House and Senate Bills wrong on fix for Obamacare!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Democratic and Republican elected officials in Washington of goodwill now is an historic opportunity to reform the ACA (Obamacare) and solve this paralyzing and super divisive issue for the country. Democrats should not spend their efforts trying to frantically salvage this program because in the process it is going to politically drown a lot of them and they won't succeed. The writing is on the wall with the dysfunction of the Obamacare website the ACA needed goals for people signing up for individual provate insurance won't be met and the enrollee pools will be too small and weighted with people with health problems meaning that when the insurance companies come out with 2015 premiums they are going to be shockingly high resulting in large number of people not being able to afford to buy health insurance. This coupled with the ACA producing for a lot of Americans restrictions on the medical providers they can use meaning that the doctor these people want to see they can't because the doctor is not in the person's insurance network which really makes and will make a lot of Americans really angry remember medical care is very personal people want to see the doctor they want to see it is really important to them. If the Republicans offer the Democrats a deal where they will keep intact the part of the ACA which helps Ameicans that can't get insurance through their employer buy health insurance with a subsidy if they can't afford it they should take it. Democrats need to remember not only does the ACA not work as a health insurance system but it is also killing job creation, killing full-time jobs, killing family income, this should be making Democrats totally open to major reform of the law.

Republicans should take advantage of this historic opportunity to reform the ACA. The Republican dream to repeal Obamacare is just that a dream, in order to do that they are going to have to win the Presidency and the earliest they will be able to do that is 2016 and by that time America will have ten plus million Americans either in the ACA Medicaid expansion program and the ACA individual insurance entitlement program so if the Republicans repeal Obamacare they will be yanking the health insurance of ten plus million Americans it ain't happening members of the House and Senate are not that cold blooded ruthless to neglect the pleas of these constituents of theirs that they will be hearing from. The only viable option for Republicans is to pursue reforming Obamacare they can do it now much easier than they can do it later because now they have leverage the Democrats are now drowning on this issue. The Rpublicans can throw a lifeline to the Democrats that has major reform to the ACA to their liking. Republicans rightfully have been saying countless times over why doesn't the system allow Americans to buy Health insurance across state lines to lower premium cost for Americans and why do we need all these expensive insurance mandates in the ACA. This is a perfect time for the Republicans to make a push to remedy these problems with the ACA by offering a reform bill to do these things.

President Barack Obama if he is smart he will take this deal. Because Obamacare for President Obama is turning into an Iran hostage situation that President Carter experienced. It killed Preseident Carter's presidency he was not able to accomplish much because this matter restrained and overwhelmed his White House!
The GOP doesn't want to fix the ACA. they want to kill it. Anything they suggest is intended to kill the law. They couldn't take the black man down that is in the WH, so they will kill the law that might afford health insurance to millions that don't have it.....nice
The GOP doesn't want to fix the ACA. they want to kill it. Anything they suggest is intended to kill the law. They couldn't take the black man down that is in the WH, so they will kill the law that might afford health insurance to millions that don't have it.....nice

Yeah, ok, Skippy. Tell us all how well this Obama Tax law is working out so far? The fact is, though you wish to ignore it, is that it's a failure. Like all LOLberal policy. it needs to be completely repealed and thrown in the trash.

Or democrats can enjoy a backseat to legislation for the next decade.

Either way works for me.
The GOP doesn't want to fix the ACA. they want to kill it. Anything they suggest is intended to kill the law. They couldn't take the black man down that is in the WH, so they will kill the law that might afford health insurance to millions that don't have it.....nice

Obamacare is taking insurance away from millions. Furthermore, it jacked the price way up for everyone.

The cure is worse than the disease.

Kill it.
The GOP doesn't want to fix the ACA. they want to kill it. Anything they suggest is intended to kill the law. They couldn't take the black man down that is in the WH, so they will kill the law that might afford health insurance to millions that don't have it.....nice

Yeah, ok, Skippy. Tell us all how well this Obama Tax law is working out so far? The fact is, though you wish to ignore it, is that it's a failure. Like all LOLberal policy. it needs to be completely repealed and thrown in the trash.

Or democrats can enjoy a backseat to legislation for the next decade.

Either way works for me.

