Horrible times ahead...

I think everybody is overreacting. We've only been shutdown for a couple of weeks, and yet we think it's the end of the Fn world?

If we didn't have this virus around, and the President announced he wanted us to all have a vacation for one month during these booming economic times--paid for by the government, we would be festive, celebrating, we would be in our glory!!!!!

In our time, we've lived through multiple recessions. We lived through the housing crisis. We survived the OKC bombing; 911. We survive the common flu that kills 40,000 Americans on average ever year, now 90,000 Americans overdosing, not to mention suicides, wars......

We are Americans. As such, we've seen much worse than this. It's the price of liberty. Coronavirus treatments are advancing. Numbers of infected and deaths are flat lining. Multiple vaccines are in the process of testing. N-95 masks are being manufactured by the tens of thousands every day. COVID testing has advanced tenfold.

So now, we are asked to sit home in front of our big screen televisions, watch some of our 400 channels via cable and satellite, screw around on this internet for hours on end, sanitize our hone.you just wash frequently, and wear face masks while the government pays us to do so.

I'm sure the people in Somalia are just grieving for our terrible situation as they mix mud to stop the leaks in their huts. Europe shuts down for six weeks every single year to take vacations. I'm sure we'll somehow survive.
It's gone way beyond that. The people of the United States absolutely hate one another. This is worse than 1859. Trump is only an excuse. This will end in blood.
I agree.

The Democrats have gone bat shit crazy in a way I'd never thought possible before I saw it.

People wearing hats that look like pussies. Un-fucking-believable.

That's so crazy, and what's worse, the Democrats have no fucking idea how crazy that is.
Dead people can't dig themselves out of the hole they are put in. Stay home.
Typical liberal, they'll use any reason to stay home and not go to work.
Except I'm not doing that. My job can be done, part-time, from home but, as an essential service I'm required in my office a few times a week as well. Stop bitching. You still have your job at McDonald's.
I think everybody is overreacting. We've only been shutdown for a couple of weeks, and yet we think it's the end of the Fn world?

If we didn't have this virus around, and the President announced he wanted us to all have a vacation for one month during these booming economic times--paid for by the government, we would be festive, celebrating, we would be in our glory!!!!!

In our time, we've lived through multiple recessions. We lived through the housing crisis. We survived the OKC bombing; 911. We survive the common flu that kills 40,000 Americans on average ever year, now 90,000 Americans overdosing, not to mention suicides, wars......

We are Americans. As such, we've seen much worse than this. It's the price of liberty. Coronavirus treatments are advancing. Numbers of infected and deaths are flat lining. Multiple vaccines are in the process of testing. N-95 masks are being manufactured by the tens of thousands every day. COVID testing has advanced tenfold.

So now, we are asked to sit home in front of our big screen televisions, watch some of our 400 channels via cable and satellite, screw around on this internet for hours on end, sanitize our hone.you just wash frequently, and wear face masks while the government pays us to do so.

I'm sure the people in Somalia are just grieving for our terrible situation as they mix mud to stop the leaks in their huts. Europe shuts down for six weeks every single year to take vacations. I'm sure we'll somehow survive.
It's gone way beyond that. The people of the United States absolutely hate one another. This is worse than 1859. Trump is only an excuse. This will end in blood.
I agree.

The Democrats have gone bat shit crazy in a way I'd never thought possible before I saw it.

People wearing hats that look like pussies. Un-fucking-believable.

That's so crazy, and what's worse, the Democrats have no fucking idea how crazy that is.
Yeah, pussy hats are bad. Grabbing women by the pussy is fine.

You really want to bring up hats?

Adorable hat

Ridiculous hat

This is what democrats did. Don't forget that. They want to do worse. It's a democrat governor that prohibits church services. It's a democrat governor having people arrested for visiting a neighbor. It's a democrat governor that is letting violent felons out of prison to make room for fathers playing ball with their children.

Never forget what the democrats have done and are doing. Never. November is coming isn't just a slogan. Make it your battle cry. If they last that long.

