House Adopts Impeachment Inquiry

Having trouble understanding the American System. Once the closed door interviews and depositions are complete, this will provide the American people access to all the information they have discovered. Maybe you're thinking of the closed door hearings the party formerly known as the GOP launched and then used those hearings to selectively leak information to politically damage certain Democrats.

totally thought you guys said you had it lol hahahah

The American people deserve all the non-classified information from all the investigations into this the "so-called" presidents' behavior.
So vote to impeach! They will have it

After the open hearings, they most likely will vote on it.
So you have evidence he broke the law but can’t vote on it yet? HUH

In reality yeah, they could draw up articles right now and vote on them and if the get 50% + 1, Trumpybear would be impeached. But they know the evidence is going to matter to the American People. So they will have the open hearings the Trumpublicans have been whining about.
The American people deserve all the non-classified information from all the investigations into this the "so-called" presidents' behavior

but absolutely NO INVESTIGATION of HUNTER BIDEN shall ever be allowed....

There, your statement is now complete.
Is Hunter Biden the President? Is Hunter Biden running for President? Is Hunter Biden even a government official? No. So who cares about Hunter Biden?
Breaking: SCOTUS overturns Dem impeachment of president Trump in a 9 to 0 smack down. Blasts House Democrats as lawless thugs.


On July 24, 1974, a unanimous Court (with Justice Rehnquist not taking part due to a prior role in the Nixon administration) ruled against the President. Chief Justice Warren Burger said that the President didn’t have an absolute, unqualified privilege to withhold information.

“We conclude that when the ground for asserting privilege as to subpoenaed materials sought for use in a criminal trial is based only on the generalized interest in confidentiality, it cannot prevail over the fundamental demands of due process of law in the fair administration of criminal justice. The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial,” Burger said.
The House of Representatives just voted on the Resolution to continue the impeachment inquiry.

You can read HR 660 for yourselves here: Text - H.Res.660 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Directing certain committees to continue their ongoing investigations as part of the existing House of Representatives inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to exercise its Constitutional power to impeach Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, and for other purposes.

2 Democrats voted against the Resolution. 3 Republicans and 1 Democrat abstained from voting.

And once an impeachment goes to the Senate, it gets successfully beaten by the Senate Republican majority and the Dimocrats will have to go back to the drawing board and concoct some other loony scheme for impeachment.
If lying about a blowjob is a high crime and misdemeanor, then extorting a foreign power to investigate a political opponent is a many orders of magnitude greater high crime and misdemeanor.
/———/ For the 10,789 time this year, Clintoon was impeached for lying under oath.
Yeah, about a blowjob.

totally thought you guys said you had it lol hahahah

The American people deserve all the non-classified information from all the investigations into this the "so-called" presidents' behavior.
So vote to impeach! They will have it

After the open hearings, they most likely will vote on it.
So you have evidence he broke the law but can’t vote on it yet? HUH

In reality yeah, they could draw up articles right now and vote on them and if the get 50% + 1, Trumpybear would be impeached. But they know the evidence is going to matter to the American People. So they will have the open hearings the Trumpublicans have been whining about.
Today’s witness said the transcript was accurate lol
Breaking: SCOTUS overturns Dem impeachment of president Trump in a 9 to 0 smack down. Blasts House Democrats as lawless thugs.
I see your propagandists have kept you in the dark on how the impeachment process works. it's gonna all be out in the open....just like republicans wanted.

"impeachment inquiry" LOL

It looks to me that rules get changed to whatever Democrats want them to be.

And this "impeachment inquiry" looks like House condemning the president in regards to a crime he had committed. It is meant to be done when the president actually commits a crime. It does not remove the president from office though, it is just the House condemning the president. The Senate must vote to remove should the House actually impeach the president. Even the mainstream realizes however that impeachment is meant to be done when the president commits a crime. Something that is actually illegal, like vehicular manslaughter.
You are confused Moon Bat.

No it wasn't "the House". It was the filthy shithead Democrats in the House that are there only because of the stupidity of voters in 2018 that elected a majority of Democrats. What the hell were they thinking? It takes a real moron to vote for a Democrat.

It passed along strict party lines meaning the vote was a sham.

The Democrats will pay dearly for this hate and TDS affliction in the election next year.

When that asshole Slick Willy was impeached it was with a bi partisan vote.
Actually it was the House....remember that 2018 election? The one where Americans voted more Democrats into the House than Republicans........ it's gonna all be out in the open....just like republicans wanted.
Not that the rube herd will watch. They have the attention span of goldfish.

They will listen to their propagandists and read Trump's tweets since they have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker, and parrot what they are told to parrot.

"impeachment inquiry" LOL

It looks to me that rules get changed to whatever Democrats want them to be.

And this "impeachment inquiry" looks like House condemning the president in regards to a crime he had committed. It is meant to be done when the president actually commits a crime. It does not remove the president from office though, it is just the House condemning the president. The Senate must vote to remove should the House actually impeach the president. Even the mainstream realizes however that impeachment is meant to be done when the president commits a crime. Something that is actually illegal, like vehicular manslaughter.
Or lying about a blowjob.
Pre-planned failure so libs can whine how people need to o elect more lunatics so we can get rid of Trump.

How cute, they voted to pay themselves on their asses for holding a totally useless “inquiry” that had no real bearing on impeachment.
It was the filthy shithead Democrats in the House that are there only because of the stupidity of voters in 2018 that elected a majority of Democrats. What the hell were they thinking? It takes a real moron to vote for a Democrat.

Sounds like sour grapes, snowflake. Republicans lost because the majority of the people did not support their candidates and/or policies. Plain and simple. It's how elections work. Perhaps even someone in Cult45 could grasp this concept (doubtful). All this tells me is that Republicans better have their shit together in 2020, or they're going to be stripped of their power.
Oh goody!! More sleazy political games by the Democrats instead of getting things done for the American people.

Now Big Fat Jerry can waddle to the microphone and prattle about his lap band surgery and favorite brand of pork rinds; Pencil Neck Schiff can lie to the American people every night for the next 6 months, and Frazzled Frail Nancy can enjoy weekly brain freezes in front of the media presstitutes as her over-medicated mind slips further into dementia.

Chances of an actual impeachment? exceedingly slim......:rofl:

Trump already released the only actual "evidence" that matters- the transcript of the call.

Game. Set. Match.

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