Hospital Won't Back Obama Birth Claim


I suppose you dipshits are hiding your brains?

Show us your brains!

I knew it. There is something wrong with your brains. If there wasn't, you wouldn't be hiding them.
Good to see Corsi made it out of Africa and is back to making a dollar the best way he knows how; exploiting the paranoa of the right.

On October 7, 2008, Corsi and his media consultant Tim Bueler were detained by immigration authorities in Kenya while doing further research related to the book, allegedly for failure to have a work permit. Corsi had scheduled a press conference to announce new research proving that as Senator Obama had raised a million dollars for the election campaign of Kenyan prime minister Raila Odinga, and had helped run Odinga's campaign as a strategist, including setting the stage for the campaign of violence and bloodshed that had brought Odinga to power after a disputed election. The meeting was interrupted by Kenyan immigration officials when they detained Corsi.[59][60] Corsi was eventually deported, [61] [62]

Corsi and WND have no credibility left to lose on this issue.

Especially WND which has essentially become a depository for those on the right who are entirely whacked out.

I don't mind, it serves it's purpose. Like flypaper.
Well, according to your own accounts, and your willingness to agree with Snopes, it is time to lay this matter to rest. It appears that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii. The exact hospital may be in question but they seem to agree he was born in Hawaii. I'm not an Obama fan, but it appears to me that this case is closed.

The matter isn't resolved AT ALL...

The exact hopsital at which one is born is not a hit or miss item... for Pete's sake; the longer this hangs on the more obvious it becomes that our glorious leader is not a naturally born citizen of the US; thus NOT Constitutionally qualifed to BE the President of the US. What the Left is saying is: "it's no big deal and the Constitutional requirment is simply not relevant... which is why the left is not to be taken seriously; on the whole the ideological left stands AGAINST the fundamentals which define that which is American.
i've posted links and cases regarding standing....and YES, scotus would take the case to declare citizens do not have standing....

your arguments as to why anyone else doesn't bring the claim is a red herring, we are talking about citizens having the right to demand proof.
Does anyone have the constitutional requirement about which hospital you are born in? I had it here somewhere but seems to have been lost.

BC says he was born in Hawaii.

End of stroy.
Stand up and salute the President of the United States, Barak Hussein Obama.

That is your president Pale. You should respect him as such. Or are you some sort of traitor?

He isn't MY President.. I wouldn't walk across the street to spit on his ass if he were on FIRE. He's a Subversive... plain and simple.

The good news is that in 2012, he will go the way of the political wind... and when Americans again find federal power; we'll simple reverse his Marxist bullshit and return the US to it's principled, liberty sustaining roots.

If he tries to stop that... well he'll get the Honduras treatment, minus the 'exile option' and likely end up in Gitmo his damn self... with the rest of the Muslim extremists.
more meadowmuffins from sweet willy....they found NO STANDING

they did not rule or decide anything on the merits, they said citizens lack standing to bring a claim, not because they believe anything about obama

No, that's not the only finding. Another one was tossed and thoroughly trounced by the judge as utterly frivilous and a waste of the courts time. Nothing about standing, nothing about procedure, just a whole lot about STUPID. In fact, after dismissing the case as frivilous, he demanded the plantiffs attorney's return and explain why they shouldn't have to pay Obama's attorneys.

WASHINGTON - A federal judge today threw out a lawsuit questioning President Barack Obama's citizenship, lambasting the case as a waste of the court's time and suggesting the plaintiff's attorney may have to compensate the president's lawyer.

"This case, if it were allowed to proceed, would deserve mention in one of those books that seek to prove that the law is foolish or that America has too many lawyers with not enough to do," U.S. District Judge James Robertson said in his written opinion.
Judge Assails Lawsuit Questioning Obama Citizenship

The case was tossed because it was foolish, dumb ass.

and you call me a dumbass....i'm talking about the main berg suit that was tossed for lack of standing solely because the court said the citizens could not prove harm....IOW, citizens have no right to bring a claim...the scotus also rejected the claim on the same grounds....

apparently you believe your last word is always right, so there is no further point in talking truth with you as all you do is present bullshit.
Does anyone have the constitutional requirement about which hospital you are born in? I had it here somewhere but seems to have been lost.

BC says he was born in Hawaii.

End of stroy.

Uh... No... 'the story' won't do... we actually need THE FACTS: and part and parcel of those FACTS are the SPECIFICS of one's BIRTH... "I was born in hawaii in '61 and here's a lossely built certificate which states that I was certifiably born ALIVE... isn't sufficient.

