Hottest March-June On Record Globally, Reports Japan Meteorological Agency


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Of course they are. And the Russians, Canadians, Chinese, Norwegians, Swedes, Fins, and anybody else that report on temperature or ice, or anything that might be related to climate.

Hottest March-June On Record Globally, Reports Japan Meteorological Agency

Hottest March-June On Record Globally, Reports Japan Meteorological Agency | ThinkProgress

You may recall that the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reported last month that March-May was the hottest in more than 120 years of record-keeping. Well, the JMA reported Monday that last month was the hottest June in more than 120 years of record-keeping.

Alas, but is it the hottest ever? Ah, can't answer that one can you. So please put in perspective why I should care?

Hottest March-June On Record Globally, Reports Japan Meteorological Agency

Hottest March-June On Record Globally, Reports Japan Meteorological Agency | ThinkProgress

You may recall that the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reported last month that March-May was the hottest in more than 120 years of record-keeping. Well, the JMA reported Monday that last month was the hottest June in more than 120 years of record-keeping.

When we post coldest in the world records you scoff and say local weather, yet now you claim local weather that happens to be hot is climate. Make up your mind retard.
Because at the very time you local area was having record cold, Alaska was having record warmth. So that was local. But the referance was to the global temperature, for which a warm record was set. In other words, your local cold did not offset the overall record warmth in other places.

But, that is beyond your limited logic abilities.
So do you think that the japanesse are also lying to the world?

JMA uses the same basic temperature readings as everybody else. they also use the same type of corrections. one of the reasons I was so excited when Muller announced the BEST project was that he said that all the info was going to be publically available and that the different types of adjustments were going to be seperated out. eg. you would be able to plot raw temps, raw temps and TOBS, kridged, kridged and TOBS, long term stations only, rural only, urban only, etc. that didnt happen.

the raw temp trend is much smaller, liikewise rural is smaller than urban, long term smaller than short term. not only that but areas around the world with better documented records are smaller than poorly documented ones. much of the world has little or no information but has been estimated and infilled with no acknowledgement of the much greater error ranges involved. poorly measured Africa has a bigger impact on 'global temperature' than the USA.

so when JMA says that this has been the 'hottest xxx' on record, even though a large part of the increase is adjustments of one sort or another and based in large part on unreliable or non-existent readings, do you have confidence in their press release?

you claim to love science, and to be at least somewhat educated in scientific methods. how much credence do you give to the global record? what do you think the error bars are? do you think the homogenization methods that are in place now are the best available? do you think that they are doing what their programmers claim they are doing even though time after time the reality of inspected examples says they are not? is it just a coincidence that every new version adds to the trend?
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