House bill: “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act" passes in GOP controlled House

Fine with me. No trans dudes in women’s sports and bring back Roe v Wade. Let’s listen to what women want since we support women’s rights.

so you use threats against violence. look at you, your such the asshole.
Very much? Hardly. They’re practically split.

And I didn’t say I was for trans men in women‘s sports. I said that women care a lot more about abortion rights than trans people participating in women’s sports. Your data shows that.
no, I'd say 80% of women are against men in women sports and their locker rooms.
while zero House Democrats do. What is wrong with these people? They want men taking medals away from women in school sports, want men to change in women's dressing rooms in sports, and want men being able to use women's bathrooms in schools. How sick are these people?

Control. Nothing more.
A budget is a stated Constitutional duty.

Worrying about...sports is not.
so again, worrying about their constituents you're saying isn't part of their jobs? So borders aren't under their jurisdiction either? jan 6th? funny I recall quite the investigation for that, explain how that had anything to do with budgets? Why do you mther fkrs smack yourself in your own face? Stupid fks comes to mind.
A budget is a stated Constitutional duty.

Worrying about...sports is not.
as is what they are working on. When you have control of the house again you can go to the IRS and get those jan 6th folks again. Or do a budget such as you're suggesting.
Fine with me. No trans dudes in women’s sports and bring back Roe v Wade. Let’s listen to what women want since we support women’s rights.

Since half the abortions involve ending the life of females, you hardly have any moral high ground there, Dude.

On one hand, you say you are all about women's rights, but on the other hand, you support depriving them of the ability to even be a woman.
Since half the abortions involve ending the life of females, you hardly have any moral high ground there, Dude.
Nobody is talking about forcing abortions when the woman’s life is in danger. I’m simply saying that women overwhelmingly want to have the CHOICE regarding what to do.
so again, worrying about their constituents you're saying isn't part of their jobs?
No their duties are under their jobs. This is a sop. Pass a budget. Thats your actual duty.
So borders aren't under their jurisdiction either?
Yes, its in the Constitution. Thank you for pointing that out. No legislation yet. Sports isn't.
Elections are part of the House function. Thank you for pointing that out. No legislation yet. Sports isn't.
funny I recall quite the investigation for that, explain how that had anything to do with budgets?
Its a Constitutional function. Have you read the Constitution?
I just wanted to know why you felt that was crazy and my video wasn't more crazy as I said? Why do some of you lose your shit when asked something?
I get that way dealing with gaslighting assholes like you. Bye.

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