Hope for the future...

Increase in the flow of information from the internet, smart phones, etc gives me hope. It's harder to pull blinders over people than ever before in history.
What about too much data is as bad, or even worse, than too little?

What about too much data is as bad, or even worse, than too little?

Makes it harder to sift the truth out.
If you know how to use the internet it's not hard to find true information. It's the senile old people and uneducated idiots who barely know what the internet is that think blog posts, op eds, chain e-mails, and Facebook posts are "news."


One out of a hundred?

One out of a thousand?

computer users will find the same truth YOU do?
Yeah, toad, if you knew me you might have a valid point but you don't so you don't. You realize I think you're a joke, right?
The feeling is mutual, only I'm correct, little fool...

Dude, you're like the clown of this forum....literally. You don't realize that? Sheesh you're dumber than I thought
A good thing for you that projection isn't deadly. As I said, with people like you are around, Jesus needs no enemies.

You're the one that projected and now you're all butt hurt when it's shot back at you. That's pretty much why you're viewed as too stupid to live. Now go cuddle with Guano, he'll sooth your butt hurt
You couldn't hurt me if you tried. I'm a far better Christian than you are, among other things. Your kind, and several other factors, are why there is no real hope for the future but there's still a chance that liberalism can get rid of all the Talibans, including your twisted unfaithful kind.

Dude, shut up. You're a left loon clown. Learn that and then work on it. Nobody likes a left loon clown
The feeling is mutual, only I'm correct, little fool...

Dude, you're like the clown of this forum....literally. You don't realize that? Sheesh you're dumber than I thought
A good thing for you that projection isn't deadly. As I said, with people like you are around, Jesus needs no enemies.

You're the one that projected and now you're all butt hurt when it's shot back at you. That's pretty much why you're viewed as too stupid to live. Now go cuddle with Guano, he'll sooth your butt hurt
You couldn't hurt me if I tried. I'm a far better Christian than you are, among other things. Your kind, and several other factors, are why there is no real hope for the future but there's still a chance that liberalism can get rid of all the Talibans, including your twisted unfaithful kind.

So, you're equating the Taliban with Christianity? They're two entirely different things. This is why liberalism is entirely disconnected from reality.
The American Taliban, like Sassy, and real Taliban are evil peas in an evil pod only, the real Taliban has actual faith.
Increase in the flow of information from the internet, smart phones, etc gives me hope. It's harder to pull blinders over people than ever before in history.
What about too much data is as bad, or even worse, than too little?

What about too much data is as bad, or even worse, than too little?

Makes it harder to sift the truth out.

No it doesn't. It's easy to find truth if you seek it.
The feeling is mutual, only I'm correct, little fool...

Dude, you're like the clown of this forum....literally. You don't realize that? Sheesh you're dumber than I thought
A good thing for you that projection isn't deadly. As I said, with people like you are around, Jesus needs no enemies.

You're the one that projected and now you're all butt hurt when it's shot back at you. That's pretty much why you're viewed as too stupid to live. Now go cuddle with Guano, he'll sooth your butt hurt
You couldn't hurt me if you tried. I'm a far better Christian than you are, among other things. Your kind, and several other factors, are why there is no real hope for the future but there's still a chance that liberalism can get rid of all the Talibans, including your twisted unfaithful kind.

Dude, shut up. You're a left loon clown. Learn that and then work on it. Nobody likes a left loon clown
I'm a liberal, with a vast knowledge of the faith you only pretend to believe in. If there was a God, he'd strike you dead on a daily basis. Even Jesus thinks you're a worthless ****.
Increase in the flow of information from the internet, smart phones, etc gives me hope. It's harder to pull blinders over people than ever before in history.
What about too much data is as bad, or even worse, than too little?

What about too much data is as bad, or even worse, than too little?

Makes it harder to sift the truth out.
If you know how to use the internet it's not hard to find true information. It's the senile old people and uneducated idiots who barely know what the internet is that think blog posts, op eds, chain e-mails, and Facebook posts are "news."


One out of a hundred?

One out of a thousand?

computer users will find the same truth YOU do?
News: Jade Helm is a military exercise

Opinion: Jade Helm means Obama is preparing to invade Texas

My hope is that only idiots and senile people can mistake the two.
Dude, you're like the clown of this forum....literally. You don't realize that? Sheesh you're dumber than I thought
A good thing for you that projection isn't deadly. As I said, with people like you are around, Jesus needs no enemies.

You're the one that projected and now you're all butt hurt when it's shot back at you. That's pretty much why you're viewed as too stupid to live. Now go cuddle with Guano, he'll sooth your butt hurt
You couldn't hurt me if you tried. I'm a far better Christian than you are, among other things. Your kind, and several other factors, are why there is no real hope for the future but there's still a chance that liberalism can get rid of all the Talibans, including your twisted unfaithful kind.

