Hot Take: Bill Maher may be the only person who can save the left from itself

Do you wingnuts get dizzy from your violent swings of hating Bill Maher to loving Bill Maher?

I have never had this problem. I've agreed with Maher on nearly everything since the 1980s.
Maher is an out of work actor/no talent dweeb. I don't know how he still has a show
#1, he's not an actor, he's a stand-up comic who has never been out of work, except for the pandemic. And now he's back doing as many stand-up nights as he wants.

#2, he still has a show because he gets good ratings on that show, which is why HBO pays him $20M per year.
OK, I just read the article. It's typical NYPost/Murdoch bullshit. All cherry-picking, distortions, and lies. Prominent example:

Maher said DeSantis got it right on protecting the elderly in nursing homes, as opposed to Andrew Cuomo. He did not say that DeSantis got it right about Covid in general.

This article calls him a "reasonable Liberal". Now dig out all the Post articles when he was calling Trump an orange clown. Quite different. He wasn't so reasonable then, was he?

But you wingnuts keep it up. Keep reading NYPost, watching OAN, and getting fake outraged about every fake issue. Reality will continue to smack you in the teeth.
Surely Bill's lifetime as a comic helps this perspective, but he is trying to remind everyone to have priorities. If the PC Squawkers and woke crowd redirected some of their energy towards true liberal priorities, maybe some of those things would get done.

I think he's right. Where liberals mistake him is when they think he means we should be held hostage by the anger and stupidity of the Trumpers.

"Oh, careful what you say, because the Trumpers will get grumpy and make things harder for us."

Bill doesn't say that or mean that, as far as i can tell. He means exactly what he says: get your priorities in order.
There are few people in the media, and even fewer in politics, who share the same level of common sense and insight into real world problems, and potential solutions, as Bill Maher.

What it reveals, at least to me, is that politicians are motivated by donors, and in turn, speak in measured tones that are careful not to offend the donors, as well as their political base.

For example, let's say a moderate Republican from Nebraska, whose political support arises from rabid Trumpists, has to downplay a violent insurrection attempt that was spurred on by a mentally ill President who continues to deny reality in favor of his delusion about a stolen election, all in order to not be labeled a RINO and face criticism from the cult leader, and potentially a primary challenger, in an upcoming election.
Maher is an out of work actor/no talent dweeb. I don't know how he still has a show
#1, he's not an actor, he's a stand-up comic who has never been out of work, except for the pandemic. And now he's back doing as many stand-up nights as he wants.

#2, he still has a show because he gets good ratings on that show, which is why HBO pays him $20M per year.

I find it hilarious that leftists get their news and information from several comedians. It’s a perfect fit because leftism is a joke.
Maher is an out of work actor/no talent dweeb. I don't know how he still has a show
#1, he's not an actor, he's a stand-up comic who has never been out of work, except for the pandemic. And now he's back doing as many stand-up nights as he wants.

#2, he still has a show because he gets good ratings on that show, which is why HBO pays him $20M per year.

I find it hilarious that leftists get their news and information from several comedians. It’s a perfect fit because leftism is a joke.

Worships a mentally ill reality tv star
Maher is an out of work actor/no talent dweeb. I don't know how he still has a show
#1, he's not an actor, he's a stand-up comic who has never been out of work, except for the pandemic. And now he's back doing as many stand-up nights as he wants.

#2, he still has a show because he gets good ratings on that show, which is why HBO pays him $20M per year.

I find it hilarious that leftists get their news and information from several comedians. It’s a perfect fit because leftism is a joke.

Worships a mentally ill reality tv star

Sorry, I don’t worship any politicians. You’re entire leftist philosophy is giving more money to politicians therefore giving them more power to enrich themselves. It’s a sad joke.
Maher is an out of work actor/no talent dweeb. I don't know how he still has a show
#1, he's not an actor, he's a stand-up comic who has never been out of work, except for the pandemic. And now he's back doing as many stand-up nights as he wants.

#2, he still has a show because he gets good ratings on that show, which is why HBO pays him $20M per year.
He was on Murder She Wrote. Was that an accident?
He was on Married With Children. Was that an accident?
He was on Roseanne. Was that an accident?

He's an actor who couldn't get a role any more.

As for the show; you're right. I also don't know why the Kardashians are on the air...who watches it?

His standing to make commentaries that should be heeded by anyone is the same as Kim and Chloe.
Maher is an out of work actor/no talent dweeb. I don't know how he still has a show
#1, he's not an actor, he's a stand-up comic who has never been out of work, except for the pandemic. And now he's back doing as many stand-up nights as he wants.

#2, he still has a show because he gets good ratings on that show, which is why HBO pays him $20M per year.

I find it hilarious that leftists get their news and information from several comedians. It’s a perfect fit because leftism is a joke.

Worships a mentally ill reality tv star

Sorry, I don’t worship any politicians. You’re entire leftist philosophy is giving more money to politicians therefore giving them more power to enrich themselves. It’s a sad joke.
Your political tribe does the same fucking thing, you dumb hypocrite. It's how politics works these days. That's a systemic problem.
Maher is an out of work actor/no talent dweeb. I don't know how he still has a show
#1, he's not an actor, he's a stand-up comic who has never been out of work, except for the pandemic. And now he's back doing as many stand-up nights as he wants.

#2, he still has a show because he gets good ratings on that show, which is why HBO pays him $20M per year.
He was on Murder She Wrote. Was that an accident?
He was on Married With Children. Was that an accident?
He was on Roseanne. Was that an accident?

He's an actor who couldn't get a role any more.

As for the show; you're right. I also don't know why the Kardashians are on the air...who watches it?

His standing to make commentaries that should be heeded by anyone is the same as Kim and Chloe.
Yet he is correct, this time.
neocons on the left.
That's a new one. Who are these mysterious neoconservatives on the left?
LMFAO. You can’t be serious, but somehow I think you are. You needn’t look any further than the White House.
Throw away argument. You haven't identified anyone. C'mon, man.
If you don’t know old senile Joe is a fucking neocon, as is most of the D Party, you don’t know fucking shit.

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