Hospital Won't Back Obama Birth Claim

Wow, I'm shocked! The media initially reported something incorrectly. The horror!

Wrong.... this lie started with obama HIMSELF, and is ending with obama HIMSELF. If you'd READ the full article you'd know that, but I know you little tingle up your leg obama worshipers do NOT like to read BAD THINGS about your MESSIAH.

No amount of spinning or deflecting by you obamabots is going to change the FACT that he LIED, and now he got CAUGHT!
Sorry, he's not my Messaih, Pole Rider.

Dig up the audio quote of Obama saying he was born in Queen's Medical Center instead of some editorialized garbage and you might no be an epic failure.
Wow, I'm shocked! The media initially reported something incorrectly. The horror!

Wrong.... this lie started with obama HIMSELF, and is ending with obama HIMSELF. If you'd READ the full article you'd know that, but I know you little tingle up your leg obama worshipers do NOT like to read BAD THINGS about your MESSIAH.

No amount of spinning or deflecting by you obamabots is going to change the FACT that he LIED, and now he got CAUGHT!
Sorry, he's not my Messaih, Pole Rider.

Dig up the audio quote of Obama saying he was born in Queen's Medical Center instead of some editorialized garbage and you might no be an epic failure.

Well little miss ravioli ****, the EPIC FAIL is YOUR'S, because of your FAILURE to properly EDUCATE yourself on this issue... yes, obama claimed he was born in Queen's Medical Center, and then just RECENTLY with THIS LETTER claimed he was born at Kapi' olani Medical Center, so THANK YOU for helping illustrate obama's LIE with your IGNORANCE... (now wonder people consider you the board liberal buffoon who doesn't give a rats ass about the truth)....

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You mean Corsi & Friends are not smart enough to photoshop the White House logo above the address on the letterhead?


000336933.jpg seem to think if you say it enough it makes it true.....

obama is not american

palin is smart...

too bad it doesnt work that way
So the argument now is that the wrong hospital, in Hawaii, was reported at some point? And this demonstrates that Obama isn't a US citizen how?

Does anyone think that Obama actually remembers his birth?
I am thinking the media is the one making the mistake here along with your little website.
All this probably has to do with the fact both hospitals were started by Queen's, and I am betting they are owned by the same corporation.
My question is do you think his Grandparents were even in on it back in 1961? ANd also you think that his mom went to Kenya had Obama and then immediatly went back to Hawaii rented or bought a house and then put an annoucment in the paper in the same month. Two paper at that just to make sure that in the event he might run for President one day. OBAMA'S BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS
So the argument now is that the wrong hospital, in Hawaii, was reported at some point? And this demonstrates that Obama isn't a US citizen how?

Does anyone think that Obama actually remembers his birth?

Do you know where you were born? Obviously Barry doesn't.
So the argument now is that the wrong hospital, in Hawaii, was reported at some point? And this demonstrates that Obama isn't a US citizen how?

Does anyone think that Obama actually remembers his birth?

Do you know where you were born? Obviously Barry doesn't.

I don't recall where I was born from my own memory. Like everyone else, I have to depend on what my documents say. Obama's document says Hawaii. He wouldn't know any different. Because he can't remember that far back.

You may as well attack any other person with a birth certificate and claim they are a liar. They can't tell you anymore than Obama can. Just what is on their BC. And we have that. And that is the only record. You idiots are asking the impossible. Which is why no one is trying to satify you.
good lord, stop saying he has produced a copy of the certificate....its simply not true....the certification does not contain everything in the certificate

for those that laugh at those who don't believe obama's birth, all you have is hearsay and a don't have the best evidence....thus, while it is probable your evidence is better, it is still a judgment call as a copy of the original birth certificate (which may contain glaring errors that prove something very negative, even the wrong hospital, physician etc....) would resolve these issues and the certification cannot.

those are the facts, you guys are arguing as much opinion as those you is simply mind boggling that obama simply won't release a copy

i mean just look at how it is still an effing topic, come on mr. transparent, until you release it you will have people talking about it...
Barak Obama produced a record of his birth satisfactory to determine his place of birth. Sealed and verified by the Hawaii Dept. of Health.

End of story.
good lord, stop saying he has produced a copy of the certificate....its simply not true....the certification does not contain everything in the certificate

for those that laugh at those who don't believe obama's birth, all you have is hearsay and a don't have the best evidence....thus, while it is probable your evidence is better, it is still a judgment call as a copy of the original birth certificate (which may contain glaring errors that prove something very negative, even the wrong hospital, physician etc....) would resolve these issues and the certification cannot.

