Hospital removing transplant patients for being unvaxxed

You know, shitstain. Stop being the board spell checking asshole, asshole Cripes you're fcking annoying

Get the fcking jab and roll the dice...and stay on point
I do? Is that word supposed to be cognitive, congenital, or some other word I haven't heard of?

I already had my vaccine because before COVID even made it big in the US, my doctor told me that if I got COVID, I would die and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it from happening. That was in January 2020 when it was just starting to be recognized as a serious health threat.

Now, educate yourself about organ transplants because you are coming across like a dumb liberal, which I know you are not.
I don't need or want to explain my reasonings to you. Who are you again? Oh. Wait. Nobody, that's who.

The person knew what was required as part of transplant procedure. He also that without the vaccination and having a compromised immune system due to transplant that he would be unable fight off any infection, including COVID.

No vax, no transplant. Good for the hospital. Why waste time and money on some fool who would die as a result of his own stupidity.
The person knew what was required as part of transplant procedure. He also that without the vaccination and having a compromised immune system due to transplant that he would be unable fight off any infection, including COVID.

No vax, no transplant. Good for the hospital. Why waste time and money on some fool who would die as a result of his own stupidity.

The individual could get the jab and still contract COVID.

Why don't you people understand that vaccinated individuals are still contracting and spreading COVID?

Are you so narrow minded and focused it escapes you?
Nice tantrum because you got told none of your business. Still none of your business clown boy. Despite what you think, nobody owes you an explanation for anything they do. Going to stamp your feet now?
I never said anybody owes me anything. The weak minded who can’t explain their positions never even try. I just ask them to to root out the retards from the smart people
The issue is hospitals filling up, ceasing to provide elective surgeries to people in pain, over working ICU staff... All because a bunch of tards are too headstrong to take a shot. And even better is when asked why, all they can say is "none of your business" what a cop out. Have some balls and stand behind your decisions with the ability to explain your self.
Trusting anything we hear or anything someone like you says is out the window now. Take responsibility for your actions over the last 4+ years, and it is that the Democrat's have death on their hands.
Try reading for comprehension. These are for patients (like me) waiting for a transplant. Giving a transplant recipient a vaccine would possible and maybe even likely kill them.
Yes, but for your own comprehension and read my post, I'm talking about those who've had a transplant. Did you not notice my words?
Trusting anything we hear or anything someone like you says is out the window now. Take responsibility for your actions over the last 4+ years, and it is that the Democrat's have death on their hands.
What is it that I said that you think I’m expecting you to trust? The conditions of hospitals? You don’t need to believe me, look into it yourself
Alzheimer’s type symptoms. You know…brain damaged like Biden.
There's no such thing as Alzheimer's. Get off the weed already. You've got some sort of bong or a humidifier hidden in the corner infusing the whole building with CBD/THC/cannabis etc. at that old folks home, and even the young female caregivers are as batty as the elderly patients in that atmosphere. They've got boyfriends to pick them up as soon as the get off work because they can't legally drive stoned.
There's no such thing as Alzheimer's. Get off the weed already. You've got some sort of bong or a humidifier hidden in the corner infusing the whole building with CBD/THC/cannabis etc. at that old folks home, and even the young female caregivers are as batty as the elderly patients in that atmosphere. They've got boyfriends to pick them up as soon as the get off work because they can't legally drive stoned.
Put down the crack pipe before typing. It might help you.

The University of Washington Medical Center has kicked “several patients” off their transplant waiting list for not being vaccinated, according to reports.

The report says that the hospital began denying organ transplants to the unvaccinated in June 2021.

That unvaxxed camp will soon rear up.
The problem with this is you have to be pretty sick to get on the list in the first place. IOW, you're one of those who might not be able to tolerate the vaccine. Kind of a catch-22 there.

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