Hospital Won't Back Obama Birth Claim

i was not playing word games, merely pointing out your repeated errors sweet willy....

and no, the state only said they have a certificate on file, it does not mention anything at all about what is contained in the certificate....which begs the question:

if hawaii has stated his original is on file, why doen't obama bother releasing it so everyone can STFU....

if you are going to rest your case on hearsay, why is it you don't believe obama's family saying he was born in kenya? or any other hearsay....because all the state did was say one is on file, that is it, nothing at all about what is contained in it.

now stop saying obama has released a copy of the certificate, that is plain false and i have corrected you numerous times on it. and again, this whole thing is silly, if the state is going to say one is on file, it is stupid for obama to not release it.....he promised transparency, yet he won't release a silly certificate so people who do not believe him based on the certificate can let it go

simple, this is all on obama's hands
i was not playing word games, merely pointing out your repeated errors sweet willy....

and no, the state only said they have a certificate on file, it does not mention anything at all about what is contained in the certificate....which begs the question:

if hawaii has stated his original is on file, why doen't obama bother releasing it so everyone can STFU....

if you are going to rest your case on hearsay, why is it you don't believe obama's family saying he was born in kenya? or any other hearsay....because all the state did was say one is on file, that is it, nothing at all about what is contained in it.

now stop saying obama has released a copy of the certificate, that is plain false and i have corrected you numerous times on it. and again, this whole thing is silly, if the state is going to say one is on file, it is stupid for obama to not release it.....he promised transparency, yet he won't release a silly certificate so people who do not believe him based on the certificate can let it go

simple, this is all on obama's hands

THere is no flaw in my arguments. They are based on verifiable evidence.

and no, the state only said they have a certificate on file, it does not mention anything at all about what is contained in the certificate....

This is untrue. A lie. The certification states the name, the parents, the date and place of birth. It is certified as a true account of Obamas birth and the information is certified as being the information contained in the original.

if hawaii has stated his original is on file, why doen't obama bother releasing it so everyone can STFU....

There is no "if" Yurt. The state of Hawaii has stated this several times. I already provided you with links to statements, interviews and press releases made by the State of Hawaii, verifying the veracity of Obama's BC.

Obama has already released his BC. It has been verified and published for all to see. It is the acceptable BC for all local, state and federal agencies to determine US birth.

if you are going to rest your case on hearsay, why is it you don't believe obama's family saying he was born in kenya?

My case rest on the BC issued by the state of Hawaii, the subsequent statements made by the state of Hawaii and the available images of the BC, posted and verified by various sources. Your claim that a BC certified by the State of Hawaii and issued to Barak Obama is "hearsay" is absurd. Your claim that subsequent statements released by the very officials who are charged with verifying births in Hawaii is "hearsay" is absurd.

Obama's family has never claimed he wasn't born in Hawaii. If you have a credible source for this, present it.

now stop saying obama has released a copy of the certificate, that is plain false and i have corrected you numerous times on it.

Obama has acquired and released a Hawaiin issued BC, certified as a true reflection of his original BC, kept on file, in accordance with Hawaiian law.
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I thought we agreed he hadn't done that. Would you provide a link to the birth certificate OBAMA provided and authorized?
So instead of Berry Soetoro saying... "hey everybody out there, I was born in this hospital, and you should all believe me," why doesn't he release his "REAL" birth certificate and "PROVE IT?"

Oh yes... the question no one can answer.

Oh, I dunno... because he's very busy running the country right now and fulfilling the fantasies of conspiracy theorists isn't on his top 100 list.

Hospital Won't Back Obama Birth Claim
Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center refuses to confirm White House letter

Posted: July 06, 2009
9:26 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The hospital in Hawaii where Barack Obama claims he was born refuses to produce any documentation – or even confirm the claim – without permission of the president himself.

The Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu has posted on its website a letter on White House stationery dated Jan. 24 in which Obama wrote, "As a beneficiary of the excellence of Kapi'olani Medical Center – the place of my birth – I am pleased to add my voice to your chorus of supporters."


Kristy Watanabe, the public relations specialist for the hospital refused to confirm or deny the veracity of Obama's letter claiming he was born at the hospital.

"Our comment to everyone who has been calling is that federal law does not permit us to provide any more details concerning information [about Obama's birth] without authorization from Mr. Obama," Watanabe told WND.

She said the hospital had not contacted Obama for authorization.

When WND asked Watanabe why the hospital did not contact Obama to ask for authorization, especially given the number of phone calls the hospital was receiving with the request, Watanabe said: "This is our response, and we can't say anything more than that."

WND asked if a hypothetical elected official pretended to be born at the hospital, would federal law prevent her from disclosing that? If so, which federal law would that be?

