Hopefully our Next President

dblack is a Republican but anti Trump. I actually agree with dblack frequently and on many issues. Feel free to ask him yourself. You say I am not an Independent because I attack the Democratic Party more. To be fair, there is more to attack.
If my memory serves me correct she is hard core Libertarian. Went at it wuth here over her idea of voting plan.
OR? Nope....you said Independent. He isn't. He is 100% Libertarian. You are a Bernie Sanders supporter.
I already addressed this. I would consider him independent in that he doesn’t align with either party. I think many voters like that would flip between the two parties or not vote, but he prefers to vote for a third party.
I already addressed this. I would consider him independent in that he doesn’t align with either party. I think many voters like that would flip between the two parties or not vote, but he prefers to vote for a third party.
What you consider is fine so I consider myself an Independent. See how that works and in MA it means I am allowed to vote in Democratic Party primaries. Fun times. You didn't address my Bill Maher comment or give me names of actual Independents on this site. Since there are "plenty" surely you can come up with some names. LOL

Loser Leftist Leming
Nope. You didn't address my Bill Maher statement or that there are "plenty" of Independents on this board. You gave me one incorrect name. You lose, leftist.
Bill Maher can criticize his own party. He’s still not an independent. I like Bill Maher, by the way.

You call yourself an independent and can’t even criticize the Republican party. Because you’re not an independent.

I gave you one name, there was no use in it, and you already proved my point. You don’t get to make demands here.
What you consider is fine so I consider myself an Independent.
You’re just lying to yourself. You already admitted that you align with the Republican party and you’re completely opposed to the Democratic party.

That makes you a Republican.

Still not complicated.
I already addressed this. I would consider him independent in that he doesn’t align with either party. I think many voters like that would flip between the two parties or not vote, but he prefers to vote for a third party.
Many are like that. Guy who used to work here was like that. I would always ask why he voted that way when he Never Wins. He would just say why dont yall all vote for the libertarians.

I agree a lot with some of their views but certainly not all of them. But i think Dblack is just like him and just as dedicated
Bill Maher can criticize his own party. He’s still not an independent. I like Bill Maher, by the way.

You call yourself an independent and can’t even criticize the Republican party. Because you’re not an independent.

I gave you one name, there was no use in it, and you already proved my point. You don’t get to make demands here.
So if he can then why can I not? LOL

That doesn't make any sense? You gave me one name and you were incorrect. So you lied when you said there were "plenty". dlback doesn't identify as an Independent. Next...
You’re just lying to yourself. You already admitted that you align with the Republican party and you’re completely opposed to the Democratic party.

That makes you a Republican.

Still not complicated.
Never admitted that. You cannot read. So you need to listen more. Independents do as they please. I do that. I donated money to Tulsi Gabbard and Sinema. I donated money to John James and Glenn Youngkin. You do you. Learn the meaning of words, Lemming.
Now you’re just lying. You already admitted that you don’t align with Democrats and you do align with Republicans.

That was my point. You made it for me and now you’re lying about it.
I said at this point in time but the situation is fluid. That makes me an Independent. LOL

You're so dumb. You're definitely not an Independent since you supported Bernie Sanders.
You’re not going Democrat any time soon and we both know it. It’s not fluid, you‘re just lying to yourself.
Bullshit I am not. If Tulsi gets the nomination in 2024 she has my vote more than likely. Relax, leftist and worry about yourself and your shithead fellow Bernie Bros. Feel the Bern. You're not an Independent as you support Bernie Sanders.

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