Dude, shut up. You're a left loon clown. Learn that and then work on it. Nobody likes a left loon clown
I'm a liberal, with a vast knowledge of the faith you only pretend to be loyal to. If there was a God, he'd strike you dead on a daily basis. Even Jesus thinks you're a worthless ****.

So, you know this because you talk to Jesus? When does this happen, after you've been hitting the bong?
That throughout history Government shrinks, people do tremendously better and then the lesson is diluted, not lost. Then socialism or "big Government" creeps back in due to greed, laziness, corruption, vote buying... But as always Big Government however you grow it fails to deliver on any of it's promises and collapse after collapse after collapse occurs. Each collapse is reason for more Government intervention buy slowly that society makes it's way towards it's end.

So for me it's not really hope, its like evolution, an inevitable push by people to reject oppressive Government. There is no stopping this, no matter the society structure we are always moving towards rejecting Government for the betterment of all, it's just how we get there that sucks.
Dude, you're like the clown of this forum....literally. You don't realize that? Sheesh you're dumber than I thought
A good thing for you that projection isn't deadly. As I said, with people like you are around, Jesus needs no enemies.

You're the one that projected and now you're all butt hurt when it's shot back at you. That's pretty much why you're viewed as too stupid to live. Now go cuddle with Guano, he'll sooth your butt hurt
You couldn't hurt me if you tried. I'm a far better Christian than you are, among other things. Your kind, and several other factors, are why there is no real hope for the future but there's still a chance that liberalism can get rid of all the Talibans, including your twisted unfaithful kind.

Dude, shut up. You're a left loon clown. Learn that and then work on it. Nobody likes a left loon clown
I'm a liberal, with a vast knowledge of the faith you only pretend to believe in. If there was a God, he'd strike you dead on a daily basis. Even Jesus thinks you're a worthless ****.

Yeah....you're a hoot and Jesus laughs at you....then face palms
Hope based on reality, the rightwing white Christians becoming a minority soon :banana::dance::eusa_clap::eusa_dance::happy-1::thewave::cool:

What would a leftist know about reality? The entire leftwing ideology is rooted in wishful thinking, not reality.
Few want a utopia, while you want a white theocracy...

Uhm, no I don't... I don't want any kind of theocracy. Now, go back to sleep....
Good. Tell us what you do want, since it's certainly not what the Founders of this nation did...
A good thing for you that projection isn't deadly. As I said, with people like you are around, Jesus needs no enemies.

You're the one that projected and now you're all butt hurt when it's shot back at you. That's pretty much why you're viewed as too stupid to live. Now go cuddle with Guano, he'll sooth your butt hurt
You couldn't hurt me if you tried. I'm a far better Christian than you are, among other things. Your kind, and several other factors, are why there is no real hope for the future but there's still a chance that liberalism can get rid of all the Talibans, including your twisted unfaithful kind.

Dude, shut up. You're a left loon clown. Learn that and then work on it. Nobody likes a left loon clown
I'm a liberal, with a vast knowledge of the faith you only pretend to believe in. If there was a God, he'd strike you dead on a daily basis. Even Jesus thinks you're a worthless ****.

Yeah....you're a hoot and Jesus laughs at you....then face palms
If you believe you are serving, or even faithful to Jesus, then I have news for you, you aren't. You are what only liberalism can defend against. When your kind was in power humanity lived in mud huts and feared the angry God who made thunder.
Hope based on reality, the rightwing white Christians becoming a minority soon :banana::dance::eusa_clap::eusa_dance::happy-1::thewave::cool:

What would a leftist know about reality? The entire leftwing ideology is rooted in wishful thinking, not reality.
Few want a utopia, while you want a white theocracy...

Uhm, no I don't... I don't want any kind of theocracy. Now, go back to sleep....
Good. Tell us what you do want, since it's certainly not what the Founders of this nation did...

Wait, so you ask me for what I want, which implies you don't know what I want, then tell me it isn't what the founders wanted.

That makes no sense.
Hope based on reality, the rightwing white Christians becoming a minority soon :banana::dance::eusa_clap::eusa_dance::happy-1::thewave::cool:

What would a leftist know about reality? The entire leftwing ideology is rooted in wishful thinking, not reality.
Few want a utopia, while you want a white theocracy...

Uhm, no I don't... I don't want any kind of theocracy. Now, go back to sleep....
Good. Tell us what you do want, since it's certainly not what the Founders of this nation did...

Wait, so you ask me for what I want, which implies you don't know what I want, then tell me it isn't what the founders wanted.

That makes no sense.
I've read you long enough to know what side of morons you come down on. It's an open question, answer or not as you like.

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