House Conservatives Are Now Chanting Fire Boehner!


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
CNBC just reported that House conservatives are now chanting "Fire Boehner".

They do not like the compromises or ground he gave to democrats & Obama.
CNBC just reported that House conservatives are now chanting "Fire Boehner".

They do not like the compromises or ground he gave to democrats & Obama.

Good News. He is an establishment repub after all. More of the same doesnt get it done.
Interest rates are now falling just like they did during the 1995 gov shutdowm. A government shutdown for the rest of the year will help, not hurt this country.
Granny says, "Dat's right - its all a big sham...
U.S. may be able to pay bills beyond debt-ceiling deadline
July 29, 2011 Reporting from Washington — Some analysts project the Treasury won't run out of money until Aug. 8 at the earliest and as late as Aug. 15, reducing the necessity for a deal in the next few days.
Obama administration officials have been adamant for weeks that Tuesday is the date the Treasury Department no longer will be able to pay the nation's bills if the debt ceiling isn't raised. But the government might be able to buy some more time. Some analysts now project the Treasury won't run out of money until Aug. 8 at the earliest and as late as Aug. 15, reducing the necessity for the White House and Congress to strike a deal in the next few days. The stalemate continued Thursday as House Republicans and Senate Democrats pushed competing plans to raise the debt ceiling and cut spending, with a compromise nowhere in sight.

"They can go a little bit beyond Tuesday, but once we're into the second half of August … then we're in serious trouble," said Nancy Vanden Houten, senior analyst at Stone & McCarthy Research Associates in Princeton, N.J. She projected the government would be able to survive until Aug. 15, when $41 billion in payments are due, including $29 billion in interest on government securities. At that point, the Treasury would come up short, Vanden Houten said. But the exact date on which the nation's bills will exceed its cash balance remains a moving target, analysts said. It depends on the unpredictable flow of tax revenues into the government's coffers and financial juggling by Treasury officials.

Barclays Capital, for example, said the ability to meet payments would last until Aug. 10 because of $14 billion more than expected in tax revenues collected in recent weeks. But even if the government continued to pay its bills for several days after Tuesday's deadline, the precarious financial situation still could rattle the fragile economy. In addition, the nation's AAA credit rating could be downgraded because of the looming threat of default, causing interest rates to rise and triggering chaos in financial markets.

Obama administration officials still haven't budged from their view that the nation would hit fiscal Armageddon on Tuesday if the $14.3-trillion debt ceiling is not raised. On that day, the Treasury no longer would have the authority to borrow money. "From midnight Aug. 2 forward, you are running on fumes," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said. Treasury officials are working on plans for government operations after that point if the debt ceiling impasse continues, a spokeswoman said Thursday.

boehner is dong a great job , hes very close, and its not nor has it been pover the past 3 days, the tea party btw thats is the problem it is the club for growth etc. but don't share that wirth the bubble heads here who yap TP TP TP, they have Think Progress and MOve ON do their thinking for them.:eusa_shhh::lol:
Granny says, "Dat's right - its all a big sham...
U.S. may be able to pay bills beyond debt-ceiling deadline
July 29, 2011 Reporting from Washington — Some analysts project the Treasury won't run out of money until Aug. 8 at the earliest and as late as Aug. 15, reducing the necessity for a deal in the next few days.
Obama administration officials have been adamant for weeks that Tuesday is the date the Treasury Department no longer will be able to pay the nation's bills if the debt ceiling isn't raised. But the government might be able to buy some more time. Some analysts now project the Treasury won't run out of money until Aug. 8 at the earliest and as late as Aug. 15, reducing the necessity for the White House and Congress to strike a deal in the next few days. The stalemate continued Thursday as House Republicans and Senate Democrats pushed competing plans to raise the debt ceiling and cut spending, with a compromise nowhere in sight.

"They can go a little bit beyond Tuesday, but once we're into the second half of August … then we're in serious trouble," said Nancy Vanden Houten, senior analyst at Stone & McCarthy Research Associates in Princeton, N.J. She projected the government would be able to survive until Aug. 15, when $41 billion in payments are due, including $29 billion in interest on government securities. At that point, the Treasury would come up short, Vanden Houten said. But the exact date on which the nation's bills will exceed its cash balance remains a moving target, analysts said. It depends on the unpredictable flow of tax revenues into the government's coffers and financial juggling by Treasury officials.

Barclays Capital, for example, said the ability to meet payments would last until Aug. 10 because of $14 billion more than expected in tax revenues collected in recent weeks. But even if the government continued to pay its bills for several days after Tuesday's deadline, the precarious financial situation still could rattle the fragile economy. In addition, the nation's AAA credit rating could be downgraded because of the looming threat of default, causing interest rates to rise and triggering chaos in financial markets.

