Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

Harassing?! can you be any more dramatic?! I'm curious why people are choosing to not get vaccinated and asking simple questions. You are starting threads and then not wanting to talk about the subject. You don't want to get vaxed but can't explain why... Sounds like you're just here to emote about the big bad government. If thats the case I can happily bow out and let you return to your echo chamber
Hundreds of thousands have recovered from COVID-19 naturally, and therefore they have natural immune generated anti-bodies that in many cases were donated by blood in order to save the lives of others by them.

So why are these people not being considered in the war on Covid, and their contributions in that war ?????? Why are they not given a pass after knowingly defeating the Covid, and also contributing to the cause by giving blood ???

I know what the issue is probably, where as in order to promote total compliance on the issue, the unvaxed recovery patient's are being grouped in with the want to be vaccinated potentials because it may help to get those potentials to go on and cross that threshold.....They are sceptical because they see others who have survived the Covid (even though they don't know that they have), being resistive to the vaccine because they've already had the thing, got the T-shirt, and are done with it now.

The University of Washington Medical Center has kicked “several patients” off their transplant waiting list for not being vaccinated, according to reports.

The report says that the hospital began denying organ transplants to the unvaccinated in June 2021.

That unvaxxed camp will soon rear up.
It's pure fuckin evil

Cute momma brings A game in San Diego

No, it’s NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. Educated people understand that. Leaving you out of the loop....
She is on a discussion forum starting thread about the issue and when I ask why she makes the choices she makes its. None of your business?! Give me a break. If you all are too intellectually deficient to discuss the matter then thats fine, its obvious... But thats not a position I'd be so quick to defend
Thank heavens for iggie. But from the responses I see, I guess he is still trying to get the answer HE wants. I bet if he could, he would sniff my hair.
I would love to sniff your hair... Pert Plus I presume?
Hundreds of thousands have recovered from COVID-19 naturally, and therefore they have natural immune generated anti-bodies that in many cases were donated by blood in order to save the lives of others by them.

So why are these people not being considered in the war on Covid, and their contributions in that war ?????? Why are they not given a pass after knowingly defeating the Covid, and also contributing to the cause by giving blood ???

I know what the issue is probably, where as in order to promote total compliance on the issue, the unvaxed recovery patient's are being grouped in with the want to be vaccinated potentials because it may help to get those potentials to go on and cross that threshold.....They are sceptical because they see others who have survived the Covid (even though they don't know that they have), being resistive to the vaccine because they've already had the thing, got the T-shirt, and are done with it now.
The issue is hospitals filling up, ceasing to provide elective surgeries to people in pain, over working ICU staff... All because a bunch of tards are too headstrong to take a shot. And even better is when asked why, all they can say is "none of your business" what a cop out. Have some balls and stand behind your decisions with the ability to explain your self.

The University of Washington Medical Center has kicked “several patients” off their transplant waiting list for not being vaccinated, according to reports.

The report says that the hospital began denying organ transplants to the unvaccinated in June 2021.

That unvaxxed camp will soon rear up.

IF they are not vaxed, they are in danger.
With Regeneron antibodies covering most every possible mutation except one, it will have been the unvaxxed who lose the bet.
Please clarify your statement more. Specifically " every possibile mutation except one. " Thank you, Stan.
She is on a discussion forum starting thread about the issue and when I ask why she makes the choices she makes its. None of your business?! Give me a break. If you all are too intellectually deficient to discuss the matter then thats fine, its obvious... But thats not a position I'd be so quick to defend
None of your business assclown. Period. Since you’re so keen to share, put up ALL your personal info. Or are you too intellectually deficient to do that? Other people’s personal decisions are none of your business. Period.

The University of Washington Medical Center has kicked “several patients” off their transplant waiting list for not being vaccinated, according to reports.

The report says that the hospital began denying organ transplants to the unvaccinated in June 2021.

That unvaxxed camp will soon rear up.
Transplant patients are probably already immunocompromised before the transplant and definitely will be be when taking anti-rejection medications. I should know. I am awaiting being listed for a liver transplant and have to have every vaccine known to man prior to being listed.

What good does it do for someone to wait years for a liver transplant and then die of COVID shortly thereafter? If they took my liver that I had waited years for only to die of something that they could have prevented, I would be a little pissed off!
Maybe she should join antifa ..theyre anti fascist! It's in thier name !

Maybe one of the watermelon movements ?
Or one of targets getting gay with kids fund drives?


For some reason you think I’m suggesting she jump from one side of retard to the other… how about something in the middle. Ever consider that?
None of your business assclown. Period. Since you’re so keen to share, put up ALL your personal info. Or are you too intellectually deficient to do that? Other people’s personal decisions are none of your business. Period.
This is an ananomous message board. I'm not asking anybody for personal information. You must be a complete moron if you are trying to compare sharing personal contact information with asking somebody to explain their position on a thread that they started!!
I wouldn't have thought those who had transplants would be in a well enough position to receive any kind of vaccination, let alone the Covid one.
Try reading for comprehension. These are for patients (like me) waiting for a transplant. Giving a transplant recipient a vaccine would possible and maybe even likely kill them.
This is an ananomous message board. I'm not asking anybody for personal information. You must be a complete moron if you are trying to compare sharing personal contact information with asking somebody to explain their position on a thread that they started?!
Nice tantrum because you got told none of your business. Still none of your business clown boy. Despite what you think, nobody owes you an explanation for anything they do. Going to stamp your feet now?
For some reason you think I’m suggesting she jump from one side of retard to the other… how about something in the middle. Ever consider that?
Fuck your fake middle

Look what it's gotten yas
The lefts March through the institutions
When are you gonna start pushing back ? Never
Cause you're no center

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