Hope and Change


What kind of coward are you? You can come on this board daily and attack other peoples positions, but you don't have the sack to state your own?
I attack 0bama's positions and those that fluff for him... Pity you can't see that, but you're not the smartest fluffer here...

Give us a name coward..........Anybody but Obama doesn't cut it

Tell me, was it hard to switch from Hillary to your current object of desire back in 2008? How much did you have to spend to change the yard signs?

Yea, it's easy posting on a Political message board when you don't have to actually stand for something. You just jump into threads, post "your guy sucks" and then run away
Being against that which is flamingly liberal is a stance, child... Being for conservativism is a stance...

I've NEVER run away from a thread....

Makes it easy when you don't have to actually post something you believe in or name a candidate you, yourself support
I support ideals, not people... It's a concept you should try... You'd be less of a fluffer, though...

In three years, you have created what? Four threads?

Shows what a political coward you are
You've been talking to the other 0bama fluffers haven't you? :lol:

Little Dottie Dumbfuck cares about me that much too...lol
Gee Gramps....weren't you just complaining that nobody posts positive Obama threads?

I post one and all you do is pout

Hopey Changy is working. One only has to look at the failed Republican leadership we had before to see how much better off we are under President Obama

If Hopey Changey were working, the guy who's picture you hold up with one hand every night would have through-the-roof approval numbers...

You can't blame that on Booooooosh....

Well, idiots like you will still try, so let's just say intelligent people can't blame that on Booooooosh...
The dog shit speaks!

Your words... They sting me so.....

Guess they are out to get ya House.

I'm sure you can stand the pressure.

Wonder if they can?? LOL
If Hopey Changey were working, the guy who's picture you hold up with one hand every night would have through-the-roof approval numbers...

You can't blame that on Booooooosh....

Well, idiots like you will still try, so let's just say intelligent people can't blame that on Booooooosh...
The dog shit speaks!

Your words... They sting me so.....

I'm the guy with the high pressure hose, cleaning you off of USMB threads, and shoes.
It's a moot point, guys...

The jobs market continues to suck ass...
... for lazy, unskilled morons like Dr. House.

Ahhh... Compassionate Liberslism on display....:clap2:

Teachers, Police officers, Firefighters laid off in this 0bamaconomy are lazy and unskilled...

Gotta love when an 0bama fluffer tries to support another 0bama fluffer... The results are hysterical...:lol:
Gee....look at that

House has just been called a coward in front of all these fine people. He still can't man up and actually tell us a single candidate he supports

Cowards are like that

Did House hurt your butt.... just wondering cuz you seem a little cranky.
Is Dr. House your charity for today?


Does 0bama know you fluff rightwinger too?
No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.

If you want to breakdown the spending that contributed to the his nearly $5 trillion in added debt, feel free.
You are the one making the accusation that it is due to Obama's spending.

Put up or shut up, loser.


How is showing the increase in debt an accusation?
Looks like a fact.
$5 trillion, huh? :lol:

Break that down for us, please.

Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:

No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.
Back up, wheelbarrow, back to 2001, September the eleventh. We had jihadists who tried to destroy America all in one day. We outsmarted the other killers, so their fricken dreams were not realized.

The ensuing war was difficult and expensive. Every time we reinforced our troops' humvees with extra-strong stuff, Iran provided troublemakers with IEDs 10 times as nasty to go through the reinforcements. The war got more and more expensive, and it had to be done to the finish. That costs a lot of money, and we should be standing over them like ugly on an ape for the next 75 years.

Obama decides he's gonna CANCEL, and he does, plus he ups the ante, partners up with people who hate America, gets crook accountants in to overlook bad stuff, and pr people in who advise him "keep blaming Bush" for everything.

You can trust Toddsterpatriot's figures. What you can't trust is the lying White House who calls the Treasury and threatens to break someone's nuts if they don't cut a check to a sleazebag loser like Solyndra, and do it right now, not ten minutes from now.

$5 trillion, huh? :lol:

Break that down for us, please.

Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:

No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.

There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

No wonder we needed HOPE and CHANGE from failed Republican leadership
It's a moot point, guys...

The jobs market continues to suck ass...
... for lazy, unskilled morons like Dr. House.

Ahhh... Compassionate Liberslism on display....:clap2:

Teachers, Police officers, Firefighters laid off in this 0bamaconomy are lazy and unskilled...

Gotta love when an 0bama fluffer tries to support another 0bama fluffer... The results are hysterical...:lol:

I realize you try so hard.....but another Fail on your part

It was the Obama stimulus that provided state and local government with funding to prevent layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters

It was the failed republican leadership that voted to have them fired

So House.....when you going to grow some sack and actually post who you support? Isn't the angry white man act growing thin?
Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:

No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.

There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

No wonder we needed HOPE and CHANGE from failed Republican leadership

My edit: $2 trillion in "lost?" revenue from President Bush's tax cuts? Who's responsible for that?

The "lost revenues" equals $2 trillion dollars, put into algebraic terms would be something like this:

"lost revenues" (ZERO) = $2 Trillion dollars.
Or more simply, 0 = $2 Trillion
Even the fuzziest mathematician knows that is wrong.

Bush hasn't been president for over 3 years. Yet, there is a huge push to blame bush for mistakes made 3 years into--not President Bush's term, but President Obama's term..

That said, why didn't the DNC warn Obama not to make a fool of himself spending money that was needed to pay down the war debt, because that is precisely what Obama did ignoring debts, spending like there is no tomorrow, and seems bent on continuing to do.

We need anybody else in the White House than Obama and his motley spendthrift crew.
Last edited:
That Solyndra deal worked so well for us, huh?

Hopey Changey....

About the same as apologizing to BP for making them clean up their own oil spill

Drill baby....drill
Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:

No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.

There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

No wonder we needed HOPE and CHANGE from failed Republican leadership

There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

That's awful!

Is that what caused a $4.8 trillion increase in the debt in 38 months?
Maybe Obama should cut the spending he doesn't like?
No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.

There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

No wonder we needed HOPE and CHANGE from failed Republican leadership
That said, why didn't the DNC warn Obama not to make a fool of himself spending money that was needed to pay down the war debt, because that is precisely what Obama did and seems bent on continuing to do.

We need anybody else in the White House than Obama and his motley spendthrift crew.

Simple, because our economy was on the verge of collapse and desperately needed an infusion of cash. Without that money, the banks, the auto companies and the worldwide economy would have collapsed

But of course we had the Republicans screaming.......Let Them FAIL!
Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:

No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.

There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

No wonder we needed HOPE and CHANGE from failed Republican leadership

Don't forget that he's using Jan 20, 2009 to sluff off the trillion dollar deficit of the Bush FY2009 budget onto Obama.
Did you guys know that gas was $1.78 a gallon on Obama's inauguration day?

I wish we could go back to the way things were three years ago.

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