House bill: “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act" passes in GOP controlled House

I do not understand why women are not up in arms against a transperson with a man's body competing against their daughters. Fathers too, for that matter. And yet this bill is going nowhere in the democrat controlled Senate. And women don't care? Hey, if you're born a man with a man's body but you wanna be a woman, I'm okay with that. But don't be competing against biological females in sports.
Since the Federal Government is involved in title IX and college sports, I can see it for them. Keeping things fair.

But if the WNBA wants to let Lebron James play if he decides to identify as a transbroad, that's their own affair and its a professional league.
It's up to Manchin and Sinema to get it passed in the Senate.
I do not understand why women are not up in arms against a transperson with a man's body competing against their daughters. Fathers too, for that matter. And yet this bill is going nowhere in the democrat controlled Senate. And women don't care? Hey, if you're born a man with a man's body but you wanna be a woman, I'm okay with that. But don't be competing against biological females in sports.
Probably because its a statistically insignificant situation. Its an issue for the top few players, but not anyone else. Da Wimminz I know are not worked up about it one way or the other, but they do care about all the recent abortion legislation controlling women. A lot.

Even my mom cared about that when she was alive and she was a hardcore conservative Catholic.
while zero House Democrats do. What is wrong with these people? They want men taking medals away from women in school sports, want men to change in women's dressing rooms in sports, and want men being able to use women's bathrooms in schools. How sick are these people?

VERY sick
Lincoln was a republican…the first elected president

your demaklan party was so upset that a anti slavery party one election they caused a massive insurrection called the civil war
All those racist people left the Democratic Party a joined the other racists in the republican party. They are still their today. Look at this website to see which side of the aisle supporters are racists.
Probably because its a statistically insignificant situation. Its an issue for the top few players, but not anyone else. Da Wimminz I know are not worked up about it one way or the other, but they do care about all the recent abortion legislation controlling women. A lot.

Even my mom cared about that when she was alive and she was a hardcore conservative Catholic.
Just because it's not significant to everybody doesn't mean it's not an issue that deserves notice. Men dominating female sports is retarded and should stop.
Just because it's not significant to everybody doesn't mean it's not an issue that deserves notice. Men dominating female sports is retarded and should stop.
Are Men dominating female sports in your world? Thats interesting. Which sports?

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