Hous Repblicns Wrong On Intrnet Sales Tax Bill!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This bill in Congress requiring internet companies to collect state sales taxes on merchandise they sell through the internet should have sailed through to enactment. Instead, the bill which passed the Senate is hung-up in the House and you guessed it right the obstacle is the House Republicans. The House Republicans if asked will give you all kinds of baloney why they cannot vote in favor of the bill like this requirement that internet company's collect out of state sales taxes for orders on deliveries out of state is too onerous on small internet businesses. The truth of the matter on why the Republicans won't support this bill is that collectively the Republican caucus has sold their soul to the business lobby and the business lobby doesn't want this sales tax obligation because it will increase internet customers bills on internet purchases and thereby cause these customers to purchase less!

Somebody needs to tell House Republicans that their job is to do the right thing when it comes to voting on bills and it is a no brainer that the right thing is that this bill become law. Presently, out of state internet companies have an advantage over in-state retailers in a state because they don't collect a state sales tax for internet orders where the delivery is in-state and there is no valid reasoning for this advantage. Further, this is unfair to the state in question for if a company sells an item of merchandise to a customer where the customer takes possession of the merchandise in state X it doesn't matter where the order was made whether it was made in-person, over the phone, by mail, by internet inside or outside state X because it is a sale in state X that is where the customer takes possession of the merchandise. States have a right to tax sales within their state this is a simple matter of states rights. The Republican criticism that this is too onerous on small internet companies who will have the task of applying all the states in America different sales tax schemes give me a break the Republicans have got to be kidding with this one were not talking about applying the Federal income tax code here these are state sales tax standards hundreds of millions of people across America understand these standards. With many states really hard up for revenue making education cuts, making cuts in the criminal justice system, etc. House Republicans where is your brains here why incur the anger of a lot of people who will benefit from states sales tax money for an indefensible position from a justice standpoint! Come to think of it one can expect this behavior by many rank and file House Republican who won't support this legislation because their track record indicates clearly their under the control of the business lobby in America, they have sold their soul to this lobby unfortunately. But House Speaker John Boehner coming out saying he is not sure he can support the Senate bill here, where is your courage John? Speaker Boehner you're supposed to be a first rate representative doing the right thing for the American people no matter who is for or against the issue! John if you make the effort to hear past the clanging of chains which shackle your caucus' colleagues you'll hear grass roots America proclaiming loudly and clearly the message "John Grow A Spine And Pass This Legislation"!!!
Somebody needs to tell House Republicans that their job is to do the right thing when it comes to voting on bills and it is a no brainer that the right thing is that this bill become law.

What part is a no brainer?? are you suggesting they should pass all bills presented?? Or just the ones you like?

We give enough money to and states,there is a huge difference between need and want.
Nutballs stopped the internet sales tax. - Good news division

White trash rarely get anything right, but thank God they bumbled into this bit of good judgment.

The god damned democrat rabble would tax the air we breath if they could figure out to measure it.
Right, it would be so easy to collect sales taxes for more than 6,900 different taxing authorities and have to answer to each taxing authority if some how you make a mistake. In theory it sounds great, kind of like Maobamacare, but when it comes down to implementation it will be a nightmare. I've asked my congressman to vote no.
Right, it would be so easy to collect sales taxes for more than 6,900 different taxing authorities and have to answer to each taxing authority if some how you make a mistake. In theory it sounds great, kind of like Maobamacare, but when it comes down to implementation it will be a nightmare. I've asked my congressman to vote no.

True, each state has numerous tax codes. I might as well become a tax accountant if this comes to fruition.
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Well sure, it benefits people to pay more taxes. How could a democrat think otherwise?

If it exists, tax it.
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This bill in Congress requiring internet companies to collect state sales taxes on merchandise they sell through the internet should have sailed through to enactment. Instead, the bill which passed the Senate is hung-up in the House and you guessed it right the obstacle is the House Republicans. The House Republicans if asked will give you all kinds of baloney why they cannot vote in favor of the bill like this requirement that internet company's collect out of state sales taxes for orders on deliveries out of state is too onerous on small internet businesses. The truth of the matter on why the Republicans won't support this bill is that collectively the Republican caucus has sold their soul to the business lobby and the business lobby doesn't want this sales tax obligation because it will increase internet customers bills on internet purchases and thereby cause these customers to purchase less!

Somebody needs to tell House Republicans that their job is to do the right thing when it comes to voting on bills and it is a no brainer that the right thing is that this bill become law. Presently, out of state internet companies have an advantage over in-state retailers in a state because they don't collect a state sales tax for internet orders where the delivery is in-state and there is no valid reasoning for this advantage. Further, this is unfair to the state in question for if a company sells an item of merchandise to a customer where the customer takes possession of the merchandise in state X it doesn't matter where the order was made whether it was made in-person, over the phone, by mail, by internet inside or outside state X because it is a sale in state X that is where the customer takes possession of the merchandise. States have a right to tax sales within their state this is a simple matter of states rights. The Republican criticism that this is too onerous on small internet companies who will have the task of applying all the states in America different sales tax schemes give me a break the Republicans have got to be kidding with this one were not talking about applying the Federal income tax code here these are state sales tax standards hundreds of millions of people across America understand these standards. With many states really hard up for revenue making education cuts, making cuts in the criminal justice system, etc. House Republicans where is your brains here why incur the anger of a lot of people who will benefit from states sales tax money for an indefensible position from a justice standpoint! Come to think of it one can expect this behavior by many rank and file House Republican who won't support this legislation because their track record indicates clearly their under the control of the business lobby in America, they have sold their soul to this lobby unfortunately. But House Speaker John Boehner coming out saying he is not sure he can support the Senate bill here, where is your courage John? Speaker Boehner you're supposed to be a first rate representative doing the right thing for the American people no matter who is for or against the issue! John if you make the effort to hear past the clanging of chains which shackle your caucus' colleagues you'll hear grass roots America proclaiming loudly and clearly the message "John Grow A Spine And Pass This Legislation"!!!

