Hope and Change

The Obama has continued or expanded the large majority of the Bush policies he promised to change.

So... where's the change?

I'd -hope- that the left would grow some intellectual honesty and hold The Obama's feet the fire over his willfull decisions to not change anything, but this is an election year, so they sell their souls to the god of partisan politics and defend Him.
Did you guys know that gas was $1.78 a gallon on Obama's inauguration day?

I wish we could go back to the way things were three years ago.

I notice that gas has skyrocketed since Republicans took the House

Do you think there is a connection?
No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.

There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

No wonder we needed HOPE and CHANGE from failed Republican leadership

There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

That's awful!

Is that what caused a $4.8 trillion increase in the debt in 38 months?
Maybe Obama should cut the spending he doesn't like?
The $2 trillion in Bush tax cuts never belonged to the government in the firsst place, and war is the function of that part of the Constitutional guidelines that puts the POTUS in charge.

No wonder you have such challenging figures. You are chest-thumping about taxpayer money not collected as being an increase in debt, when actually, you have a White House that doesn't want to provide for the common defense, and when we shove him the hell out with our votes in November, he won't be getting the stipend of helping our enemies any more.

From your analysis, you are saying mathematically

Money not collected (0) = An increase in debt (5 trillion)

IOW, your chest-thumping is about all you got, because:

$0 IS NOT EQUAL TO $5 Trillion Dollars

Do you take us for morons, or are we being told like Congress to STFU and accept bad government because nobody has time to read through thousands of pages of obfuscations to realize your claim is ostentatiously delusional in its best light?
There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

No wonder we needed HOPE and CHANGE from failed Republican leadership

There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

That's awful!

Is that what caused a $4.8 trillion increase in the debt in 38 months?
Maybe Obama should cut the spending he doesn't like?
The $2 trillion in Bush tax cuts never belonged to the government in the firsst place, and war is the function of that part of the Constitutional guidelines that puts the POTUS in charge.

No wonder you have such challenging figures. You are chest-thumping about taxpayer money not collected as being an increase in debt, when actually, you have a White House that doesn't want to provide for the common defense, and when we shove him the hell out with our votes in November, he won't be getting the stipend of helping our enemies any more.

From your analysis, you are saying mathematically

Money not collected (0) = An increase in debt (5 trillion)

IOW, your chest-thumping is about all you got, because:

$0 IS NOT EQUAL TO $5 Trillion Dollars

Do you take us for morons, or are we being told like Congress to STFU and accept bad government because nobody has time to read through thousands of pages of obfuscations to realize your claim is ostentatiously delusional in its best light?

Common sense says you cut spending FIRST then reduce your taxes on a smaller budget

What the Republicans did was cut taxes first, then increased spending for two wars, Medicare Part D and then guess what? They doubled down and cut taxes AGAIN
The $2 trillion in Bush tax cuts never belonged to the government in the firsst place


Y'all wanna moan about the debt the we have incurred and are passing onto our children, grandchildren, great grand children, etc but the very thought of legitimately acknowledging it's existence beyond an attack angle when the other guy is in office, and stepping up and paying for it sends you into a collective shrieking fit.
We have a HUGE debt but don't ask me to pay for it because that money isn't the governments to begin with :cuckoo:
There is also $2 trillion in lost revenue from the Bush tax cuts
There is also $2 trillion unfunded for two wars
There is also an unfunded Medicare Part D that costs more than Obamacare

That's awful!

Is that what caused a $4.8 trillion increase in the debt in 38 months?
Maybe Obama should cut the spending he doesn't like?
The $2 trillion in Bush tax cuts never belonged to the government in the firsst place, and war is the function of that part of the Constitutional guidelines that puts the POTUS in charge.

No wonder you have such challenging figures. You are chest-thumping about taxpayer money not collected as being an increase in debt, when actually, you have a White House that doesn't want to provide for the common defense, and when we shove him the hell out with our votes in November, he won't be getting the stipend of helping our enemies any more.

From your analysis, you are saying mathematically

Money not collected (0) = An increase in debt (5 trillion)

IOW, your chest-thumping is about all you got, because:

$0 IS NOT EQUAL TO $5 Trillion Dollars

Do you take us for morons, or are we being told like Congress to STFU and accept bad government because nobody has time to read through thousands of pages of obfuscations to realize your claim is ostentatiously delusional in its best light?

Common sense says you cut spending FIRST then reduce your taxes on a smaller budget

What the Republicans did was cut taxes first, then increased spending for two wars, Medicare Part D and then guess what? They doubled down and cut taxes AGAIN

Guess what? Bush spent way too much. From day one.
So why doesn't Obama make smart cuts in spending?
Why doesn't he repeal Medicare Part D?
Instead of spending more and more?
Can I quote you on that???

Drill baby....drill

Wow I almost thought you had joined the Living.

You sure had me fooled. Had me going there. Sneaky Sneaky.
We have a HUGE debt but don't ask me to pay for it because that money isn't the governments to begin with :cuckoo:

The Democrats and Obama Administration are not asking you to pay for it. They are dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildren and doing their damnedest to dump as much as they can.

We have a HUGE debt but don't ask me to pay for it because that money isn't the governments to begin with :cuckoo:

The Democrats and Obama Administration are not asking you to pay for it. They are dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildren and doing their damnedest to dump as much as they can.