"It's just our policy that without permission we don't ever answer questions about babies born in the hospital," she said.

This is not the first time Kapi'olani and other Hawaiian hospitals have slammed the door on WND's attempts to ascertain specifics about Obama's birth.

As reported last month, Kapi'olani declined to return any of at least four WND messages requesting comment, while Queen's Medical Center said in a prepared statement, "Due to patient privacy laws we cannot respond to your inquiries."

A private detective working in conjunction with WND's investigations last year into Obama's birthplace also visited the hospitals.

In a subsequent affidavit, he said the much-publicized online image of what the White House says is Obama's birth certificate doesn't prove any birth location.

"On October 31st, 2008, officials in Hawaii released a statement that they had examined the birth certificate, but failed to declare whether it was a Live Birth Certificate generated by a hospital with signatures of the attending physician or a 'Late Birth' Certificate of Hawaiian Birth that could have been obtained (for a child) who is one year old or older after birth by a simple affirmation of a family member," wrote investigator Jorge L. Baro, of Elite Legal Services in Florida.

"Only the 'Long Form' original certificate will answer all questions about the date and location of birth and confirm that it occurred in Hawaii," he said.

WND reported in the April issue of Whistleblower that Obama's step-grandmother in an interview transcript obtained by WND in Africa has claimed she was present at Obama's birth in Mombasa, Kenya.

WND is in possession of an affidavit submitted by Rev. Kweli Shuhubia, an Anabaptist minister in Kenya, who is the official Swahili translator for the annual Anabaptist Conference in Kenya, and a second affidavit signed by Bishop Ron McRae, the presiding elder of the Anabaptists' Continental Presbytery of Africa.

Where's the proof Barack Obama was born in the U.S. or that he fulfills the "natural-born American" clause in the Constitution? If you still want to see it, join nearly 400,000 others and sign up now!

In his affidavit, Shuhubia asserts "it is common knowledge throughout the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., was born in Mombasa, Kenya."

Shuhubia further states in his affidavit that he visited Obama's grandmother at her home in the village of Alego-Kogello, on Oct. 16, 2008, in order to conduct a telephone conference interview that would connect with McRae in the United States.

During the telephone interview, McRae specifically asked Sarah Obama two times, "Were you present when your grandson was born in Kenya."

"Both times she specifically replied, 'Yes,'" Shuhubia affirmed in the affidavit.

Hospital won't back Obama birth claim
For one it would probably a hippa violation if they released his birth certificate which would be considered a medical record most likely.
And why do you guys keep bringing this crap up.
I also do not have my orginal live birth certificate, I wonder how many other people who were born in the US don't either.
of course it would be a HIPPA violation
I thought we agreed he hadn't done that. Would you provide a link to the birth certificate OBAMA provided and authorized?

Born in the U.S.A.
August 21, 2008
Updated: November 1, 2008
The truth about Obama's birth certificate.
In June, the Obama campaign released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate to quell speculative charges that he might not be a natural-born citizen. But the image prompted more blog-based skepticism about the document's authenticity. And recently, author Jerome Corsi, whose book attacks Obama, said in a TV interview that the birth certificate the campaign has is "fake."

We beg to differ. staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.

Update, Nov. 1: The director of Hawaii’s Department of Health confirmed Oct. 31 that Obama was born in Honolulu.
Update Nov. 1: The Associated Press quoted Chiyome Fukino as saying that both she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

Fukino also was quoted by several other news organizations. The Honolulu Advertiser quoted Fukino as saying the agency had been bombarded by requests, and that the registrar of statistics had even been called in at home in the middle of the night.

Honolulu Advertiser, Nov. 1 2008: "This has gotten ridiculous," state health director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said yesterday. "There are plenty of other, important things to focus on, like the economy, taxes, energy." . . . Will this be enough to quiet the doubters? "I hope so," Fukino said. "We need to get some work done."

Fukino said she has “personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."

Allie please go to this link and scroll it, the notorized with the State seal, birth certificate of Obama is there... Born in the U.S.A.
Lies and deceit ALWAYS unravel in time, just as this is...

Obama Birth Mystery: More Than 1 Hospital

Myth-busting website, news articles say president not born in location he claims

By Joe Kovacs and Jerome Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

More than eight months after Barack Obama was elected president, the mystery surrounding his precise birthplace is deepening as the myth-busting website – along with several news agencies and an Obama community blog – directly contradict the president's own claim regarding the hospital in which he was born.

In an official letter signed by Obama on White House stationery, the president celebrates his birth at the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii. The facility has posted that letter on its website, along with video of the letter being read in public.