YOU think IT IS... YOU DESPERTAELY WANT IT TO BE... but it's not.

The guy is a Marxist plant... and it IS a conspiracy and it's a BEAUTY!
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How come that letter looks so absolutely authentic?
LMAO....sweet willy's link contains a big fat lie:

In response last summer, Obama's campaign posted his Hawaiian birth certificate

face the facts, no court has ever heard the case on the merits, merely give perfunctory opinions based not on all the evidence, but on some evidence. it is the height of anti americanism to not allow people to demand proof, the best evidence of a president's constitutional eligibility.....

Robertson ordered plaintiff's attorney John Hemenway of Colorado Springs, Colo., to show why he hasn't violated court rules barring frivolous and harassing cases and shouldn't have to pay Obama's attorney, Bob Bauer, for his time arguing that the case should be thrown ou

and what were the results sweet willy....was it actually ever ruled frivolous? you're again making stuff up
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LMAO....sweet willy's link contains a big fat lie:

In response last summer, Obama's campaign posted his Hawaiian birth certificate

face the facts, no court has ever heard the case on the merits, merely give perfunctory opinions based not on all the evidence, but on some evidence. it is the height of anti americanism to not allow people to demand proof, the best evidence of a president's constitutional eligibility.....

There is no lie. His BC was posted, is posted, you can find it anywhere.

The case has been rejected for being frivilous.

Your claims are frivilous. It is not reasonable to suspect that the Hawaiian BC, the same BC that is acceptable as proof of US birth for any purpose, is not adequate to prove his place of birth.

The Health Department in Hawaii has repeatedly verified that the BC is a true reflection of the original.

You Fail.
"Obama Birth Mystery: More Than 1 Hospital, This is NOT a CONSPIRACY, it's FACT! "

The FACT is that this thread is in the CONSPIRACY THEORIES FORUM.

Therefore, this is a CONSPIRACY.
Let's take a look at the opinion of Justice James Robertson.

Plaintiff having invoked both diversity and the federal
interpleader statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1355, I do have jurisdiction.
Because plaintiff’s only claim invokes the interpleader statute,
however, the suit must be dismissed for failure to state a claim.
I have already called the interpleader claim
“frivolous” in two interlocutory rulings [#10 and #14], and I do
so again here.

Dismissed as frivilous.

Because it
appears that the complaint in this case may have been presented
for an improper purpose such as to harass; and that the
interpleader claims and other legal contentions of plaintiff are
not warranted by existing law or by non-frivolous arguments for
extending, modifying or reversing existing law or for
establishing new law, the accompanying order of dismissal
requires Mr. Hemenway to show cause why he has not violated Rules
11(b)(1) and 11(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
and why he should not be required to pay reasonable attorneys
fees and other expenses to counsel for the defendants.
United States District Judge

The attorney was required to defend himself from defense fees that can be awarded for the filing of a frivilous suit.

Read the whole opinion here. It's a hoot.

Philip Berg Loses ANOTHER Frivolous Case Against President Obama: Hollister v. Soetoro DEAD « Real Democracy
LMAO....sweet willy's link contains a big fat lie:

In response last summer, Obama's campaign posted his Hawaiian birth certificate

face the facts, no court has ever heard the case on the merits, merely give perfunctory opinions based not on all the evidence, but on some evidence. it is the height of anti americanism to not allow people to demand proof, the best evidence of a president's constitutional eligibility.....

There is no lie. His BC was posted, is posted, you can find it anywhere.

The case has been rejected for being frivilous.

Your claims are frivilous. It is not reasonable to suspect that the Hawaiian BC, the same BC that is acceptable as proof of US birth for any purpose, is not adequate to prove his place of birth.

The Health Department in Hawaii has repeatedly verified that the BC is a true reflection of the original.

You Fail.

why is it called a birth is NOT a certifiCATE...and youre lying that they said it was a "true reflection of the original" flat out lying....they never said that, a true relfection would be a copy moron

why bother, you're lying outright
Wow! It must be so sad to be you.
You must be so disappointed that the republican party is so stupid as to let Obama be President. You must be so disappointed that the Clinton campaign let Obama win the nomination.
You cannot honestly believe that these people would allow someone you think is not a natural born citizen serve in the White House.
Give it a rest.
Are you stupid or crazy or just want attention?
If he was not a citizen, more powerful people then you would have stopped him. Look at the court battle for the White House in 2000. Look at the court battle between Coleman and Franken.
Don't you think that John McCain or Hillary Clinton would have been in court for either the nomination or the election.
Barack Obama is a citizen, born in Hawaii, and, as much as you don't like it, the President of the United States.
Now, put your tin foil hat back on before you get a clue.