The Democrats didn't do this. Donald Trump did it. He ignored the coming crisis and did nothing until its too late. Half a million people sick, thousands dying, and millions out of work. The governors are just trying to clean up his mess.

Voters won't forget.
Right, because senile old man Joe Biden is going to save the day in November.

If he beats the demented, senile old Trump...yes.
This is what you imagine will get better.

A nurse threatens to kill patients

10 police officers swarm a bus to drag one man off for not wearing a mask.

Can you possibly imagine how furious normal people are over this? This is a country on a knife edge.
This is what democrats did. Don't forget that. They want to do worse. It's a democrat governor that prohibits church services. It's a democrat governor having people arrested for visiting a neighbor. It's a democrat governor that is letting violent felons out of prison to make room for fathers playing ball with their children.

Never forget what the democrats have done and are doing. Never. November is coming isn't just a slogan. Make it your battle cry. If they last that long.

The Democrats didn't do this. Donald Trump did it. He ignored the coming crisis and did nothing until its too late. Half a million people sick, thousands dying, and millions out of work. The governors are just trying to clean up his mess.

Voters won't forget.
Right, because senile old man Joe Biden is going to save the day in November.

If he beats the demented, senile old Trump...yes.
Of course he will. Stick with Biden. He will pick a great vp. Kamala Harris or Stacy Abrams comes to mind. Go Joe go.
This is what democrats did. Don't forget that. They want to do worse. It's a democrat governor that prohibits church services. It's a democrat governor having people arrested for visiting a neighbor. It's a democrat governor that is letting violent felons out of prison to make room for fathers playing ball with their children.

Never forget what the democrats have done and are doing. Never. November is coming isn't just a slogan. Make it your battle cry. If they last that long.

The Democrats didn't do this. Donald Trump did it. He ignored the coming crisis and did nothing until its too late. Half a million people sick, thousands dying, and millions out of work. The governors are just trying to clean up his mess.

Voters won't forget.
Ohh the dog face pony soldier sticking her nose up Trump's ass once again.
I think everybody is overreacting. We've only been shutdown for a couple of weeks, and yet we think it's the end of the Fn world?

If we didn't have this virus around, and the President announced he wanted us to all have a vacation for one month during these booming economic times--paid for by the government, we would be festive, celebrating, we would be in our glory!!!!!

In our time, we've lived through multiple recessions. We lived through the housing crisis. We survived the OKC bombing; 911. We survive the common flu that kills 40,000 Americans on average ever year, now 90,000 Americans overdosing, not to mention suicides, wars......

We are Americans. As such, we've seen much worse than this. It's the price of liberty. Coronavirus treatments are advancing. Numbers of infected and deaths are flat lining. Multiple vaccines are in the process of testing. N-95 masks are being manufactured by the tens of thousands every day. COVID testing has advanced tenfold.

So now, we are asked to sit home in front of our big screen televisions, watch some of our 400 channels via cable and satellite, screw around on this internet for hours on end, sanitize our hone.you just wash frequently, and wear face masks while the government pays us to do so.

I'm sure the people in Somalia are just grieving for our terrible situation as they mix mud to stop the leaks in their huts. Europe shuts down for six weeks every single year to take vacations. I'm sure we'll somehow survive.
It's gone way beyond that. The people of the United States absolutely hate one another. This is worse than 1859. Trump is only an excuse. This will end in blood.
I agree.

The Democrats have gone bat shit crazy in a way I'd never thought possible before I saw it.

People wearing hats that look like pussies. Un-fucking-believable.

That's so crazy, and what's worse, the Democrats have no fucking idea how crazy that is.
Yeah, pussy hats are bad. Grabbing women by the pussy is fine.

You really want to bring up hats?

Adorable hat

Ridiculous hat

View attachment 322343

Wow, you really had to go back in time for that one, didn't you?
I think everybody is overreacting. We've only been shutdown for a couple of weeks, and yet we think it's the end of the Fn world?

