Hope and Change

You are the one making the accusation that it is due to Obama's spending.

Put up or shut up, loser.


How is showing the increase in debt an accusation?
Looks like a fact.

You got nothing? You giving up?


Obama increased the debt by $4.88 trillion so far.
When is he going to give up?
The Democrats and Obama Administration are not asking you to pay for it. They are dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildren and doing their damnedest to dump as much as they can.

They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.
MOST innovations came from the private sector/individuals, and the MARKET...the free market adopted it without force...it just happened because it was viable. (Look at computers and everything that followed)?

This is WHY you fail Dorkaholic...

And tell us WHY Sloyndra and other embellished companies have failed and the taxpayers got sstuck with the bill?

It isn't economically viable...and government forcing it into the marketplace isn't going to make it so either.

Obama will pay for this shithouse failure as well by the people on the hook for his failures showing him the door to get out of thier Whitehouse. :talk2hand:

Not all innovations came from the private sector. Most major breakthroughs require government assistance to succeed

The locomotive was a great invention but it needed government investment in rail lines

The automobile was a great invention but nobody would have bought them without government investment in roads

Most medical research relies on government grants, telecommunications needed government support, satellite technology required major government investment. The Internet was designed by the government so was GPS
No, not even close. That's not a breakdown, it's a before/after.

Show how much was due to the stimulus. Then show how much was due to mandatory expenses, like paying China for all of Bush's credit card purchases.

Et cetera, et cetera.

You know, breakdown.
Back up, wheelbarrow, back to 2001, September the eleventh. We had jihadists who tried to destroy America all in one day. We outsmarted the other killers, so their fricken dreams were not realized.

The ensuing war was difficult and expensive. Every time we reinforced our troops' humvees with extra-strong stuff, Iran provided troublemakers with IEDs 10 times as nasty to go through the reinforcements. The war got more and more expensive, and it had to be done to the finish. That costs a lot of money, and we should be standing over them like ugly on an ape for the next 75 years.

Obama decides he's gonna CANCEL, and he does, plus he ups the ante, partners up with people who hate America, gets crook accountants in to overlook bad stuff, and pr people in who advise him "keep blaming Bush" for everything.

You can trust Toddsterpatriot's figures. What you can't trust is the lying White House who calls the Treasury and threatens to break someone's nuts if they don't cut a check to a sleazebag loser like Solyndra, and do it right now, not ten minutes from now.


What figures?!? :lol:

He gave me a before and after. No explanation of where that money went or how much was spent by Obama.

He made the accusation that Obama has spent $5 trillion. He needs to back that up.

  • How much are obligations due to Bush's Medicare D?
  • How much is interest on the debt, that must be paid?
  • How much is for some weapons system or military upgrade that was put in motion before Obama took office?

You know, those kinds of things.

He made the accusation that Obama has spent $5 trillion.

Hey, snapperhead, Obama spent way way more than $5 trillion.

He needs to back that up.

LOL! Government spending and debt figures are easily found, even by liberal morons such as yourself.
They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.
MOST innovations came from the private sector/individuals, and the MARKET...the free market adopted it without force...it just happened because it was viable. (Look at computers and everything that followed)?

This is WHY you fail Dorkaholic...

And tell us WHY Sloyndra and other embellished companies have failed and the taxpayers got sstuck with the bill?

It isn't economically viable...and government forcing it into the marketplace isn't going to make it so either.

Obama will pay for this shithouse failure as well by the people on the hook for his failures showing him the door to get out of thier Whitehouse. :talk2hand:

Maybe Government is not supposed to lead in innovation, but support that which does lead. We all benefit from what succeeds. Where there is failure and misdirection, there is better damage control. In everything there are growing pains, formulas, proportions, to work out. The phases are for a reason. Show me a working model, that has been bug tested, and I'll show you an argument to take it to the next level. By doing things ass backwards, who get's rewarded, and for what? I'm tired of rewarding creative excuses. It gets old.
Yep. And I have no problem with the government supporting tried and successful models still young.

How long have solar panels been around? Since the 70's? Before?

STILL aren't viable unless you happen to reside on the Space Station...
We have a HUGE debt but don't ask me to pay for it because that money isn't the governments to begin with :cuckoo:

The Democrats and Obama Administration are not asking you to pay for it. They are dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildren and doing their damnedest to dump as much as they can.

They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.

Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!
The Democrats and Obama Administration are not asking you to pay for it. They are dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildren and doing their damnedest to dump as much as they can.

They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.

Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!


(Image: Graphics Connection LLC)

They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.

Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!


(Image: Graphics Connection LLC)

Turning liberal politicians into something useful! :clap2:

They do have a high oil content.
The Democrats and Obama Administration are not asking you to pay for it. They are dumping it in the laps of our great-grandchildren and doing their damnedest to dump as much as they can.

They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.

Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!