They'd love to raise taxes and get people to "pay for it"

But since you mention "dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildrend" so are the people who cut taxes when the budget is balanced or close to it.
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We have a HUGE debt but don't ask me to pay for it because that money isn't the governments to begin with :cuckoo:

The Democrats and Obama Administration are not asking you to pay for it. They are dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildren and doing their damnedest to dump as much as they can.


They'd love to raise taxes and get people to "pay for it"

But since you mention "dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildrend" so are the people who cut taxes when the budget is balanced or close to it.

I'd be okay with raising taxes, but that isn't going to cut it, not even come close. They need to be willing to cut spending as well and that is the last damned thing on a liberal's mind.

Did you guys know that gas was $1.78 a gallon on Obama's inauguration day?

I wish we could go back to the way things were three years ago.

I notice that gas has skyrocketed since Republicans took the House

Do you think there is a connection?

I noticed that the economy began to tank when the Democrats took the House and Senate in 2006.

Do you think there is a connection?
The Democrats and Obama Administration are not asking you to pay for it. They are dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildren and doing their damnedest to dump as much as they can.


They'd love to raise taxes and get people to "pay for it"

But since you mention "dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildrend" so are the people who cut taxes when the budget is balanced or close to it.

I'd be okay with raising taxes, but that isn't going to cut it, not even come close. They need to be willing to cut spending as well and that is the last damned thing on a liberal's mind.


The liberals offered up a trillion dollars in spending cuts. Its when it came time to discuss increasing taxes that the conservatives walked away
They'd love to raise taxes and get people to "pay for it"

But since you mention "dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildrend" so are the people who cut taxes when the budget is balanced or close to it.

I'd be okay with raising taxes, but that isn't going to cut it, not even come close. They need to be willing to cut spending as well and that is the last damned thing on a liberal's mind.


The liberals offered up a trillion dollars in spending cuts. Its when it came time to discuss increasing taxes that the conservatives walked away

The $2 trillion in Bush tax cuts never belonged to the government in the firsst place, and war is the function of that part of the Constitutional guidelines that puts the POTUS in charge.

No wonder you have such challenging figures. You are chest-thumping about taxpayer money not collected as being an increase in debt, when actually, you have a White House that doesn't want to provide for the common defense, and when we shove him the hell out with our votes in November, he won't be getting the stipend of helping our enemies any more.

From your analysis, you are saying mathematically

Money not collected (0) = An increase in debt (5 trillion)

IOW, your chest-thumping is about all you got, because:

$0 IS NOT EQUAL TO $5 Trillion Dollars

Do you take us for morons, or are we being told like Congress to STFU and accept bad government because nobody has time to read through thousands of pages of obfuscations to realize your claim is ostentatiously delusional in its best light?

Common sense says you cut spending FIRST then reduce your taxes on a smaller budget

What the Republicans did was cut taxes first, then increased spending for two wars, Medicare Part D and then guess what? They doubled down and cut taxes AGAIN

Guess what? Bush spent way too much. From day one.
So why doesn't Obama make smart cuts in spending?
Why doesn't he repeal Medicare Part D?
Instead of spending more and more?
Because He'd lose His most powerful tool for building and maintaing the Dem voter base.
It's a moot point, guys...

The jobs market continues to suck ass...
... for lazy, unskilled morons like Dr. House.

Ahhh... Compassionate Liberslism on display....:clap2:

Teachers, Police officers, Firefighters laid off in this 0bamaconomy are lazy and unskilled...

Gotta love when an 0bama fluffer tries to support another 0bama fluffer... The results are hysterical...:lol:
No, I was just talking about you, stain.
Did House hurt your butt.... just wondering cuz you seem a little cranky.
Is Dr. House your charity for today?


Does 0bama know you fluff rightwinger too?
You sure love that word, 'fluff'.

We've always known you were a wing nutter. We didn't know you were also a:


Total public debt outstanding Jan 20, 2009 $10,628,881,485,510.23

Total public debt outstanding Mar 14, 2012 $15,516,449,945,583.73

Looks like $4.887568 trillion.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Enough of a breakdown for you? :lol:

No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.
Back up, wheelbarrow, back to 2001, September the eleventh. We had jihadists who tried to destroy America all in one day. We outsmarted the other killers, so their fricken dreams were not realized.

The ensuing war was difficult and expensive. Every time we reinforced our troops' humvees with extra-strong stuff, Iran provided troublemakers with IEDs 10 times as nasty to go through the reinforcements. The war got more and more expensive, and it had to be done to the finish. That costs a lot of money, and we should be standing over them like ugly on an ape for the next 75 years.

Obama decides he's gonna CANCEL, and he does, plus he ups the ante, partners up with people who hate America, gets crook accountants in to overlook bad stuff, and pr people in who advise him "keep blaming Bush" for everything.

You can trust Toddsterpatriot's figures. What you can't trust is the lying White House who calls the Treasury and threatens to break someone's nuts if they don't cut a check to a sleazebag loser like Solyndra, and do it right now, not ten minutes from now.


What figures?!? :lol:

He gave me a before and after. No explanation of where that money went or how much was spent by Obama.

He made the accusation that Obama has spent $5 trillion. He needs to back that up.

  • How much are obligations due to Bush's Medicare D?
  • How much is interest on the debt, that must be paid?
  • How much is for some weapons system or military upgrade that was put in motion before Obama took office?

You know, those kinds of things.

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