Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

I haven't seen a doctor since my outpatient hernia repair in 2009.
I’m not surprised. So where are you getting the info from to base your medical decisions about COVID? The news and politics?
I understand that you are choosing I was asking why? So religion is why? you don't have any vaccines?

Thats pretty silly. What religion are you?

It's pretty obvious from any sound explanation of Scripture, if you have eyes ears and all other parts you were born with you definitely don't a doctor with a needle or knife or some other sharp cutting instrument administering untested and unproven remedies.
The problem with this is you have to be pretty sick to get on the list in the first place. IOW, you're one of those who might not be able to tolerate the vaccine. Kind of a catch-22 there.
These were people who were advised to take the shot from their doctors and refused. Probably because of politics or something they read on the internet. Regardless, if their doctor is telling them they need to do something and they refuse that is quite different from those whose medical conditions prevent them from safely being able to take the vaccine.

It's pretty obvious from any sound explanation of Scripture, if you have eyes ears and all other parts you were born with you definitely don't a doctor with a needle or knife or some other sharp cutting instrument administering untested and unproven remedies.
Thanks for that captain random. But since we aren’t talking about untested remedies I don’t see how your comment is relevant to this conversation.
We'll see what the lawsuits have to say.

They're opening themselves up for some serious liability here.....
We'll see what the lawsuits have to say.

They're opening themselves up for some serious liability here.....

I know a gentleman who needed a kidney transplant. He was on the list for a long time when an impromptu conversation with his neighbor's sister led to the revelation that she might be a match and a viable donor. They did the required testing and, yeah: perfect match. The surgery took place, and both the gentleman and the donor enjoyed full recoveries, and both are leading wonderful lives to this day, some 15 years after the fact.

I can't imagine a doctor looking at this guy and saying he couldn't have the transplant. It would just be wrong...
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I know a gentleman who needed a kidney transplant. He was on the list for a long time when an impromptu conversation with his neighbor's sister led to the revelation that she might be a match and a viable donor. They did the required testing and, yeah: perfect match. The surgery took place, and the both the gentleman and the donor enjoyed full recoveries, and both are leading wonderful lives to this day, some 15 years after the fact.

I can't imagine a doctor looking at this guy and saying he couldn't have the transplant. It would just be wrong...

I doubt these are doctors making these calls. Bureaucrats thinking they should be activists and deciding they should play God seems more likely to me. That's generally a very expensive game and here's hoping they end up on their asses for this
I doubt these are doctors making these calls. Bureaucrats thinking they should be activists and deciding they should play God seems more likely to me. That's generally a very expensive game and here's hoping they end up on their asses for this
Doctors are not supposed to be making these calls. Could you see the uproar if an ER doc refused to treat someone for an OD because it was the third time they had seen the patient come through for the same problem? The transplant list is supposed to be free of politics, but often isn't. If someone is just the perfect amount of sick and matches for an organ, they're supposed to get it, full stop.

I know a gentleman who needed a kidney transplant. He was on the list for a long time when an impromptu conversation with his neighbor's sister led to the revelation that she might be a match and a viable donor. They did the required testing and, yeah: perfect match. The surgery took place, and both the gentleman and the donor enjoyed full recoveries, and both are leading wonderful lives to this day, some 15 years after the fact.

I can't imagine a doctor looking at this guy and saying he couldn't have the transplant. It would just be wrong...
Here's a fun fact. Did you know we have living heart donors in America? I'll tell you how in a bit.
Oh. We've got Doctors of Divinity advising us on medical asshattery now. And there's an abortion in a back alley, to boot.
What are you rambling on about?! Go take a cold shower and wake yourself up because you aren't making any sense.
Sometimes you just have to go with instinct, common sense and trust your own judgment.

So far so good.
You base all of those things on the information you are exposed to. You don't seem to be exposing yourself to actual doctors so you're basing your medical decisions on politics and media. Thats not a very educated decision.
Here's a fun fact. Did you know we have living heart donors in America? I'll tell you how in a bit.
I'm aware of Tammy Griffin.

Linda Karr received a donor heart from Griffin, who received a new heart from yet another donor...
The University of Washington gets its funding from ALL of the taxpayers, not just the vaxxed ones. Allowing someone to die for want of a kidney, liver or brain is discriminatory.
If people do not follow medical advise and protocol then they don't get care, thats how it works. An alcoholic is not going to get a new liver if they continue to drink... They will give it to somebody who actually puts effort into staying healthy so the organ doesn't go to waste.
You base all of those things on the information you are exposed to. You don't seem to be exposing yourself to actual doctors so you're basing your medical decisions on politics and media. Thats not a very educated decision.
If you want to act 'educated' and
get sterilized for the globalists population control scheme, go ahead .....count me out.

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