But according to Snopes, the popular online hoax-buster that many rely on as the final word on both important and frivolous stories, Obama was born at a different hospital in the Hawaiian capital.

In Snopes' entry concerning allegations that Obama is a "radical Muslim," the site addresses the birth history of the commander in chief, stating, "Barack Hussein Obama was born on 4 August 1961 at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii."

WND took a screen shot of the entry and highlighted the name of the hospital.


In this screenshot of highlighted by WND, the myth-busting website asserts President Obama was born at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, not the Kapi'olani Medical Center in which Obama claims to have been born.

(Note: Within 90 minutes of this WND story being posted, Snopes swapped the hospital of birth to indicate Obama was born at Kapi'olani, but noted some ambiguity by stating, "News accounts have also variously placed his birth as having occurred at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.")

Interestingly, in Snopes' entry focusing on the natural-born citizenship controversy, no mention is made of the birth hospital.

But Snopes is not alone in asserting Obama was born at a hospital other than the one he personally claims.

A number of news articles published both in the U.S. and abroad name Queen's Medical Center – not Kapi'olani – as the correct birthplace.

A United Press International report from Nov. 4 states:

"Obama described his birth at Queen's Medical Center in Hawaii Aug. 4, 1961, to a young white woman from Kansas and a father of Luo ethnicity from Nyanza Province in Kenya, as an 'all-America' story transcending orthodox racial stereotypes and experience."


A November 2004 report from the Rainbow Edition News Letter, published by the Education Laboratory School in Hawaii, noted in its lead sentence:

"Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii."

There's more, MUCH more, for any rational person that can see that not only has lost it's credibility by lying for obama, but many people are trying to sweep this issue under the rug, but they're NOT being successful. Obama is hiding a multitude of his documents, B.C., passport, college transcripts, school enrollments, and more.... why? Lies have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass, and now obama lying about where he was born IS biting him in the ass. Here is COLD, HARD, PROOF, and it is NOT a CONSPIRACY... Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital
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Lies and deceit ALWAYS unravel in time, just as this is...

Obama Birth Mystery: More Than 1 Hospital

Myth-busting website, news articles say president not born in location he claims

By Joe Kovacs and Jerome Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

More than eight months after Barack Obama was elected president, the mystery surrounding his precise birthplace is deepening as the myth-busting website – along with several news agencies and an Obama community blog – directly contradict the president's own claim regarding the hospital in which he was born.

In an official letter signed by Obama on White House stationery, the president celebrates his birth at the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii. The facility has posted that letter on its website, along with video of the letter being read in public.


But according to Snopes, the popular online hoax-buster that many rely on as the final word on both important and frivolous stories, Obama was born at a different hospital in the Hawaiian capital.

In Snopes' entry concerning allegations that Obama is a "radical Muslim," the site addresses the birth history of the commander in chief, stating, "Barack Hussein Obama was born on 4 August 1961 at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii."

WND took a screen shot of the entry and highlighted the name of the hospital.


In this screenshot of highlighted by WND, the myth-busting website asserts President Obama was born at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, not the Kapi'olani Medical Center in which Obama claims to have been born.

(Note: Within 90 minutes of this WND story being posted, Snopes swapped the hospital of birth to indicate Obama was born at Kapi'olani, but noted some ambiguity by stating, "News accounts have also variously placed his birth as having occurred at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.")

Interestingly, in Snopes' entry focusing on the natural-born citizenship controversy, no mention is made of the birth hospital.

But Snopes is not alone in asserting Obama was born at a hospital other than the one he personally claims.

A number of news articles published both in the U.S. and abroad name Queen's Medical Center – not Kapi'olani – as the correct birthplace.

A United Press International report from Nov. 4 states:

"Obama described his birth at Queen's Medical Center in Hawaii Aug. 4, 1961, to a young white woman from Kansas and a father of Luo ethnicity from Nyanza Province in Kenya, as an 'all-America' story transcending orthodox racial stereotypes and experience."


A November 2004 report from the Rainbow Edition News Letter, published by the Education Laboratory School in Hawaii, noted in its lead sentence:

"Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii."

There's more, MUCH more, for any rational person that can see that not only has lost it's credibility by lying for obama, but many people are trying to sweep this issue under the rug, but they're NOT being successful. Obama is hiding a multitude of his documents, B.C., passport, college transcripts, school enrollments, and more.... why? Lies have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass, and now obama lying about where he was born IS biting him in the ass. Here is COLD, HARD, PROOF, and it is NOT a CONSPIRACY... Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital

"News accounts have also variously placed his birth as having occurred at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Since when has Barack Obama become News Accounts? Wouldn't the blame in this situation lay at the feet of the media for not fact-checking rather than all of a sudden think "Omgz! Obama wasn't born here!"