Like I said before, the truth will come out, long after it's too late to do anything about it. I don't believe Obama is a native born American citizen, nor was McCain. Congress actually passed a law to make McCain eligible to be president, which according to our constitution they can't do....this is why McCain didn't make a big deal about Obama. The truth is that we've been sold out by both the republicans and the democrats and until you people stop supporting them, we will continue to lose ground and become the 3rd world nation our wealth and corporations want us to be.
Lies and deceit ALWAYS unravel in time, just as this is...

Obama Birth Mystery: More Than 1 Hospital

Myth-busting website, news articles say president not born in location he claims

By Joe Kovacs and Jerome Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

More than eight months after Barack Obama was elected president, the mystery surrounding his precise birthplace is deepening as the myth-busting website – along with several news agencies and an Obama community blog – directly contradict the president's own claim regarding the hospital in which he was born.

In an official letter signed by Obama on White House stationery, the president celebrates his birth at the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii. The facility has posted that letter on its website, along with video of the letter being read in public.


But according to Snopes, the popular online hoax-buster that many rely on as the final word on both important and frivolous stories, Obama was born at a different hospital in the Hawaiian capital.

In Snopes' entry concerning allegations that Obama is a "radical Muslim," the site addresses the birth history of the commander in chief, stating, "Barack Hussein Obama was born on 4 August 1961 at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii."

WND took a screen shot of the entry and highlighted the name of the hospital.


In this screenshot of highlighted by WND, the myth-busting website asserts President Obama was born at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, not the Kapi'olani Medical Center in which Obama claims to have been born.

(Note: Within 90 minutes of this WND story being posted, Snopes swapped the hospital of birth to indicate Obama was born at Kapi'olani, but noted some ambiguity by stating, "News accounts have also variously placed his birth as having occurred at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.")

Interestingly, in Snopes' entry focusing on the natural-born citizenship controversy, no mention is made of the birth hospital.

But Snopes is not alone in asserting Obama was born at a hospital other than the one he personally claims.

A number of news articles published both in the U.S. and abroad name Queen's Medical Center – not Kapi'olani – as the correct birthplace.

A United Press International report from Nov. 4 states:

"Obama described his birth at Queen's Medical Center in Hawaii Aug. 4, 1961, to a young white woman from Kansas and a father of Luo ethnicity from Nyanza Province in Kenya, as an 'all-America' story transcending orthodox racial stereotypes and experience."


A November 2004 report from the Rainbow Edition News Letter, published by the Education Laboratory School in Hawaii, noted in its lead sentence:

"Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii."

There's more, MUCH more, for any rational person that can see that not only has lost it's credibility by lying for obama, but many people are trying to sweep this issue under the rug, but they're NOT being successful. Obama is hiding a multitude of his documents, B.C., passport, college transcripts, school enrollments, and more.... why? Lies have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass, and now obama lying about where he was born IS biting him in the ass. Here is COLD, HARD, PROOF, and it is NOT a CONSPIRACY... Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital
Oh, World Net Daily is reliable and unbiased ... NOT.
LMAO....sweet willy's link contains a big fat lie:

face the facts, no court has ever heard the case on the merits, merely give perfunctory opinions based not on all the evidence, but on some evidence. it is the height of anti americanism to not allow people to demand proof, the best evidence of a president's constitutional eligibility.....

There is no lie. His BC was posted, is posted, you can find it anywhere.

The case has been rejected for being frivilous.

Your claims are frivilous. It is not reasonable to suspect that the Hawaiian BC, the same BC that is acceptable as proof of US birth for any purpose, is not adequate to prove his place of birth.

The Health Department in Hawaii has repeatedly verified that the BC is a true reflection of the original.

You Fail.

why is it called a birth is NOT a certifiCATE...and youre lying that they said it was a "true reflection of the original" flat out lying....they never said that, a true relfection would be a copy moron

why bother, you're lying outright

yurt, it is not called a Birth Certification either... It is called:

State of Hawaii
Certification of Live Birth

Why not sue the State of Hawaii, If you do not accept what they deem their legal Certification of Birth?
i've posted links and cases regarding standing....and YES, scotus would take the case to declare citizens do not have standing....

your arguments as to why anyone else doesn't bring the claim is a red herring, we are talking about citizens having the right to demand proof.
Where does it say that in our constitution? Can you point me in the right direction?


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