Hospital Won't Back Obama Birth Claim

more meadowmuffins from sweet willy....they found NO STANDING

they did not rule or decide anything on the merits, they said citizens lack standing to bring a claim, not because they believe anything about obama

No, that's not the only finding. Another one was tossed and thoroughly trounced by the judge as utterly frivilous and a waste of the courts time. Nothing about standing, nothing about procedure, just a whole lot about STUPID. In fact, after dismissing the case as frivilous, he demanded the plantiffs attorney's return and explain why they shouldn't have to pay Obama's attorneys.

WASHINGTON - A federal judge today threw out a lawsuit questioning President Barack Obama's citizenship, lambasting the case as a waste of the court's time and suggesting the plaintiff's attorney may have to compensate the president's lawyer.

"This case, if it were allowed to proceed, would deserve mention in one of those books that seek to prove that the law is foolish or that America has too many lawyers with not enough to do," U.S. District Judge James Robertson said in his written opinion.
Judge Assails Lawsuit Questioning Obama Citizenship

The case was tossed because it was foolish, dumb ass.
And the same chorus line of liberal shit bags lines up to sing the same old tired song in defense of their messiah with nothing more than insults and hot air for his defense. Talk about spewing the same old shit.... ppphht.... you people are complete idiots. I keep posting NEW things, you keep singing the SAME OLD SONG.... WE LOVE OBAMA.... NONE OF IT'S TRUE.... problem is, you've done NOTHING to prove ANYTHING, whereas I HAVE.

An idiot is an idiot is an idiot, and it's becoming more evident every day that you morons that voted for obama are IDIOTS, ESPECIALLY the ones that continue to LICK HIS ASS in the midst of ALL HIS FAILURES AND LIES THUS FAR.

You people are amazingly PATHETIC.
more meadowmuffins from sweet willy....they found NO STANDING

they did not rule or decide anything on the merits, they said citizens lack standing to bring a claim, not because they believe anything about obama

Who did the court say had standing Yurt?

....the Federal State Department, who was in charge of verifying all presidential candidates eligibility?

If the State Dept was not satisfied with the Sealed, Certification of Live Birth for Obama from Hawaii, would it be them that would have standing?

And are you certain the supreme court took on this issue just to say, oops, you don't have standing because you are not the right person bringing suit and this is what happened?

Do you have a link to what the court said, regarding standing on this case?

Could "not having proper standing" in this case mean that the case is FRIVOLOUS, based on the preliminary evidence?

Do you have a favored Legal Link that is on the internet that defines these legal terms for a layman like me, Yurt?

And also, what is missing on the original copy of the birth certificate is the mother's personal Doctor's name that delivered her child with hospital name, and the inches in length and birth weight of her child, with witness signatures, usually the nurse attending the Doctor/patient.

Why is any of this very personal information, important for ANYONE to know about Obama, if he was born in Hawaii and is a citizen, which is what the Sealed Certification of Birth does...

What do you and others POSSIBLY think you can find on his original that is not on his Certification of Live Birth in Hawaii, that would not make him being born in Honolulu, Hawaii?

It seems so frivolous and like such partisan hackery, and harassment to me and honestly, beyond reason.

His original birth certificate was processed with the State of Hawaii on August 8, 1961 with the Health Registrar....just 4 days after his birth....does your logic really say there is standing for anyone to insist that he was born in Kenya?

And if he was born in Kenya, what legally makes you think that he still is not an American citizen at Birth according to our laws?

And isn't an American citizen at birth a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN?

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why do we need to keep presenting new stuff when what we have presented proves you wrong every time?
And the same chorus line of liberal shit bags lines up to sing the same old tired song in defense of their messiah with nothing more than insults and hot air for his defense. Talk about spewing the same old shit.... ppphht.... you people are complete idiots. I keep posting NEW things, you keep singing the SAME OLD SONG.... WE LOVE OBAMA.... NONE OF IT'S TRUE.... problem is, you've done NOTHING to prove ANYTHING, whereas I HAVE.

An idiot is an idiot is an idiot, and it's becoming more evident every day that you morons that voted for obama are IDIOTS, ESPECIALLY the ones that continue to LICK HIS ASS in the midst of ALL HIS FAILURES AND LIES THUS FAR.

You people are amazingly PATHETIC.

No, you have not provided proof of jack.

