House Conservatives Are Now Chanting Fire Boehner!

Ron Paul is one of the true conservatives, who are the other 2 that are chanting?
Ron Paul is one of the true conservatives, who are the other 2 that are chanting?

Me,Myself,and I! That's 3 more. Boehner's plan is awful for Conservatives. The cuts are minor and basically meaningless. This President & Democrats should just shut up and pass the stinker. It's basically a Win for them. I don't see what the hold up is.
Good. Perhaps we've reached the point where the reasonable people in both parties can finally feel free to quit pandering to their extreme bases and get something done.

Whatever the final bill is, it will involve a significant number of people from both parties pushing the extremes aside and voting for a common ground.

pssssst, you better get that word out to Reid, the Obama and the REST of the Democrats.

really? What's Boehner doing to promote a compromise today? Oh, right - he's in his fourth straight day meeting exclusively with the Republican caucus in the hopes that he can cajole his own party into a party-line vote with no chance of becoming law and zero Democratic support.

While you post may be factual I bet you won't admit that while the speaker has at least tried your party hasn't done a damn thing except issue threats and scares.
Why wont the President and Democrats get behind Boehner's plan? I haven't heard any coherent reasons from them. His plan makes very little real cuts. This President & Democrats should love his plan. Are they Stonewalling just because it's a Republican-created Plan? That's what it looks like to me. in other words you are saying, they won't CAVE into the Obama and the Democrats DEMANDS to NOT VOTE FOR ANYTHING that doesn't include NEW TAXES for the people of this country for THEIR outrageous spending spree in the last three years.. for shame..:lol:

No, I'm saying that for the past four days the Republicans in the House have been pissing down their own pant legs instead of working towards an actual solution.

and then of course, you'd be lying. do you care about that?

OK, Steph - what have the Republicans in the house been doing since Monday afternoon? Hint: They've been desperately trying to get a vote the floor that they know will not get a single Dem vote, and they have not attempted to get a single Dem vote, and they know that even if it passes, it has zero chance of becoming law.

That's pissing down your own pant leg, not working towards a solution. Later today or tomorrow, the Republican masturbation will end and the moderates in both parties can get on to finding an actual solution.

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