Horrible times ahead...

The last time unemployment was this high, we were in the depths of the Great Depression.

The last time the government was in this much debt, we were at the height of World War II.

The last time every day life was disrupted this much -- was NEVER.

The virus is only a small part of the problem.

The government's completely spastic overreaction to the virus has caused so much damage to our economy it may take decades to dig out of this hole we're now in.

This has and will go well beyond the virus and economic impact. Try on the biggest leap toward eliminating the backbone of the greatest country on Earth, which is the middle class. The same for one-world order & socialism.
The last time unemployment was this high, we were in the depths of the Great Depression.

The last time the government was in this much debt, we were at the height of World War II.

The last time every day life was disrupted this much -- was NEVER.

The virus is only a small part of the problem.

The government's completely spastic overreaction to the virus has caused so much damage to our economy it may take decades to dig out of this hole we're now in.
You're really on a tear tonight. Cheer up. Oh, and we're #1 on National Debt war or no war or ever. 2019 figures $22,027,424,114,818.60 .
and that's not accounting for liabilities>>>

still, i like this 'clock' best , because the numbers spin so quickly>

Well, that kinda neat. I didn't have that one. Thanks for link. It is now in my Information bookmark tab. Polidiotic was only one I had for National Debt. Always behind, but lets you what pres was responsible for the mess. I know we all are to a degree. According to yours were each in hock for $799,000 bucks. You are really a depressing kind of guy....:)
People die of flu every year and we don't have this panic that's been stirred up.

People die of traffic accidents, yet we still go out on the road.

People die of lung cancer, but we still allow them to smoke cigarettes.

Abortion kills 3000 babies every day, but no panic there either.
Yea asshole.

We're all gonna die...sometime

Let's not make it TOMORROW

You piece of shit
I think everybody is overreacting. We've only been shutdown for a couple of weeks, and yet we think it's the end of the Fn world?

If we didn't have this virus around, and the President announced he wanted us to all have a vacation for one month during these booming economic times--paid for by the government, we would be festive, celebrating, we would be in our glory!!!!!

In our time, we've lived through multiple recessions. We lived through the housing crisis. We survived the OKC bombing; 911. We survive the common flu that kills 40,000 Americans on average ever year, now 90,000 Americans overdosing, not to mention suicides, wars......

We are Americans. As such, we've seen much worse than this. It's the price of liberty. Coronavirus treatments are advancing. Numbers of infected and deaths are flat lining. Multiple vaccines are in the process of testing. N-95 masks are being manufactured by the tens of thousands every day. COVID testing has advanced tenfold.

So now, we are asked to sit home in front of our big screen televisions, watch some of our 400 channels via cable and satellite, screw around on this internet for hours on end, sanitize our hands, wash frequently, and wear face masks while the government pays us to do so.

I'm sure the people in Somalia are just grieving for our terrible situation as they mix mud to stop the leaks in their huts. Europe shuts down for six weeks every single year to take vacations. I'm sure we'll somehow survive.
Yes but in all those countries the people are not under house arrest. The can go out and travel, go to the beach with friend and family, That is not the case here. Nothing to celebrate

The point I was making is it's not going to kill us to stay home for a short period of time. In my state, yes, bars, non-essential businesses, concerts, movies and so on are not open for business, but I can still go to Burger King, still go grocery shopping, still visit people if I desire, still go outside and work on the yard on Global Warming days. Hell, I went to the UPS store yesterday with no problem.

I'm a homebody person to start with, so it's not a big deal to me.
The only thing you are missing are the freedoms GUARANTEED by the Constitution. Enjoy Easter at home alone.

Thank you. I am.
People are dying. Just a few days ago, someone was dying of COVID every 43 seconds. Stay home. It's not forever.

For $150 you can get a VR headset that will take you anywhere in the world AND give you social interaction if that is what you crave. Yesterday I dove on a submerged shipwreck, walked around Paris, flew A fighter jet and got in some fishing on a quiet lake...all from the comfort of my home.