If we didn't have this virus around, and the President announced he wanted us to all have a vacation for one month during these booming economic times--paid for by the government, we would be festive, celebrating, we would be in our glory!!!!!

In our time, we've lived through multiple recessions. We lived through the housing crisis. We survived the OKC bombing; 911. We survive the common flu that kills 40,000 Americans on average ever year, now 90,000 Americans overdosing, not to mention suicides, wars......

We are Americans. As such, we've seen much worse than this. It's the price of liberty. Coronavirus treatments are advancing. Numbers of infected and deaths are flat lining. Multiple vaccines are in the process of testing. N-95 masks are being manufactured by the tens of thousands every day. COVID testing has advanced tenfold.

So now, we are asked to sit home in front of our big screen televisions, watch some of our 400 channels via cable and satellite, screw around on this internet for hours on end, sanitize our hone.you just wash frequently, and wear face masks while the government pays us to do so.

I'm sure the people in Somalia are just grieving for our terrible situation as they mix mud to stop the leaks in their huts. Europe shuts down for six weeks every single year to take vacations. I'm sure we'll somehow survive.
It's gone way beyond that. The people of the United States absolutely hate one another. This is worse than 1859. Trump is only an excuse. This will end in blood.
I agree.

The Democrats have gone bat shit crazy in a way I'd never thought possible before I saw it.

People wearing hats that look like pussies. Un-fucking-believable.

That's so crazy, and what's worse, the Democrats have no fucking idea how crazy that is.
Yeah, pussy hats are bad. Grabbing women by the pussy is fine.

You really want to bring up hats?

Adorable hat

Ridiculous hat

View attachment 322343

Wow, you really had to go back in time for that one, didn't you?
Like pussy hats are recent news?
Sorry, it's not the lock downs that are causing the economic collapse. It just took Coronovirus to shed light on a system that was already deeply corrupt, extremely fragile, unprepared, debt ridden, morally bankrupt, house of cards economy run by incompetent fools. People are starting to see all the underlying waste,short cuts mismanagement and lack of planning in the economy and how sausage really gets made and it's not pretty. Spending into oblivion is not going to save us this time.

The "Flu" and a two week vacation for half the population is enough to throw us into economic turmoil? Sorry I'll take decades of economic mismanagement, lack of planning, and disintegration of public trust for $200 Alex
Coronovirus is actually probably not that big a deal, or at least shouldn't be, by itself.

But we're also waking up to the fact that , uh oh, we're not as healthy as we should be.

America itself IS the sickly, obese, cancer patient that has diabetes and high blood pressure.

We should be young , healthy and vibrant and able to take this on the chin, no problem.

But since we won't treat all our other underlying conditions and we've let them fester for so long, a "trivial" thing

like the "flu" is actually probably going to kill us all.

It shouldn't be that big a deal, but now it actually is imperative, because we have so many other problems on top of it we've done nothing about for so long. And we're misdiagnosing the shut downs as the cause of us spitting up blood, when actually its the cancer we won't admit to having.

So we have to "over react" and cure one or the other, because we're in complete denial about all the other problems we have . Coronovirus is going to be the country's "co-morbidity" so to speak if we don't get our act together on multiple fronts.
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This is what democrats did. Don't forget that. They want to do worse. It's a democrat governor that prohibits church services. It's a democrat governor having people arrested for visiting a neighbor. It's a democrat governor that is letting violent felons out of prison to make room for fathers playing ball with their children.

Never forget what the democrats have done and are doing. Never. November is coming isn't just a slogan. Make it your battle cry. If they last that long.

The Democrats didn't do this. Donald Trump did it. He ignored the coming crisis and did nothing until its too late. Half a million people sick, thousands dying, and millions out of work. The governors are just trying to clean up his mess.

Voters won't forget.

Fuck off, Canuck.
The last time unemployment was this high, we were in the depths of the Great Depression.

The last time the government was in this much debt, we were at the height of World War II.

The last time every day life was disrupted this much -- was NEVER.

The virus is only a small part of the problem.

