Hopefully our Next President

Does a lot of things I hate now but it only started recently. So I am not just going to join the GOP because the Democratic Party just went insane. I am going to give it time.
So just call yourself a Republican for now and if that ever happens, go back to independent. You’re sure as hell not an independent right now.

And you’re just lying to yourself if you’re trying to claim that you might turn toward the Democratic Party. You and I both know that’s not happening any time soon.

Not much use in giving you more names. You made my point for me already. You admitted that you’re aligned with the Republican Party and completely against the Democratic Party. You’re just lying to yourself when you call yourself an independent.
So just call yourself a Republican for now and if that ever happens, go back to independent. You’re sure as hell not an independent right now.

And you’re just lying to yourself if you’re trying to claim that you might turn toward the Democratic Party. You and I both know that’s not happening any time soon.

Not much use in giving you more names. You made my point for me already. You admitted that you’re aligned with the Republican Party and completely against the Democratic Party. You’re just lying to yourself when you call yourself an independent.
You said there were "plenty" of Independents. Here so you lied. Great.

An Independent means that I listen to both parties and decide my choice. I am perfectly fine with Sinema, Lamb, Gabbard...not fine with the Squad and Bernie Sanders. So I will take it year by year as is my right as an American. The issue I have with posters here vs. the Democratic Party is that they vilify people for voting for Trump. That to me is ridiculous.

Bill Maher vilifies the Democratic Party for the same exact reasons I do and he is a Democrat. So should he switch to the GOP too? LOL
Does a lot of things I hate now but it only started recently. So I am not just going to join the GOP because the Democratic Party just went insane. I am going to give it time. dblack wasnt an Independent either. Clearly a Libertarian. So who is an Independent here. You said there were “plenty” give me some names.
This discussion is actually interesting to follow, because your argument mirrors one I have, repeatedly, with several Republicans on the board - who insist I'm a Democrat because (from their perspective) I pick on Trumpsters more than Democrats. I think it's a symptom of the two-party mindset, the "them vs us" mentality: If someone criticizes your party, surely they are in league with the "other side".
Name em. You said there are "plenty" so name three. Thanks. And then I can compare myself to them.
Still waiting XponentialChaos

You said there were "plenty". I asked you to name one and you named one who is a Libertarian and NOT an Independent. So please name three and I can then compare myself to them. Thank you.

Or admit you're full of shit. Be a man.
This discussion is actually interesting to follow, because your argument mirrors one I have, repeatedly, with several Republicans on the board - who insist I'm a Democrat because I pick on Trumpsters more than Democrats. I think it's a symptom of the two-party mindset, the "them vs us" mentality. If someone criticizes you, surely their in league with the "other side".
Thank you. There are plenty of positions and voices that are sound in the Democratic Party but they have been drowned out by insane leftists and Bernie Bros (sometimes they are one in the same). So for now I am leaning more right but that could quickly change. If Lindsay Graham ran for President I would never vote for him for example or Jeb Bush. I am not a Republican but I do like some of their policies and rhetoric.

I appreciate your candid response.
You said there were "plenty" of Independents. Here so you lied. Great.

An Independent means that I listen to both parties and decide my choice. I am perfectly fine with Sinema, Lamb, Gabbard...not fine with the Squad and Bernie Sanders. So I will take it year by year as is my right as an American. The issue I have with posters here vs. the Democratic Party is that they vilify people for voting for Trump. That to me is ridiculous.

Bill Maher vilifies the Democratic Party for the same exact reasons I do and he is a Democrat. So should he switch to the GOP too? LOL
You’re not going to vote Democrats in any time soon. You’re full of shit.

You despise the Democratic Party and you’re aligned with the Republican Party. You even admitted to this.

That makes you a Republican, not an independent.

Not complicated.
Still waiting XponentialChaos

You said there were "plenty". I asked you to name one and you named one who is a Libertarian and NOT an Independent. So please name three and I can then compare myself to them. Thank you.

Or admit you're full of shit. Be a man.
I’m not trying to get more people involved in this discussion and I don’t see any use in doing so anyway. There are clearly people who aren’t partisans on this board and if you can’t see that, then that’s on you.
I’ll keep any eye on him. Totally retarded ad campaign nearly rules him out for me.

This discussion is actually interesting to follow, because your argument mirrors one I have, repeatedly, with several Republicans on the board - who insist I'm a Democrat because (from their perspective) I pick on Trumpsters more than Democrats. I think it's a symptom of the two-party mindset, the "them vs us" mentality: If someone criticizes your party, surely they are in league with the "other side".
I think it’s possible to give both parties flack for their incompetence. I see a lot of posts like that from you and they’re well-articulated and hard to argue against.

Sorry to get you involved here but I do enjoy reading your posts.
I think it’s possible to give both parties flack for their incompetence. I see a lot of posts like that from you and they’re well-articulated and hard to argue against.

Sorry to get you involved here but I do enjoy reading your posts.
LOL you said he was an Independent. So clearly you aren't paying that much attention.
You’re not going to vote Democrats in any time soon. You’re full of shit.

You despise the Democratic Party and you’re aligned with the Republican Party. You even admitted to this.

That makes you a Republican, not an independent.

Not complicated.
Funny how you didn't address my post. When you grow up and decide to do so, we may continue conversing. It is not complicated. Liar Lemming.
You can criticize the Democratic party all on your own. If you can’t do the same of the Republican party, then you’re no independent.
Funny, so you don't know what to criticize either. Good for you. Run along now. You agreed with me that defunding the police was stupid. That was 100% Democratic Party rhetoric. Maybe you're a Republican? LOL
Funny, so you don't know what to criticize either. Good for you. Run along now. You agreed with me that defunding the police was stupid. That was 100% Democratic Party rhetoric. Maybe you're a Republican? LOL
My beliefs don’t align with the Republican party. Even though my beliefs are more aligned with Democrats, I can still give my opinion when I don’t agree with Democrat positions. I can even criticize the Democratic party.

You call yourself an independent and you can’t even do that? You’re not an independent.

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