Once it is thrown in the trash, any Democrat who tries to bring it up again will be laughed out of Congress.
The GOP does not have an alternate plan on the table, and no one wants to go backward to the fucked up system we had before ObamaCare that was getting worse by the year.

So at this fork in the road, there are two choices: Fix ObamaCare, or go to single payer healthcare.

This is the conscious choice that was made by the GOP. They chose not to get any alternate plan out there.

Just ask everyone you know. "Suppose the GOP managed to repeal ObamaCare. Then what? What is their plan after that?"

You will get shrugs. And for all intents and purposes, that means the GOP has no plan.

So that's our two choices now. Fix ObamaCare or single payer.
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A majority of people might hate ObamaCare, but I would bet you they would hate going backward even more. The back half of that equation is where the GOP is seriously fucking up. They chortle and hoot over the unpopularity of ObamaCare, but cannot see that the American people would like to see it get fixed. Or else go to single payer.
The GOP does not have an alternate plan on the table, and no one wants to go backward to the fucked up system we had before ObamaCare that was getting worse by the year.

So at this fork in the road, there are two choices: Fix ObamaCare, or go to single payer healthcare.

This is the conscious choice that was made by the GOP. They chose not to get any alternate plan out there.

Just ask everyone you know. "Suppose the GOP managed to repeal ObamaCare. Then what? What is their plan after that?"

You will get shrugs. And for all intents and purposes, that means the GOP has no plan.

So that's our two choices now. Fix ObamaCare or single payer.

Where does single payer enter the equation? We must either fix the current solicalist lite law that fucks shit up royal, or go full blown socialist?

As for a republican plan, why should they have one? If they trot out a new plan you think for even 5 seconds it would be met with debate merit? C'mon. That's extremely flawed thinking. Extremely.
As for all those people who have had their health insurance plans cancelled, you can't put that toothpaste back in the tube. The insurance companies have already devoted many millions of dollars into converting over to ACA standards. They aren't going to undo that just to be able to offer the old plans for one more year and then have to re-convert all that shit again.
The GOP doesn't want to fix the ACA. they want to kill it. Anything they suggest is intended to kill the law. They couldn't take the black man down that is in the WH, so they will kill the law that might afford health insurance to millions that don't have it.....nice

You can't fix dog shit.

The whole ACA was constructed so that the intricate parts fit neatly together. You cannot "fix" one part without breaking all of them. If you allow this segment or that segment to have lower cost health insurance you will blow up the insurance pools because no one with any choice would ever take part in them. That is why there had to be a mandate. See, it all fits together.

The Democrats themselves will take down the mixed race sort-of man-boy in the White House when the full tsunami of voter anger hits them, as it is starting to now.
The GOP does not have an alternate plan on the table, and no one wants to go backward to the fucked up system we had before ObamaCare that was getting worse by the year.

So at this fork in the road, there are two choices: Fix ObamaCare, or go to single payer healthcare.

This is the conscious choice that was made by the GOP. They chose not to get any alternate plan out there.

Just ask everyone you know. "Suppose the GOP managed to repeal ObamaCare. Then what? What is their plan after that?"

You will get shrugs. And for all intents and purposes, that means the GOP has no plan.

So that's our two choices now. Fix ObamaCare or single payer.

Where does single payer enter the equation? We must either fix the current solicalist lite law that fucks shit up royal, or go full blown socialist?

As for a republican plan, why should they have one? If they trot out a new plan you think for even 5 seconds it would be met with debate merit? C'mon. That's extremely flawed thinking. Extremely.

The posters here lie constantly about "so where is the GOP plan??" This has been covered so many times I attribute that question to either abject stupidity or total ignorance. The GOP has floated several plans, all along the same lines: empower individuals to make smart choices for themselves. Dems can't stand that radical idea.
The GOP does not have an alternate plan on the table, and no one wants to go backward to the fucked up system we had before ObamaCare that was getting worse by the year.

So at this fork in the road, there are two choices: Fix ObamaCare, or go to single payer healthcare.

This is the conscious choice that was made by the GOP. They chose not to get any alternate plan out there.

Just ask everyone you know. "Suppose the GOP managed to repeal ObamaCare. Then what? What is their plan after that?"