Do you have the site for the jet fighter? Is is 360?
Dead people can't dig themselves out of the hole they are put in. Stay home.
The number show one thing and only one thing. We need to open up the economy before it gets any worse. The liberal plan to use guilt to get us to agree with them won't work.
Things aren't going to open up anytime soon. Our economy will survive just fine by sending peoe $$$ to keep it strong.
People are dying. Just a few days ago, someone was dying of COVID every 43 seconds. Stay home. It's not forever.

For $150 you can get a VR headset that will take you anywhere in the world AND give you social interaction if that is what you crave. Yesterday I dove on a submerged shipwreck, walked around Paris, flew A fighter jet and got in some fishing on a quiet lake...all from the comfort of my home.

Do you have the site for the jet fighter? Is is 360?

It's a game. Ace Combat 7. It has a decent VR component. There are some okay 360 videos on YouTube.
You assfucks are supposed to stay the fuck at home.
no work, no eat

seems all the government mouthpieces insisting 'we're all in this together' get their tax paid check

not me, i'm a hand/mouth biz , make my bread by moving my a**

are you getting paid to stay home?

well i'm not, and even if i was the construction contacts i do have won't be looking to use me down the road if i do

damned if, damned if not....

so i'm taking my chances out there, unless one of the gub'mit 'assfucks' (your term) has some magical solution

You are really a depressing kind of guy.
LOL, diehard misanthropist in fact.....

The last time unemployment was this high, we were in the depths of the Great Depression.

The last time the government was in this much debt, we were at the height of World War II.

The last time every day life was disrupted this much -- was NEVER.

The virus is only a small part of the problem.

The government's completely spastic overreaction to the virus has caused so much damage to our economy it may take decades to dig out of this hole we're now in.

This has and will go well beyond the virus and economic impact. Try on the biggest leap toward eliminating the backbone of the greatest country on Earth, which is the middle class. The same for one-world order & socialism.
In the broader scope they are nationalizing big biz

which worked out real well for countries like Venezuela

Maybe it's wishful thinking by the left but we are not in a situation anything similar to FDR's Great Depression. It took FDR two terms and a freaking World War to emerge from the depression. All we have to do today is release Americans from house arrest.
Dem's holding up the coronavirus relief bill to cram in $2 billion in unrelated PORK tells us this 'crisis' isn't that serious.

Oh, it's serious, and they know it. The problem is, Democrat politicians always think of themselves first, and everybody else later. To them, nothing is paramount to power and control.
Many businesses and churches will go under and not revive when the scare is over and things go back to normal.
Yes Churches are getting some of the money. money that the rest of us will have to pay back because churches don't pay taxes, and most of them don't employ many people
I think everybody is overreacting. We've only been shutdown for a couple of weeks, and yet we think it's the end of the Fn world?

If we didn't have this virus around, and the President announced he wanted us to all have a vacation for one month during these booming economic times--paid for by the government, we would be festive, celebrating, we would be in our glory!!!!!

In our time, we've lived through multiple recessions. We lived through the housing crisis. We survived the OKC bombing; 911. We survive the common flu that kills 40,000 Americans on average ever year, now 90,000 Americans overdosing, not to mention suicides, wars......

We are Americans. As such, we've seen much worse than this. It's the price of liberty. Coronavirus treatments are advancing. Numbers of infected and deaths are flat lining. Multiple vaccines are in the process of testing. N-95 masks are being manufactured by the tens of thousands every day. COVID testing has advanced tenfold.

So now, we are asked to sit home in front of our big screen televisions, watch some of our 400 channels via cable and satellite, screw around on this internet for hours on end, sanitize our hone.you just wash frequently, and wear face masks while the government pays us to do so.

I'm sure the people in Somalia are just grieving for our terrible situation as they mix mud to stop the leaks in their huts. Europe shuts down for six weeks every single year to take vacations. I'm sure we'll somehow survive.
It's gone way beyond that. The people of the United States absolutely hate one another. This is worse than 1859. Trump is only an excuse. This will end in blood.

Horsecrap, there is alot of word throwing, but very little in terms of it spilling over into violence.

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