Hooray for Pallywood!

He scared the living shi'ite out of me.


I'm a bad man!
Unfortunately I can't agree with you on this one...

Your comment is like saying all Muslims are terrorists...

Yes, there are Muslim extremists as there are Zionist extremists....

But not all Zionists are extreme, in the same way that not all Muslims are extreme!
But it's not equal on both sides. Yes, every society as their fringe fanatics, but Zionists are pretty out there! You're right though, not all Zionists are like the bitchy little pricks we have on this Board. But I still have issues with them. How come they're not speaking out as much as these big-mouth losers are? How come they are not confronting these psycho's in their own community? I'm not talking about confronting they physically, I'm talking about confronting them in a way, that lets them know this kind of behavior is unacceptable. But I don't see them saying shit.

In contrast, liberals go after bad liberals. You didn't hesitate to come after me. You rarely see that from cons. And I look for con-on-con crime. But Zionists going after other Zionists, like Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP), or Rabbi's for Human Rights, are not the big voices in that country.

But hey, if nothing else, look at the bright side, I hate neocons more!

You're right, it's not equal on both sides. Muslim extremists take it to a different level.
Here's an actual video of the whole scene. Ready....action!

How the hell can you tell the guy was walking around, "after" he was being carried, in that little 32 second clip? The video doesn't show him getting up after being carried. It just shows him being carried; then shows him walking; and we're "told" he got up and was fine.

This shit is not proving your point.

Tee hee. They were engaging in a fake funeral procession, until they heard some shooting and the "dead guy" falls off and starts running.

I think that's should win the Oscar in the Pallywood Comedy category.
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Here's an actual video of the whole scene. Ready....action!

How the hell can you tell the guy was walking around, "after" he was being carried, in that little 32 second clip? The video doesn't show him getting up after being carried. It just shows him being carried; then shows him walking; and we're "told" he got up and was fine.

This shit is not proving your point.

Well if you don't believe it because we are 'told' that he got up after, then that goes for other anti Israel videos and articles.
Just because we're TOLD that a Palestinian was shot, doesn't make it true, right BIllo ?
Tee hee. They were engaging in a fake funeral procession, until they heard some shooting and the "dead guy" falls off and starts running.

I think that's should win the Oscar in the Pallywood Comedy category.
Got any proof of that? Because your little video, doesn't show that at all.
Well if you don't believe it because we are 'told' that he got up after, then that goes for other anti Israel videos and articles.
Just because we're TOLD that a Palestinian was shot, doesn't make it true, right BIllo ?
Wrong! His video didn't show what he was claiming. The video I posted about the Palestinian fishermen being shot at, you can see in the video the whole thing unfolding. You see the fishing boat, then you see the Israeli gunboat come into view, then you see the gunboat open up with a .50cal, you hear the rounds going off, you see the bullets hitting the water and you see the Pals just FISHING!

There is nothing more in that video you need to see. Because there is nothing you could say, no reason you could give, no possible way you could justify the Israeli actions. You see everything right there in front of you. You don't need to be "told".

This Pallywood thing is utter nonsense. Why would they have to fake it, when there are so many examples of Israeli aggression to pick from. I mean, 94 incidents since August! Why would they go to all that trouble, instead of just going, "Let's use incidents 14, 35 and 76."

And it's not just the videos. They are backed up by news reports and testimony from the IDF themselves that this goes on. Pallywood is a myth. Just like liberal media.
Tee hee. They were engaging in a fake funeral procession, until they heard some shooting and the "dead guy" falls off and starts running.

I think that's should win the Oscar in the Pallywood Comedy category.
Got any proof of that? Because your little video, doesn't show that at all.

You need to visit an optometrist, and then a psychologist. In that order. The video is more than obvious.

Let's give credit where credit is due. The clip is a great Pallywood Blooper documentary. It is on the critic's choice as one of the best comedies.
Well if you don't believe it because we are 'told' that he got up after, then that goes for other anti Israel videos and articles.
Just because we're TOLD that a Palestinian was shot, doesn't make it true, right BIllo ?
Wrong! His video didn't show what he was claiming. The video I posted about the Palestinian fishermen being shot at, you can see in the video the whole thing unfolding. You see the fishing boat, then you see the Israeli gunboat come into view, then you see the gunboat open up with a .50cal, you hear the rounds going off, you see the bullets hitting the water and you see the Pals just FISHING!

There is nothing more in that video you need to see. Because there is nothing you could say, no reason you could give, no possible way you could justify the Israeli actions. You see everything right there in front of you. You don't need to be "told".

This Pallywood thing is utter nonsense. Why would they have to fake it, when there are so many examples of Israeli aggression to pick from. I mean, 94 incidents since August! Why would they go to all that trouble, instead of just going, "Let's use incidents 14, 35 and 76."

And it's not just the videos. They are backed up by news reports and testimony from the IDF themselves that this goes on. Pallywood is a myth. Just like liberal media.

Pallywood exists and is the world's top producer of drama and comedy after Hollywood and Bollywood.

Would you like some cheese with that whine, Achmed?

Meanwhile, back in Pallywood Studios.....

"Palestinian Resistance", take 2


Here's an actual video of the whole scene. Ready....action!

How the hell can you tell the guy was walking around, "after" he was being carried, in that little 32 second clip? The video doesn't show him getting up after being carried. It just shows him being carried; then shows him walking; and we're "told" he got up and was fine.

This shit is not proving your point.

Given the gap, we have no way of knowing if the "walking around" took place before, or after, the "carrying". This is the sort of editing trick you tend to get from the (dis)Honest Reporting Hasbara organisation.
He really doen't need much help to do that. :D
Funny how the same people accusing the Pals of "faking" events, happen to be guilty of their own "false flag" operation themselves?

What went wrong in the "Lavon Affair"
Israel admits that an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this)

"He who is without sin, may cast the first stone"
Here's the real Pallywood...

Israeli's say a Palestinian threw acid on some settlers,
turns out to be vinegar.

Liquid Used in Alleged West Bank "Acid Attack" Determined to be Vinegar

The Jerusalem Post has reported that the acid thrown by a Palestinian on six Israelis in the occupied West Bank, Friday, was actually vinegar, according to Channel 2
That's the real Pallywood. How many times have the Israeli's changed their "official" statement of the events after embarrassing evidence comes to light?

Are you now saying that vinegar is not a recognised acid, or to give it its proper name acetic acid that is an astringent and medium aggressive acid. Vinegar is used to treat oxidation of many metallic objects, try the penny trick of standing one in a jar of vinegar ( acetic acid ) overnight.
Is this Pallywood?

So the Palestinian did not cause the problem with his aggressive and violent manner. Did not see any stones being thrown, petrol bombs or other such instruments as used by the Palestinians, just raised voices trying to incite a fight.
So yes a pallywood production that failed in its intent.
He really doen't need much help to do that. :D
Funny how the same people accusing the Pals of "faking" events, happen to be guilty of their own "false flag" operation themselves?

What went wrong in the "Lavon Affair"
Israel admits that an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this)

"He who is without sin, may cast the first stone"

Not the same thing is it, were have the Israelis done anything like the Jenin massacre or the Al-Dura case ?

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