You will get shrugs. And for all intents and purposes, that means the GOP has no plan.

So that's our two choices now. Fix ObamaCare or single payer.

Where does single payer enter the equation? We must either fix the current solicalist lite law that fucks shit up royal, or go full blown socialist?

That is the trajectory we are on, yes. The Democrats have been telegraphing this for decades, and when the GOP had all the power, it chose to do nothing about the ever increasing healthcare costs that were outpacing inflation. The GOP knew full well what the Democrats were going to do if given the chance. And still they did NOTHING. This inaction was a complete capitulation of the issue by the GOP. They handed it to the Democrats with a big red bow on it.

As for a republican plan, why should they have one?
Wow. Thanks for articulating my point so precisely for me. This is exactly why the GOP is getting kicked in the nuts. "What, me worry?" That's the GOP plan.

Have you been asleep since the 80s? Health care costs have been rising faster than inflation. This is what we call a...PROBLEM!!! And there you are, saying, "Why should we have a plan for that?"

Holy smokes.

If they trot out a new plan you think for even 5 seconds it would be met with debate merit? C'mon. That's extremely flawed thinking. Extremely.

What a cowardly attitude. "Waaah. Our plan will be attacked!"

Hell yes, it will be attacked. The GOP knows all about attacking and whining and throwing mud at someone else's plan. They are experts at it like all cowards are.

If you have a superior idea, it will be stand up to any attack if it has true merit.

And like I just said, the GOP had the high ground. They had all the power. House, Senate, and White House. And did NOTHING.

So, with a lot of help by inaction of the GOP, we have only two choices. Fix ObamaCare, or single payer. We are going to see single payer in our lifetimes. I guarantee it.
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The GOP doesn't want to fix the ACA. they want to kill it. Anything they suggest is intended to kill the law. They couldn't take the black man down that is in the WH, so they will kill the law that might afford health insurance to millions that don't have it.....nice

Oh, it's the Republicans fault that the law the democrats passed (corruptly, and without so much as reading the fucking thing) has turned out to be such a cluster-fuck? Yeah, that's it. Cling to that. :rolleyes:

Nice job trying to slip the race card in there, btw. Subtle.
The GOP doesn't want to fix the ACA. they want to kill it. Anything they suggest is intended to kill the law. They couldn't take the black man down that is in the WH, so they will kill the law that might afford health insurance to millions that don't have it.....nice

You can't fix dog shit.

The whole ACA was constructed so that the intricate parts fit neatly together. You cannot "fix" one part without breaking all of them. If you allow this segment or that segment to have lower cost health insurance you will blow up the insurance pools because no one with any choice would ever take part in them. That is why there had to be a mandate. See, it all fits together.

The Democrats themselves will take down the mixed race sort-of man-boy in the White House when the full tsunami of voter anger hits them, as it is starting to now.

why Rs stepped in this dog shit is beyond me....all they did was provide the Demrats a chance to blame's already starting...

Representative Jim McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts, said Mr. Upton’s bill was an attempt to “drag us back to the bad old days of the American health care system.” It would, he said, allow insurers to sell “cut-rate shoddy policies that lack the consumer protections of the Affordable Care Act.”

Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House Democratic leader, said Mr. Upton’s bill “pulls the plug on the Affordable Care Act.”

The White House said Mr. Obama would veto the House bill if it got to him. The bill, the administration said, would reverse progress made in extending coverage to the uninsured.
It is a fact the GOP would take us back to the pre-ObamaCare days.

They have no forward plan.

The American people don't want to go backward.
The GOP does not have an alternate plan on the table, and no one wants to go backward to the fucked up system we had before ObamaCare that was getting worse by the year.

So at this fork in the road, there are two choices: Fix ObamaCare, or go to single payer healthcare.

This is the conscious choice that was made by the GOP. They chose not to get any alternate plan out there.

Just ask everyone you know. "Suppose the GOP managed to repeal ObamaCare. Then what? What is their plan after that?"

You will get shrugs. And for all intents and purposes, that means the GOP has no plan.

So that's our two choices now. Fix ObamaCare or single payer.

Bullshit. We need to repeal Obamacare and start over.

After Obamacare - Single payer will NEVER HAPPEN IN THIS COUNTRY. Get over it.

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