those are the facts, you guys are arguing as much opinion as those you is simply mind boggling that obama simply won't release a copy

i mean just look at how it is still an effing topic, come on mr. transparent, until you release it you will have people talking about it...
he has produced what the State of Hawaii sends out when you request a replacement copy of your BC
it satifies all leal requirements for proof of birth
its time to get off this dead horse and move on to more substantive matters, like cap & trade and the massive deficit spending
good lord, stop saying he has produced a copy of the certificate....its simply not true....the certification does not contain everything in the certificate

for those that laugh at those who don't believe obama's birth, all you have is hearsay and a don't have the best evidence....thus, while it is probable your evidence is better, it is still a judgment call as a copy of the original birth certificate (which may contain glaring errors that prove something very negative, even the wrong hospital, physician etc....) would resolve these issues and the certification cannot.

those are the facts, you guys are arguing as much opinion as those you is simply mind boggling that obama simply won't release a copy

i mean just look at how it is still an effing topic, come on mr. transparent, until you release it you will have people talking about it...
he has produced what the State of Hawaii sends out when you request a replacement copy of your BC
it satifies all leal requirements for proof of birth
its time to get off this dead horse and move on to more substantive matters, like cap & trade and the massive deficit spending

divecon.....obama could ask for a copy of the original, i've told you this before, why you keep insisting on this line of reasoning is beyond me. it is ONLY prima facie evidence divecon, it says so right on the form. the issue here isn't a simple whether he was born here or not, people honestly believe there is something nefarious in the birth certificate, and i guarantee you that if any agency or court thought the same the would absolutely be within their legal rights to demand a copy of the original as HI claims the original exists. it is the height of stupidity for obama not to release it.

it is obviously not a dead horse, as evidenced by people's continuing interest in it. and why is it that divecon....because obama won't simply produce a copy of the original and shut the people up.

furthermore, as if people can't focus on more than one issue, as if all those who believe obama is not a citizen because there is something in his original BC are only posting in this thread and on this you only talk about cap and trade or do you get into insult fests with others...and talk about other issues? i've seen you post in general talk forum, why aren't you focusing solely on cap and trade? trust me, this is not a distract, for me at least....
Barak Obama produced a record of his birth satisfactory to determine his place of birth. Sealed and verified by the Hawaii Dept. of Health.

End of story.

and that is YOUR opinion, others do not believe so. as i told divecon, if any agency or court wanted a copy of the original, they would be entitled to it. that american citizens are not entitled to it is astounding. this not simply a matter of privacy, this guy is the president of the united states of america. to deny citizens the right to challenge the constitutional qualifications by wanting to see a copy of the original is wrong.

i wish this talk would end as well, i have no doubt obama is a citizen, and since the original allegedly exists, why not provide it and move people on.....obama is a liar for promising to be transparent and fight every smear and allegation...
Barak Obama produced a record of his birth satisfactory to determine his place of birth. Sealed and verified by the Hawaii Dept. of Health.

End of story.

and that is YOUR opinion, others do not believe so. as i told divecon, if any agency or court wanted a copy of the original, they would be entitled to it. that american citizens are not entitled to it is astounding. this not simply a matter of privacy, this guy is the president of the united states of america. to deny citizens the right to challenge the constitutional qualifications by wanting to see a copy of the original is wrong.

i wish this talk would end as well, i have no doubt obama is a citizen, and since the original allegedly exists, why not provide it and move people on.....obama is a liar for promising to be transparent and fight every smear and allegation...

The courts don't doubt he is a citizen either.

Barak Obama produced a record of his birth satisfactory to determine his place of birth. Sealed and verified by the Hawaii Dept. of Health.

End of story.

and that is YOUR opinion, others do not believe so. as i told divecon, if any agency or court wanted a copy of the original, they would be entitled to it. that american citizens are not entitled to it is astounding. this not simply a matter of privacy, this guy is the president of the united states of america. to deny citizens the right to challenge the constitutional qualifications by wanting to see a copy of the original is wrong.

i wish this talk would end as well, i have no doubt obama is a citizen, and since the original allegedly exists, why not provide it and move people on.....obama is a liar for promising to be transparent and fight every smear and allegation...

The courts don't doubt he is a citizen either.


why do you continue to post nonsense....they didn't rule one way or the either, so your point is pure conjection....this is exactly why i post in these threads, because you and a few others spread lies about the facts
Barak Obama produced a record of his birth satisfactory to determine his place of birth. Sealed and verified by the Hawaii Dept. of Health.

End of story.

and that is YOUR opinion, others do not believe so. as i told divecon, if any agency or court wanted a copy of the original, they would be entitled to it. that american citizens are not entitled to it is astounding. this not simply a matter of privacy, this guy is the president of the united states of america. to deny citizens the right to challenge the constitutional qualifications by wanting to see a copy of the original is wrong.

i wish this talk would end as well, i have no doubt obama is a citizen, and since the original allegedly exists, why not provide it and move people on.....obama is a liar for promising to be transparent and fight every smear and allegation...

The courts don't doubt he is a citizen either.


What courts, you blithering nitwit? What the hell do the courts have to do with anything? They don't bring charges or demand proof. A case has to come before them.

Good grief.
more meadowmuffins from sweet willy....they found NO STANDING

they did not rule or decide anything on the merits, they said citizens lack standing to bring a claim, not because they believe anything about obama

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