Hopefully our Next President

You hated Trump from the moment you heard he was running.
Do you suck so much at your job that you need global slave labor to make a buck?
I’ve hated Trump for 40 years.

I knew who he was and what we were in for

Listen to what she said about lock downs and Freedom of choice during Covid. She REFUSED TO OBEY and lock down everything.

She should run and be the first Woman President.

I'm so sick of people saying Kristi noem should be the president. She's done exactly one newsworthy thing in her entire political career, and that was refuse to lockdown during covid. She has absolutely zero experience in the private sector, and her only experience in politics is in the South Dakota State Legislature, then one term in Congress, then a couple of years as governor of South Dakota, which is one of the smallest states in the country with a population smaller than my hometown. She has absolutely no business being the leader of the Free World and a global economic superpower. Too many people are thinking with their other head when they talk about her.
So would many leftists IMO. So he should run. Not sure if he will as he will only be 40. But I hope he does. Crenshaw vs. Harris all day!

You're nuts. Crenshaw would get absolutely obliterated in the Republican primary. He'd be knocked out sooner than Harris was knocked out of the 2020 Democrat primary. You might as well be talking about Adam kinzinger or Liz Cheney.
Not if DJT endorses him as he did with Youngkin.

You think Trump's going to endorse Crenshaw after he berated any notion that the 2020 election was stolen, and talked down to Trump supporters? That endorsement would effectively end Trump among his supporters.
Have you said it to them directly? I think not.

Just like how you directly call me a lemming but won’t call out your fellow Republicans directly.

You going to pretend you didn’t see this post again?
Of course. 100% to their face. They agree. They are old to be fair. 64 and 70
You're nuts. Crenshaw would get absolutely obliterated in the Republican primary. He'd be knocked out sooner than Harris was knocked out of the 2020 Democrat primary. You might as well be talking about Adam kinzinger or Liz Cheney.
I disagree 100%. Those two are whackos
You think Trump's going to endorse Crenshaw after he berated any notion that the 2020 election was stolen, and talked down to Trump supporters? That endorsement would effectively end Trump among his supporters.
Shit happens. Look at Trump and Cruz. Are you a Trump lemming? Trump is a good dude but he isn’t God. Relax
You don't believe much of anything so stop responding to my posts then.
All based on how you express yourself. Maybe if you tried speaking like an actual independent instead of a partisan hack with a delicate ego, I’d actually believe what you say.

I can respond to any posts I want and there’s not a thing you can do about that.
All based on how you express yourself. Maybe if you tried speaking like an actual independent instead of a partisan hack with a delicate ego, I’d actually believe what you say.

I can respond to any posts I want and there’s not a thing you can do about that.
What is an "actual Independent"? Tell me, Lemming.
What is an "actual Independent"? Tell me, Lemming.
Someone who is actually open-minded to both sides of the political spectrum or dislikes them both relatively equally.

We have plenty of independents on this site who are able to consider arguments from both the left and right perspective and are often at odds with both sides depending on the particular topic.

That’s not you. In every single topic of yours, you’re siding with Trumpsters and getting into it with liberals. You constantly lash out at liberals for their left-leaning beliefs and you NEVER do anything similar to the right. You despise the left and love the right.

You’re just lying to yourself when you call yourself an independent.

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