All the time Pale, you accuse the media of being wrong, being liars, not checking their facts, etc but you think they're spot on about Obama. Oh the delicious and hilarious hypocrisy and irony on your part.
This man is a phoney and a poser, so nothing would surprise me. Given the money, power and manipulation which placed him in the White House, we should not be surprised at any falsehood uncovered about him.
Since when has Barack Obama become News Accounts? Wouldn't the blame in this situation lay at the feet of the media for not fact-checking rather than all of a sudden think "Omgz! Obama wasn't born here!"

All the time Pale, you accuse the media of being wrong, being liars, not checking their facts, etc but you think they're spot on about Obama. Oh the delicious and hilarious hypocrisy and irony on your part.

Well, it's OBVIOUS you DIDN'T READ EVERYTHING at the link, as expected with such an avid, zealot, obama ass kisser as yourself, but obama has even contradicted HIMSELF, as his own campaign website claimed he was born at Queens, and now this latest letter FROM HIM claims he was born else where. He lied. He's been caught in a lie. His own lie and no one else's.

Explain that.
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Robert, you one of these folks who will choke till breathless finding ways to defend this poser of a president. When the dollar collapses completely, look in the mirror and thank yourself!
Well, according to your own accounts, and your willingness to agree with Snopes, it is time to lay this matter to rest. It appears that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii. The exact hospital may be in question but they seem to agree he was born in Hawaii. I'm not an Obama fan, but it appears to me that this case is closed.
WND has reported that among the documentation – besides his birth certificate – not yet available for Obama includes his kindergarten records, his Punahou school records, his Occidental College records, his Columbia University records, his Columbia thesis, his Harvard Law School records, his Harvard Law Review articles, his scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, his passport, his medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois
state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his adoption records.

That may very well be intentional on the part of Obama, who used his first full day in residence in the Oval Office to issue an executive order restricting the release of presidential records.

Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital
Well, according to your own accounts, and your willingness to agree with Snopes, it is time to lay this matter to rest. It appears that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii. The exact hospital may be in question but they seem to agree he was born in Hawaii. I'm not an Obama fan, but it appears to me that this case is closed.

Just when the controversy starts, you say it's closed. My God man, can you be any more apathetic?

Obama HIMSELF is caught in this lie, and you just say, "this case is closed?!" Don't you give a rats ass WHY obama LIED about the hospital in which he was born? Why would he lie? How about because he wasn't born in Hawaii AT ALL? See the problem with lying is you can never tell the exact, same lie twice. An inconsistency will always pop up, as it has in this case. The man lied, and this case is FAR from CLOSED. It's JUST OPENING UP!
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Wow, I'm shocked! The media initially reported something incorrectly. The horror!

Wrong.... this lie started with obama HIMSELF, and is ending with obama HIMSELF, and the "Library of Congress" is a far cry from the "media." If you'd READ the full article you'd know that, but I know you little tingle up your leg obama worshipers do NOT like to read BAD THINGS about your MESSIAH.

No amount of spinning or deflecting by you obamabots is going to change the FACT that he LIED, and now he got CAUGHT!
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Obama calls Jakarta his 'old hometown'

Was president citizen of world's most populous Muslim nation?

By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – In a recent small roundtable press briefing, President Obama referred to Jakarta, Indonesia, as his old home town while he reminisced about his schoolboy days in the world's most populous Muslim country.

During the presidential campaign last year, questions were raised as to whether Obama ever possessed Indonesian citizenship, with the subject first being broached last summer by WND after a photograph emerged of Obama's school registration papers as a child in Indonesia showing the presidential candidate listed as a "Muslim" with "Indonesian" citizenship.

Now WND has learned that in June, in comments that did not receive media attention, Obama discussed his "hometown" of Jakarta, twice using the word "home" in reference to the Indonesian city, according to a White House transcript.

"Oh, I need to come to Indonesia soon," said Obama. "I expect to be traveling to Asia at some point within the next year, and I would be surprised if when I came to Asia I did not stop by my old home town of Jakarta."

Obama was speaking during a briefing with a handful of Mideast and Asian reporters just after his major address from Cairo to the Islamic world in June. Obama was responding specifically to an Indonesian reporter who asked why the president didn't deliver his speech from Indonesia, which has more Muslims than Egypt.

Continued Obama: "In some ways, going to Indonesia would almost be cheating, because I would have a home court advantage. Not only am I personally close to the culture and have a sister who's half Indonesian, but I think that, frankly, the relationship between the United States and Indonesia has generally been strong."

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