The proof is that we have a legal document that verifies the place of birth. We have public and offcial statements that attest to the veracity of the document.

You have a bunch of bullshit.
So what, you think he's gonna not be president any more because you think you've found proof he wasn't born in this country? He's the president and a bunch of jackoffs complaining about his birth certificate aren't going to depose him, sorry.

Thank you Pale Rider for being such a douschebag and keeping this issue up so that people will continue to vote against your beloved Republicans:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Keep it up moron
why do we need to keep presenting new stuff when what we have presented proves you wrong every time?

You haven't provided jack shit, other than your obama ass licking spin and bull shit, and NONE of it is NEW.
And the same chorus line of liberal shit bags lines up to sing the same old tired song in defense of their messiah with nothing more than insults and hot air for his defense. Talk about spewing the same old shit.... ppphht.... you people are complete idiots. I keep posting NEW things, you keep singing the SAME OLD SONG.... WE LOVE OBAMA.... NONE OF IT'S TRUE.... problem is, you've done NOTHING to prove ANYTHING, whereas I HAVE.

An idiot is an idiot is an idiot, and it's becoming more evident every day that you morons that voted for obama are IDIOTS, ESPECIALLY the ones that continue to LICK HIS ASS in the midst of ALL HIS FAILURES AND LIES THUS FAR.

You people are amazingly PATHETIC.

No, you have not provided proof of jack.

The proof is that we have a legal document that verifies the place of birth. We have public and offcial statements that attest to the veracity of the document.

You have a bunch of bullshit.

Show me.... let's see it slick... right now...
So what, you think he's gonna not be president any more because you think you've found proof he wasn't born in this country? He's the president and a bunch of jackoffs complaining about his birth certificate aren't going to depose him, sorry.

Another piece of pig shit decides it's better to piss on the The Constitution than obey it. Good going shit stain. You should be proud of yourself.
Stand up and salute the President of the United States, Barak Hussein Obama.

That is your president Pale. You should respect him as such. Or are you some sort of traitor?
YOU PEOPLE are the very reason I and MILLIONS of others are keeping this issue alive, and as it's going, more and more REASONABLE people are finally starting to wonder...


If there's nothing to hide, if he was really born in Hawaii as he states, but can't make up his mind which hospital, then why does he have a million dollar team of lawyers HIDING EVERYTHING that could PROVE IT?

Well folks, your insults here won't shut me and millions of other up, and your insults outside of this place won't shut me and millions of others up. I have a SIGN IN MY FRONT YARD that says's "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE," and I've had people ASK me what that means, and when I tell them, THEY HAD NO IDEA, but NOW are VERY CURIOUS. So my suspicion is it will be I who gets the LAST LAUGH and INSULT on this issue, and it's going to be REALLY, REALLY SWEET.
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YOU PEOPLE are the very reason I and MILLIONS of others are keeping this issue alive, and as it's going, more and more REASONABLE people are finally starting to wonder...


If there's nothing to hide, if he was really born in Hawaii as he states, but can't make up his mind which hospital, then why does he have a million dollar team of lawyers HIDING EVERYTHING that could PROVE IT?

Judge Robertson is trying to make the last jackass to file a lawsuit pay for those lawyers. I think it's a good idea.

In fact, we should start a legal defense fund for our president. Can I put you down for a C note pale?
Stand up and salute the President of the United States, Barak Hussein Obama.

That is your president Pale. You should respect him as such. Or are you some sort of traitor?

No, he's not my President. I invoke my constitutional right to fight it.

And I see you decided to forgo the embarrassment of showing obama's "birth certificate." Good decision, because NO ONES EVER SEEN IT, let alone your pathetic ass.
google obama's birth certificate, they show a picture of it and at the top it says Live Birth.
I also posted two annoucments that his parents put in the paper.
In order to pull it off Obama would have been planning this since birth.
google obama's birth certificate, they show a picture of it and at the top it says Live Birth.
I also posted two annoucments that his parents put in the paper.
In order to pull it off Obama would have been planning this since birth.

I guess money is counterfeited from birth also ....
Lets say for the sake of the followers that he was born in hawaii and is natural born.

Why does he spend so much to hide it?
If you are on a jury with your peers and there is reasonable doubt ...
Why hid his transcripts maybe because of grant applied for claiming citizenship else where to take advantage of the system ... so now hes a cheat and a fraud as well as a thief!!

Simply release them and prove it

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