Horrible, Just Horrible........PC Wins Again!: F.D.A. Lifting Ban On Gay Blood Donors


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I don't even know where to begin. This is such a travesty due to the insanity called liberal political correctness to appease the gays and their lobby. What the F.D.A. is about to do is commit criminal negligence. The way I see it is that every gay person that will give blood has a potential and should be viewed to be infected with a sexually transmitted disease due to their unhealthy vile lifestyle. In closing, a little blast from the past:


Plasma is currently tested for the HIV virus, Hepatitis A-B and C, as well as BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease).

The homosexual questionnaire requests are asked in an interview and have long been determined to be unreliable when testing is both currently required and practiced. If errors were made in testing, or the lack thereof ... Then it is foolish to think it makes a difference if you are infected by a homosexual or heterosexual carrying the HIV virus.

In short ... It doesn't make a difference if you are homosexual or not now that testing is required for all blood products collected.

I don't even know where to begin. This is such a travesty due to the insanity called liberal political correctness to appease the gays and their lobby. What the F.D.A. is about to do is commit criminal negligence. The way I see it is that every gay person that will give blood has a potential and should be viewed to be infected with a sexually transmitted disease due to their unhealthy vile lifestyle. In closing, a little blast from the past:


Maybe the blood is intended for skinheads and Bundists, Steve.Would that be OK?
Plasma is currently tested for the HIV virus, Hepatitis A-B and C, as well as BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease).

The homosexual questionnaire requests are asked in an interview and have long been determined to be unreliable when testing is both currently required and practiced. If errors were made in testing, or the lack thereof ... Then it is foolish to think it makes a difference if you are infected by a homosexual or heterosexual carrying the HIV virus.

In short ... It doesn't make a difference if you are homosexual or not now that testing is required for all blood products collected.

Yeah, but it has fag cooties. You can't test for that. You give straight people that stuff and they'll start wearing pastels and start interior decorating and stuff. Before you know it they'll be trying to fuck you in the ass.
If I needed blood to live, you can run my IV straight into the ass of a mad cow for all I will care in that moment.

I did read something that made me think that frozen and then thawed blood might be not as good as getting no transfusion at all in a lot of cases. Something about the age of the blood slowing down recovery because it interferes with your body producing its own.
aww , just don't allow blood transfusions . There are alternatives that should be explored before a need arises . Tell your doctor , sign the form and accept responsibility .
If I needed blood to live, you can run my IV straight into the ass of a mad cow for all I will care in that moment.

I did read something that made me think that frozen and then thawed blood might be not as good as getting no transfusion at all in a lot of cases. Something about the age of the blood slowing down recovery because it interferes with your body producing its own.

I cannot speak to the requirements regarding blood ... But I am thoroughly clear about requirements regarding plasma and the injectables produced from plasma products.

Plasma must be stored well below 0 degrees F within an hour of collection ... And must remain at that temperature or lower until pooled for further separation into usable materials. The freezers in most facilities are around 15-30 below 0 ... And have staged entrances so outside air does not directly enter the freezer.

I have never reviewed test results positive for BSE ... Have only reviewed one male donor's test results positive for HIV ... And 13 male and female donor's test results positive for Hepatitis C.

That means the chances are 13 times higher you could get Hepatitis C from a probable heterosexual donor than HIV from a possible homosexual male ... If the required testing is not properly conducted for plasma and plasma products.*

* Regarding the records of over 5000 donors from 7 facilities I reviewed.

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Considering that homo males are more than 300 more likely to contract HIV than hetero males this move only convolutes and complicates the process of screening blood. That means a waste of money. Thanks a lot, homofascists.
Considering that homo males are more than 300 more likely to contract HIV than hetero males this move only convolutes and complicates the process of screening blood. That means a waste of money. Thanks a lot, homofascists.

Testing is required for all donations and every donation each donor makes (at least for plasma). The tests are required regardless ... There are no added costs per individual donation.

The only coincidental benefit of added donations from homosexual males ... Is that all male and female donors are tested for HIV ... And the facilities are required to counsel positive donors along with supplying the information to the local health department for follow-up.

I don't even know where to begin. This is such a travesty due to the insanity called liberal political correctness to appease the gays and their lobby. What the F.D.A. is about to do is commit criminal negligence. The way I see it is that every gay person that will give blood has a potential and should be viewed to be infected with a sexually transmitted disease due to their unhealthy vile lifestyle. In closing, a little blast from the past:


Hmmm...I'm gay and have been donating blood all along.

They test all donated blood now, dumbass. This isn't the fucking 80's.

It's WORSE than the 80's punk...now you're supposedly "mainstream" and the MSM is no longer reporting the new AIDS cases...that virus has mutated several times and there's a good chance current tests could miss a new strain....but you keep hoping we get your shit-dick death sentence...who needs more proof your kind should be taken out on cruise ships and tossed over the sides.

They test all donated blood now, dumbass. This isn't the fucking 80's.

It's WORSE than the 80's punk...now you're supposedly "mainstream" and the MSM is no longer reporting the new AIDS cases...that virus has mutated several times and there's a good chance current tests could miss a new strain....but you keep hoping we get your shit-dick death sentence...who needs more proof your kind should be taken out on cruise ships and tossed over the sides.
Well now you just sound like a fucking animal. I'm sure that was the intent though.

BTW, I'm married with two kids. I'm also not afraid of gay people or their blood. In fact, I have a few gay friends and relatives. The fact that you have to project how tough a man you are shows how much of a pussy you are in reality.
Well now you just sound like a fucking animal. I'm sure that was the intent though.

BTW, I'm married with two kids. I'm also not afraid of gay people or their blood. In fact, I have a few gay friends and relatives. The fact that you have to project how tough a man you are shows how much of a pussy you are in reality.

You could be married to your boyfriend and adopted two kids....that's how sick it's gotten....I'm a badass here and IRL....has nothing to do with my surefire cure for AIDS....TOSS EM OVERBOARD....if they can swim to shore (60 miles) then God bless em.
Well now you just sound like a fucking animal. I'm sure that was the intent though.

BTW, I'm married with two kids. I'm also not afraid of gay people or their blood. In fact, I have a few gay friends and relatives. The fact that you have to project how tough a man you are shows how much of a pussy you are in reality.

You could be married to your boyfriend and adopted two kids....that's how sick it's gotten....I'm a badass here and IRL....has nothing to do with my surefire cure for AIDS....TOSS EM OVERBOARD....if they can swim to shore (60 miles) then God bless em.
Thankfully your ilk is dying out quickly.

They test all donated blood now, dumbass. This isn't the fucking 80's.

It's WORSE than the 80's punk...now you're supposedly "mainstream" and the MSM is no longer reporting the new AIDS cases...that virus has mutated several times and there's a good chance current tests could miss a new strain....but you keep hoping we get your shit-dick death sentence...who needs more proof your kind should be taken out on cruise ships and tossed over the sides.
Well now you just sound like a fucking animal. I'm sure that was the intent though.

BTW, I'm married with two kids. I'm also not afraid of gay people or their blood. In fact, I have a few gay friends and relatives. The fact that you have to project how tough a man you are shows how much of a pussy you are in reality.

Can you imagine BullKurtzUSMC after a gay blood transfusion? "..Hey boy, you look mighty cute in them dress blues. Why don't you come over here and fuck me in the ass? Not too fast now, I might clench my butt muscles and pinch your dick off."

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