House Adopts Impeachment Inquiry

b/c pence would be easily beaten in an election
That's a lie, but irrelevant.

If Democrats had a serious candidate they wouldn't be this desperate.
So, it's 39 Trump Deranged Syndrome people in the house getting desperate. Thought it would be more than that, but Trump has actually proved he's doing his job right as president. Unlike nObama selling out the country. We can thank the Fake News for pushing this charade vote. Now for the Republicans to win the house back next year!
/——-/ When democRATs see news like this, they know they can’t beat Trump.
US added 128,000 jobs in October, vs 75,000 expected

When looked at in context that number is nothing to brag about.

October is normally the 2nd biggest month for hiring as companies man up for the holidays.

128,000 is almost a full 100,000 off the 10 year average for October and leaves 2019 on track to be slowest job year since 2010.
/——/ So you know more than the experts who estimated 75,000 jobs would be created. WOWZA. You’re one smart cookie.

Which experts were those?
The same ones that predicted a market crash when Trump won?
/—-/ They never reveal themselves
Apparently it’s coming out The Fake Whistle Blower was involved with the Fake Russian Collusion Hoax now.


The New Democrat Party is Evil and should not be allowed to have power.
Harry Reid was the Senate Majority Leader. The Senate has no say in what rules the House adopts or the procedure it employs when investigating the actions of the Executive.

No need to went right over your head.

better luck next time.

How exactly does Reid changing the Senate rules on cloture for approving federal judges and then McConnell's change to the Cloture rules for SC nominees factor in the current House adopting the same investigatory rules as the 2015 House?

Impeachment is a separate matter.

Stay on topic, dumtard!

Hahaha, I didn't blame the House rule changes on the actions of the Majority leader of the Senate.
No winners. If Trump survives, then it will not be just OK to enroll help from foreign country but a requirement to win. If he is removed, he'll probably bring in the Russian troops to quell the violence.

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