Obama administration officials still haven't budged from their view that the nation would hit fiscal Armageddon on Tuesday if the $14.3-trillion debt ceiling is not raised. On that day, the Treasury no longer would have the authority to borrow money. "From midnight Aug. 2 forward, you are running on fumes," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said. Treasury officials are working on plans for government operations after that point if the debt ceiling impasse continues, a spokeswoman said Thursday.


But where did that date come from? It was plucked out of thin air by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. It has no basis in fact, in law or in any accounting data anyone can present. The big spenders in Washington simply picked a date at random with which to frighten the American public.

Even Geithner admits that “technically” the government ran out of money two months ago. He says he used “extraordinary measures” and “accounting maneuvers” to delay the crisis as long as possible. But if he could do it for eight weeks, why not nine? Or 10?
Oh shit, here comes more Boehner waterworks.

Good. Perhaps we've reached the point where the reasonable people in both parties can finally feel free to quit pandering to their extreme bases and get something done.

Whatever the final bill is, it will involve a significant number of people from both parties pushing the extremes aside and voting for a common ground.
Obama & Geithner think we are fools. There is no way a country that sent men to the moon, built the space shuttle & space station habitat supporting life in space could somehow not figure out how to prioritize debt payments to prevent a default if the debt limit is not raised.

Like Obama's press secretary Robert Gibbs said about the campaign season, "I think we've reached a little bit of the silly season". Obama is the silliest idiot of them all.
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Good. Perhaps we've reached the point where the reasonable people in both parties can finally feel free to quit pandering to their extreme bases and get something done.

Whatever the final bill is, it will involve a significant number of people from both parties pushing the extremes aside and voting for a common ground.

pssssst, you better get that word out to Reid, the Obama and the REST of the Democrats.
Good. Perhaps we've reached the point where the reasonable people in both parties can finally feel free to quit pandering to their extreme bases and get something done.

Whatever the final bill is, it will involve a significant number of people from both parties pushing the extremes aside and voting for a common ground.

pssssst, you better get that word out to Reid, the Obama and the REST of the Democrats.

really? What's Boehner doing to promote a compromise today? Oh, right - he's in his fourth straight day meeting exclusively with the Republican caucus in the hopes that he can cajole his own party into a party-line vote with no chance of becoming law and zero Democratic support.
Good. Perhaps we've reached the point where the reasonable people in both parties can finally feel free to quit pandering to their extreme bases and get something done.

Whatever the final bill is, it will involve a significant number of people from both parties pushing the extremes aside and voting for a common ground.

pssssst, you better get that word out to Reid, the Obama and the REST of the Democrats.

really? What's Boehner doing to promote a compromise today? Oh, right - he's in his fourth straight day meeting exclusively with the Republican caucus in the hopes that he can cajole his own party into a party-line vote with no chance of becoming law and zero Democratic support. in other words you are saying, they won't CAVE into the Obama and the Democrats DEMANDS to NOT VOTE FOR ANYTHING that doesn't include NEW TAXES for the people of this country for THEIR outrageous spending spree in the last three years.. for shame..:lol:
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Well his Plan really is a shit sandwich. And most Conservatives don't want to eat it. That's why i can't believe this President & Democrats wont sign onto it. Boehner's plan is a big Win for them. There's very little cuts in it. The Democrats aren't going along just because a Republican created the plan. It's all about Party before Country for them. Boehner's plan is lame. I don't support it.
pssssst, you better get that word out to Reid, the Obama and the REST of the Democrats.

really? What's Boehner doing to promote a compromise today? Oh, right - he's in his fourth straight day meeting exclusively with the Republican caucus in the hopes that he can cajole his own party into a party-line vote with no chance of becoming law and zero Democratic support. in other words you are saying, they won't CAVE into the Obama and the Democrats DEMANDS to NOT VOTE FOR ANYTHING that doesn't include NEW TAXES for the people of this country for THEIR outrageous spending spree in the last three years.. for shame..:lol:

No, I'm saying that for the past four days the Republicans in the House have been pissing down their own pant legs instead of working towards an actual solution.
really? What's Boehner doing to promote a compromise today? Oh, right - he's in his fourth straight day meeting exclusively with the Republican caucus in the hopes that he can cajole his own party into a party-line vote with no chance of becoming law and zero Democratic support. in other words you are saying, they won't CAVE into the Obama and the Democrats DEMANDS to NOT VOTE FOR ANYTHING that doesn't include NEW TAXES for the people of this country for THEIR outrageous spending spree in the last three years.. for shame..:lol:

No, I'm saying that for the past four days the Republicans in the House have been pissing down their own pant legs instead of working towards an actual solution.

and then of course, you'd be lying. do you care about that?
This President & Democrats should be 100% behind Boehner's plan. There are very little cuts in his plan,which is what this President & Democrats wanted all along. So what's the hold up? Is it just because he's a Republican? I think that's what it's really all about for them. They can't possibly concede any credit to Boehner and Republicans. It's petty partisan politics at it worst.

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