The government's completely spastic overreaction to the virus has caused so much damage to our economy it may take decades to dig out of this hole we're now in.

United States has by far the most infections. New York is about to start piling bodies in the parks and you seriously think we are over reacting?

Do you completely not get what this picture looks like WITHOUT the shut down? We would be looking at total healthcare capacity overflow and final death toll in the millions.

We are the 3rd most populous nation on the planet. Of course we're going to have high numbers of infections. Why do you retards ignore basic math?

Oh... and New York? They've had people buried in parks for 200 goddamn years. Stop acting like this is something new because CNN got your panties in a tizzy. It isn't.
The last time unemployment was this high, we were in the depths of the Great Depression.

The last time the government was in this much debt, we were at the height of World War II.

The last time every day life was disrupted this much -- was NEVER.

The virus is only a small part of the problem.

The government's completely spastic overreaction to the virus has caused so much damage to our economy it may take decades to dig out of this hole we're now in.
You're really on a tear tonight. Cheer up. Oh, and we're #1 on National Debt war or no war or ever. 2019 figures $22,027,424,114,818.60 .
and that's not accounting for liabilities>>>

still, i like this 'clock' best , because the numbers spin so quickly>

I think everybody is overreacting. We've only been shutdown for a couple of weeks, and yet we think it's the end of the Fn world?
the level of hysteria is completely unwarranted....

We are Americans. As such, we've seen much worse than this. It's the price of liberty.
we are sacrificing our liberties , for security Ray

So now, we are asked to sit home in front of our big screen televisions, watch some of our 400 channels via cable and satellite, screw around on this internet for hours on end, sanitize our hands, wash frequently, and wear face masks while the government pays us to do so.

Which was Venezuela's socialist demise

Sorry, it's not the lock downs that are causing the economic collapse. It just took Coronovirus to shed light on a system that was already deeply corrupt, extremely fragile, unprepared, debt ridden, morally bankrupt, house of cards economy run by incompetent fools. People are starting to see all the underlying waste,short cuts mismanagement and lack of planning in the economy and how sausage really gets made and it's not pretty. Spending into oblivion is not going to save us this time.

The "Flu" and a two week vacation for half the population is enough to throw us into economic turmoil? Sorry I'll take decades of economic mismanagement, lack of planning, and disintegration of public trust for $200 Alex
Economies don't need to be "planned" you fucking Commie.
I think everybody is overreacting. We've only been shutdown for a couple of weeks, and yet we think it's the end of the Fn world?

If we didn't have this virus around, and the President announced he wanted us to all have a vacation for one month during these booming economic times--paid for by the government, we would be festive, celebrating, we would be in our glory!!!!!

In our time, we've lived through multiple recessions. We lived through the housing crisis. We survived the OKC bombing; 911. We survive the common flu that kills 40,000 Americans on average ever year, now 90,000 Americans overdosing, not to mention suicides, wars......

We are Americans. As such, we've seen much worse than this. It's the price of liberty. Coronavirus treatments are advancing. Numbers of infected and deaths are flat lining. Multiple vaccines are in the process of testing. N-95 masks are being manufactured by the tens of thousands every day. COVID testing has advanced tenfold.

So now, we are asked to sit home in front of our big screen televisions, watch some of our 400 channels via cable and satellite, screw around on this internet for hours on end, sanitize our hone.you just wash frequently, and wear face masks while the government pays us to do so.

I'm sure the people in Somalia are just grieving for our terrible situation as they mix mud to stop the leaks in their huts. Europe shuts down for six weeks every single year to take vacations. I'm sure we'll somehow survive.
It's gone way beyond that. The people of the United States absolutely hate one another. This is worse than 1859. Trump is only an excuse. This will end in blood.
I agree.

The Democrats have gone bat shit crazy in a way I'd never thought possible before I saw it.

People wearing hats that look like pussies. Un-fucking-believable.

That's so crazy, and what's worse, the Democrats have no fucking idea how crazy that is.

I guess the bright side is it keeps Antifa home, and we don't have to worry about them for a while.

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