All R&D involves boondoggles, you have to take risk in order to succeed.

Private companies do not like risk. Neither do their stockholders. Without the government backing some of the risk, private industry won't invest. Especially in this economy

Other countries, even China are supporting their industry in developing green energy.......only conservatives want us in the stone age
They are trying to set in motion the next great American innovation: Green Energy. One that will create jobs in countless fields, enebling the tax base to grow, thereby reducing the debt.

Yet the Republicans fight him at every initiative.

Yeah, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on uneconomical "green" boondoggles is the way to create jobs. LOL!


(Image: Graphics Connection LLC)

Why on earth would you oppose energy derived from algae?
The right loves to mockingly deride the concept of Hope and Change
So let's see how that Hopey Changey is working out

Hope and Change 2008

The economy is in collapse.....I HOPE we don't go into Depression
I work for the auto companies.....I HOPE I don't lose my job
I have cancer........I HOPE they don't cancel my Health Insurance
I am a gay soldier.....I HOPE they don't find out about me
We have lost 5500 soldiers......I HOPE we get out of Iraq
I went to Ground Zero today.........I HOPE they get that SOB Bin Laden
I have just lost half my retirement savings.....I HOPE the market recovers

Nice to see peoples Hopes answered for a Change

did you ever go to school? past the 8th grade?
How did I miss that!
Because it's the Congress that spends the money, not the President. President Bush's last Congress was Democrat majorities in the House and in the Senate. The Democrat House and Senate intentionally spent their heads off their shoulders to pay off voters, organizers, and Nancy Pelosi's relatives and blamed DEMOCRAT SPENDING on the Republican in the White House.

It was a lose-lose situation for the voters who didn't know the Democrats are focused on syphoning all that taxpayer money into their pockets.
Thank you for saying that Obama is not to blame. :)
Uh, not so fast, Synth.

You haven't forgotten that President Obama was Senator Obama voting and passing all the free money around, expropriated from the IRS/US Treasury, have you?

I'm nice, but I'm not that nice. :D
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Because it's the Congress that spends the money, not the President. President Bush's last Congress was Democrat majorities in the House and in the Senate. The Democrat House and Senate intentionally spent their heads off their shoulders to pay off voters, organizers, and Nancy Pelosi's relatives and blamed DEMOCRAT SPENDING on the Republican in the White House.

It was a lose-lose situation for the voters who didn't know the Democrats are focused on syphoning all that taxpayer money into their pockets.
Thank you for saying that Obama is not to blame. :)
Uh, not so fast, Synth.

You haven't forgotten that President Obama was Senator Obama voting and passing all the free money around, expropriated from the IRS, have you?

I'm nice, but I'm not that nice. :D
But in Dorkaholic's mind? It's somehow different when the offender is in charge.
Thank you for saying that Obama is not to blame. :)
Uh, not so fast, Synth.

You haven't forgotten that President Obama was Senator Obama voting and passing all the free money around, expropriated from the IRS/US Treasury, have you?

I'm nice, but I'm not that nice. :D
But in Dorkaholic's mind? It's somehow different when the offender is in charge.
Well, he's just trying to help his party, and he's dealing with Republicans who have elephantine memories.

True Story.
Uh, not so fast, Synth.

You haven't forgotten that President Obama was Senator Obama voting and passing all the free money around, expropriated from the IRS/US Treasury, have you?

I'm nice, but I'm not that nice. :D
But in Dorkaholic's mind? It's somehow different when the offender is in charge.
Well, he's just trying to help his party, and he's dealing with Republicans who have elephantine memories.

True Story.
And Conservatives to boot. Double ENTENDRE...:eek:

(Image: Graphics Connection LLC)​

Why on earth would you oppose energy derived from algae?
When it comes economically viable in the private sector and NOT forced on us politically ? *I will*:eusa_hand::eusa_shhh:

The private sector is cheap. They want to see results before they will invest in it. Government sponsored research at universities and private labs could lay the groundwork for that 69 cents a gallon algae based fuel
Why on earth would you oppose energy derived from algae?
When it comes economically viable in the private sector and NOT forced on us politically ? *I will*:eusa_hand::eusa_shhh:

The private sector is cheap. They want to see results before they will invest in it. Government sponsored research at universities and private labs could lay the groundwork for that 69 cents a gallon algae based fuel
And what have the results of taxpayer funded Solyndra been?

Abject failure and now part of the debt taxpayers are on the hook for.

When it comes economically viable in the private sector and NOT forced on us politically ? *I will*:eusa_hand::eusa_shhh:

The private sector is cheap. They want to see results before they will invest in it. Government sponsored research at universities and private labs could lay the groundwork for that 69 cents a gallon algae based fuel
And what have the results of taxpayer funded Solyndra been?

Abject failure and now part of the debt taxpayers are on the hook for.


The socialist T has nothing else except Solyndra?

Pretty sad.

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