Jews. It took a while before the Western media caught up with what he was doing. Those that came after him simply picked up where he left off, and now bullshitting has become part of the culture and such a Palestinian industry and art form that there is even the term named Pallywood for it.

You Pali Nazi supporters beat the cake when it comes to ignorance and nativity.
Whenever PAliNazi's got their back to the wall, they always break out the usual "Zionist Media Control" crap hahaha.

1. I'm not a "PaliNazi supporter" whatever they are.
2. My back is nowhere near a wall.
3. That's not what I said.
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...You Pali Nazi supporters beat the cake when it comes to ignorance and nativity.

Err, yeah, OK....:rolleyes:

Naivety...Oh wow, we're now down to typos. Still denying the existence of Pallywood? Ha ha ha.

And who could forget my favorite Pallyood Oscar winner...a fake Palestinian funeral where the dead guy falls of the stretcher and starts walking!

Naaaaaaaaah. Pay attention anus mouth, the topic of this thread is whether Palestinians fabricate shit and manipulate the media, and the answer is a resounding YES.
Yet when I post 3 videos and its time for you to put up, or shut up, you puss out, like the no-ball bitch that you are. You say the videos are "fabricated", but you can't say what is fabricated about them?

This thread is not a total loss. It does show the whole world how full of shit you are.

HUH??? Eh Billy, I don't know how to say this without hurting your feelings but you see, it is YOU who has become a laughing stock on the board. But hey, whatever floats your boat. Heh Heh!
Lucky for Billy boy there is a Dick & Jane board at his intelligence level for him to play on. Look Jane, see Spot run.
Hardly. More like a worn-out over-used over-aged syphilitic street-walker who keeps trying to stick a knife in a cop. At some point, you shoot the mad dog.

Back to the kiddie table with you, little boy.

I'm telling you Billy the Anus mouth has a promising future as a Pallywood actor. He would fit perfectly as the "dead guy" in the fake Dead Man Walking Gaza box office hit that took Pallywood by storm.
Lucky for Billy boy there is a Dick & Jane board at his intelligence level for him to play on. Look Jane, see Spot run.
It still doesn't change the fact that none of you bitches have been able to tell me what's fake about the videos. And that is because it is you who are the fakes.
That's the Rodney King beating, moron.
I know its the Rodney King beating, idiot.

If you don't know the point I'm making, why are you responding to my post?

I can tell, you take pride in not knowing what you're talking about.

Problem is you're always busy not making the points you think you're making. :lmao:

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