...horses ass

So, the conservatives here were chronically butthurt when they lost.

And now they're even more butthurt after they won.

Conservatives, is there any possible reality which could exist where you wouldn't be chronically butthurt? Or is your butthurt soul-deep in you now? That is, if we took away your butthurt, would there be anything left of you?

That's a really weird post. Why would we be butthurt after the best possible outcome of the Presidential, Gubernatorial, and local elections for the GOP? It's possible I don't understand what butthurt means. It is an odd word IMO.
Libtards use that term, them being gay they understand it very well.
The questioners were handpicked.the questions softballs. And the president in full lie mode. "My ethics lawyer set the standard and we have held,ourselves to these high standards for the last eight years." IRS, Iran deal, Obamacare, vet treatment, executive orders, nverending lies, international faux pas. The guy just loves to hear himself speak and now is is the self appointed keeper of the American flame. He is as pathetic as he is disgusting in his relentless attempt to rewrite history to save his legacy. He has been rejected by the American people and he just can't come to grips with it. His narcissism is industrial strength. He is letting the world know that he is available now to be elected leader of the whole world now that he is done with his lesser job. I could not watch any more of the news conference than a few minutes. His holier than thou airs make me want to puke. Someone is going to have to tell him six months from now to tone it down because you are no longer president, but he won't listen. what do you think Putin said to him? So long lightweight? He couldn't have had a press conference like this in America, so he leaves the world stage like he came in, apologizing for America and apologizing for the choice our republic has made. Good riddance.
The jackass is gone next month....no power, a destroyed democrat party, and a gift wrapped supreme court as a house warming present for The Donald.......... see ya dick head!
What an honest appraisal of the USA's role in developing the Post WWII era in the world. We're not perfect but we are .....

"... the reason why the world is much wealthier, much more secure, and yes, less violent, healthier, and better educated, more tolerant than 50 years ago. That requires constant work. It doesn't just happen on its own."
Conservatives accepted defeat

Openly revising history now, eh Snowfalke? You're conveniently forgetting your 8 solid years of "The election was rigged!" and "Kenyan Obama can't be president!"? We were here. We know you all acted like that. You can't lie to our faces and pretend otherwise.

Im contrast, none of the liberals here are acting like that. Moral high ground to the liberals, as usual.

rather than, as Snowflakes continue to do, call for the overthrow of the govt, call for the racist murder of whites, and call for the assassination of the new President on such a large, organized scale.

Snowflake, you're such a predictable and obedient cultist. FOX News knows that whiny old white people like you can be easily terrified. That's why they constantly broadcast hysterical segments about how the dark people are coming to get you. And it works. You now exist in a constant state of incontinence.

Now that they have lost a second time, in historic / record-setting fashion, they are engaging in rioting, vandalism, assault, sedition, subversion, anarchy, rebellion....while perversely trying to justify their actions by claiming calling for the overthrow of the govt & the assassination of the new President is a form of 'protest' protected by the Constitution.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

You're out of your mind, along with so many other Trump-snowflakes. You're living in your own kook-snowflake alternate reality, because you get off on sitting in a puddle of your own urine.

The DNC's candidate & her team were exposed as having organized and funded the destruction of property, violence against their opponent's supporters, & inciting violence...this is an extreme new low in American politics, more resembling the actions of Barry's buddy - Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers - than those of a major political party!

Each time I think you can't get crazier, you do get crazier. You and the other Trump-snowflakes here are no longer tethered to reality at all. The only purpose for your existence now is to serve as a warning to others, of what happens when you willingly surrender your ability to reason to a political cult.

Anyways, such a fine butthurt rant you gave us, snowflake. Thanks for confirming my point about the supremely butthurt nature of Trump-snowfalkes. Now run back to your Minister of Propaganda master for your new talking points. Such a good Stalinist lackey you are.
Conservatives accepted defeat
Openly revising history now, eh Snowfalke?


No white racist hate group marched, burned flags, called for the overthrow of the govt, called for the racist murders of all blacks and police, and publicly called for Obama's assassination.....like liberals / BLM has done and is doing.

This is a FACT.

Collin Kaepernick, a typical liberal it seem, protested, drew attention to himself, then did not vote.

According to reports 70% of these seditious, subversive liberal protestors did not vote.

The majority of the cast of Hamilton who rudely lectured Pence....yeah, haven't bothered to vote in 10 years.

What we are seeing is the Democratic Party developing a spoiled, lazy bunch of supporters who, like with the Welfare and Obamaphones, want what they want given to them without having to put forth any effort to get it. And when they don't get it, they pitch a hissy fit - calling for political terrorism and violence.

In 2014, unlike the GOP, liberals were unmotivated and did not go to the polls, resulting in an 'historic', record-setting' loss o election day. Liberals bitched about it...but did not vote in large numbers.

This election, the media was reporting during the Primaries Liberals were un-motivated and showing up in less numbers than in 2014 while the GOP was setting records for large numbers voting. HILLARY LOSS!

Now, idiot like the cast of Hamilton want to riot, show their ass, and lecture the GOP about that the GOP needs to do when they - Liberals - LOST the election because they wouldn't get off their asses and do what they need to do.. :p

Oh, they're real good at burning the American flag, rioting, looting, firebombing the GOP HQ in NC, calling for the murder of all whites and cops, and calling for the assassination of the New President.....they just can't get off their asses to vote to try to help Hillary win.

NO, the GOP is NOTHING like these clowns.
The GOP voted in 2014 - the GOP WON.
The GOP voted in 2016 - the GOP WON!

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