Hopefully our Next President

Someone who is actually open-minded to both sides of the political spectrum or dislikes them both relatively equally.

We have plenty of independents on this site who are able to consider arguments from both the left and right perspective and are often at odds with both sides depending on the particular topic.

That’s not you. In every single topic of yours, you’re siding with Trumpsters and getting into it with liberals. You constantly lash out at liberals for their left-leaning beliefs and you NEVER do anything similar to the right. You despise the left and love the right.

You’re just lying to yourself when you call yourself an independent.
Name em. You said there are "plenty" so name three. Thanks. And then I can compare myself to them.
I'm so sick of people saying Kristi noem should be the president. She's done exactly one newsworthy thing in her entire political career, and that was refuse to lockdown during covid. She has absolutely zero experience in the private sector, and her only experience in politics is in the South Dakota State Legislature, then one term in Congress, then a couple of years as governor of South Dakota, which is one of the smallest states in the country with a population smaller than my hometown. She has absolutely no business being the leader of the Free World and a global economic superpower. Too many people are thinking with their other head when they talk about her.
Noted. I like her and would vote for her. Now go back to being sick and tired.
What exactly is that going to prove?

I’ll give you one for now: dblack. Able to make rational arguments that aren’t partisan.
dblack is a Republican but anti Trump. I actually agree with dblack frequently and on many issues. Feel free to ask him yourself. You say I am not an Independent because I attack the Democratic Party more. To be fair, there is more to attack.
Then you’re an idiot and should not use any product owned by a billionaire because billionaires are all the same.
Sorry but 40 years of watching Trump’s antics have given him a “special” stance.
I'm so sick of people saying Kristi noem should be the president. She's done exactly one newsworthy thing in her entire political career, and that was refuse to lockdown during covid. She has absolutely zero experience in the private sector, and her only experience in politics is in the South Dakota State Legislature, then one term in Congress, then a couple of years as governor of South Dakota, which is one of the smallest states in the country with a population smaller than my hometown. She has absolutely no business being the leader of the Free World and a global economic superpower. Too many people are thinking with their other head when they talk about her.
But Joe Biden does? LOL

That horse has left the barn
You attack the Democratic Party all on your own. If you can’t attack the Republican Party all on your own, then you’re no independent.

This isn’t complicated.
The GOP isn't telling me that gender is a social construct, to support police defunding and that the country is systemically racist. If they did, I would attack the GOP.

This isn't complicated
The GOP isn't telling me that gender is a social construct, to support police defunding and that the country is systemically racist. If they did, I would attack the GOP.

This isn't complicated
Right. So you attack the Democratic Party and you don’t attack the Republican Party. The Democratic Party does a lot of things that you hate. The Republican Party doesn’t do anything you hate.

…and you call yourself an independent? LoL. Why?!

Clearly you’re in lock-step with the Republican Party ant you’re completely opposed to the Democratic Party.

You’re not an independent. You’re clearly aligned with one of the two parties.
Right. So you attack the Democratic Party and you don’t attack the Republican Party. The Democratic Party does a lot of things that you hate. The Republican Party doesn’t do anything you hate.

…and you call yourself an independent? LoL. Why?!

Clearly you’re in lock-step with the Republican Party ant you’re completely opposed to the Democratic Party.

You’re not an independent. You’re clearly aligned with one of the two parties.
Does a lot of things I hate now but it only started recently. So I am not just going to join the GOP because the Democratic Party just went insane. I am going to give it time. dblack wasnt an Independent either. Clearly a Libertarian. So who is an Independent here. You said there were “plenty” give me some names.
Does a lot of things I hate now but it only started recently. So I am not just going to join the GOP because the Democratic Party just went insane. I am going to give it time. dblack wasnt an Independent either. Clearly a Libertarian. So who is an Independent here. You said there were “plenty” give me some names.
Take Trump out of the picture and it's just a matter of both parties taking turns screwing up the US in their own way.

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