Do you realize there are over 10,000 taxing authrities within the US? Do you realize the nightmares and monies that would cause small companies?
If it isnt taxed, the communist bastards wont get their fair share to redistribute to their own worthy bleeding heart causes..............for the common good !!!
Somebody needs to tell House Republicans that their job is to do the right thing when it comes to voting on bills and it is a no brainer that the right thing is that this bill become law.

What part is a no brainer?? are you suggesting they should pass all bills presented?? Or just the ones you like?

We give enough money to and states,there is a huge difference between need and want.

Sorry, but there's nothing the slightest bit right about it. It's just another tax increase. the argument of "fairness" is bullshit. Only demagogues argue that fairness is a justification for increasing your taxes. Only fools swallow such arguments.

Out of state retailers may not pay a sales tax, but their customers do have to pay for delivery. The result of both is pretty much a wash in terms of total price. There's nothing stopping local retailers from marketing their wares on the internet. This is just another revenue grab by Democrats.
This bill in Congress requiring internet companies to collect state sales taxes on merchandise they sell through the internet should have sailed through to enactment. Instead, the bill which passed the Senate is hung-up in the House and you guessed it right the obstacle is the House Republicans. The House Republicans if asked will give you all kinds of baloney why they cannot vote in favor of the bill like this requirement that internet company's collect out of state sales taxes for orders on deliveries out of state is too onerous on small internet businesses. The truth of the matter on why the Republicans won't support this bill is that collectively the Republican caucus has sold their soul to the business lobby and the business lobby doesn't want this sales tax obligation because it will increase internet customers bills on internet purchases and thereby cause these customers to purchase less!

Somebody needs to tell House Republicans that their job is to do the right thing when it comes to voting on bills and it is a no brainer that the right thing is that this bill become law. Presently, out of state internet companies have an advantage over in-state retailers in a state because they don't collect a state sales tax for internet orders where the delivery is in-state and there is no valid reasoning for this advantage. Further, this is unfair to the state in question for if a company sells an item of merchandise to a customer where the customer takes possession of the merchandise in state X it doesn't matter where the order was made whether it was made in-person, over the phone, by mail, by internet inside or outside state X because it is a sale in state X that is where the customer takes possession of the merchandise. States have a right to tax sales within their state this is a simple matter of states rights. The Republican criticism that this is too onerous on small internet companies who will have the task of applying all the states in America different sales tax schemes give me a break the Republicans have got to be kidding with this one were not talking about applying the Federal income tax code here these are state sales tax standards hundreds of millions of people across America understand these standards. With many states really hard up for revenue making education cuts, making cuts in the criminal justice system, etc. House Republicans where is your brains here why incur the anger of a lot of people who will benefit from states sales tax money for an indefensible position from a justice standpoint! Come to think of it one can expect this behavior by many rank and file House Republican who won't support this legislation because their track record indicates clearly their under the control of the business lobby in America, they have sold their soul to this lobby unfortunately. But House Speaker John Boehner coming out saying he is not sure he can support the Senate bill here, where is your courage John? Speaker Boehner you're supposed to be a first rate representative doing the right thing for the American people no matter who is for or against the issue! John if you make the effort to hear past the clanging of chains which shackle your caucus' colleagues you'll hear grass roots America proclaiming loudly and clearly the message "John Grow A Spine And Pass This Legislation"!!!

Do you realize there are over 10,000 taxing authrities within the US? Do you realize the nightmares and monies that would cause small companies?

1. Do you realize that there will be a single point input for each state? Individuals will not have to interact with 10,000 taxing authorities, all out of state tax remittance will be thorugh a single portal.

2. Do you realize that small companies are exempt from this? They are.

Link is behind a plan that would eliminate or consolidate some of Illinois' nearly 7,000 taxing authorities. Illinois leads the nation with the number of taxing bodies. Pennsylvania is No. 2 on that list with about 4,900 taxing districts, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Just from 2 states.
Link: Too many taxing authorities in Illinois | Evanston Now

From the text of the law as a requirement:

"(2) implements each of the following minimum simplification requirements:

(A) Provide--

(i) a single entity within the State responsible for all State and local sales and use tax administration, return processing, and audits for remote sales sourced to the State;

(ii) a single audit of a remote seller for all State and local taxing jurisdictions within that State; and

(iii) a single sales and use tax return to be used by remote sellers to be filed with the single entity responsible for tax administration."

Text of S. 743: Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 (Passed the Senate (Engrossed) version) - GovTrack.us

Out of state retailers will not have to deal with local tax authorities.


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