House Democrats Attempt To Shut Down Government

Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
Duped by the right wing media headlines....and more hatred inside them against liberals that blinds them... from the truth.

The right wing media drives them...look at all the threads....nothing about us tax payers being set up to bail the wall street bankers out again.... just the hahahas on liberLs shutting down the govt.

Sad, sad indeed.
What's sad is that you don't know obama wants to sign it and you are guilty of what you accuse others of.
Of course he wants to sign a bill to keep the country running....

But WHY did the Republicans put in this bill that we, the tax payers, have to insure the LOSSES of derivatives IN THE FIRST PLACE?


CAN ANYONE answer that question? WHY is this in the republican bill to fund the government, why, why why? sheesh....

It was introduced, originally, by two Dems and two Republicans.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
All Warren is doing is trying to be relevant. She's running for president and Democrat voters need another self-centered communist/Marxist who won't work with Republicans to run for the Oval Office.

She isn't even close to a communist or Marxist.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
Duped by the right wing media headlines....and more hatred inside them against liberals that blinds them... from the truth.

The right wing media drives them...look at all the threads....nothing about us tax payers being set up to bail the wall street bankers out again.... just the hahahas on liberLs shutting down the govt.

Sad, sad indeed.
What's sad is that you don't know obama wants to sign it and you are guilty of what you accuse others of.
Of course he wants to sign a bill to keep the country running....

But WHY did the Republicans put in this bill that we, the tax payers, have to insure the LOSSES of derivatives IN THE FIRST PLACE?


CAN ANYONE answer that question? WHY is this in the republican bill to fund the government, why, why why? sheesh....

It was introduced, originally, by two Dems and two Republicans.
in the House? Who were the Dems in the House of Representatives that put this in to the House bill? Did they just not vote for the bill that they introduced this legislation on?

I know the Senate did this, Dem and Repubs, but the House bill has Dems too? Good to know... but it is still WRONG TO DO...

And again, WHY, why do they want us tax payers to insure derivatives?
in the House? Who were the Dems in the House of Representtives that put this in to the House bill? Did they just not vote for the bill that they introduced this legislation on?

I know the Senate did this, Dem and Repubs, but the House bill has Dems too? Good to know... but it is still WRONG TO DO...

And again, WHY, why do they want us tax payers to insure derivatives?

Democrats are free to vote against the bill if they think it is wrong ... That doesn't change the fact they are voting to shut the government down if they don't pass the bill.

oh gee, now little liberals are upset about bullshit bills that waste taxpayer money?
And do YOU support tax payers insuring the risks that Wall Street takes with derivatives? IF YES, then can you explain to me why you and I should do this and pay for this? And if NO, have you emailed your congress critters and senators that you DISAGREE with this measure?
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
Duped by the right wing media headlines....and more hatred inside them against liberals that blinds them... from the truth.

The right wing media drives them...look at all the threads....nothing about us tax payers being set up to bail the wall street bankers out again.... just the hahahas on liberLs shutting down the govt.

Sad, sad indeed.
What's sad is that you don't know obama wants to sign it and you are guilty of what you accuse others of.
Of course he wants to sign a bill to keep the country running....

But WHY did the Republicans put in this bill that we, the tax payers, have to insure the LOSSES of derivatives IN THE FIRST PLACE?


CAN ANYONE answer that question? WHY is this in the republican bill to fund the government, why, why why? sheesh....

It was introduced, originally, by two Dems and two Republicans.
in the House? Who were the Dems in the House of Representatives that put this in to the House bill? Did they just not vote for the bill that they introduced this legislation on?

I know the Senate did this, Dem and Repubs, but the House bill has Dems too? Good to know... but it is still WRONG TO DO...

And again, WHY, why do they want us tax payers to insure derivatives?
oh gee, now little liberals are upset about bullshit bills that waste taxpayer money?
And do YOU support tax payers insuring the risks that Wall Street takes with derivatives? IF YES, then can you explain to me why you and I should do this and pay for this? And if NO, have you emailed your congress critters and senators that you DISAGREE with this measure?

There is very little in DC that I agree with. This proposal isn't one of those things.

I just find it to be more than a little dishonest to cry about one bill and defend your party for voting against it just a few short months after crying about the other party voting against a bill they disagreed with
in the House? Who were the Dems in the House of Representtives that put this in to the House bill? Did they just not vote for the bill that they introduced this legislation on?

I know the Senate did this, Dem and Repubs, but the House bill has Dems too? Good to know... but it is still WRONG TO DO...

And again, WHY, why do they want us tax payers to insure derivatives?

Democrats are free to vote against the bill if they think it is wrong ... That doesn't change the fact they are voting to shut the government down if they don't pass the bill.

Do you agree with tax payers being forced to insure derivatives? Yes or NO?

IF YES, can you explain why you think this is right and just for us to do, AGAIN?

We have to pass a budget, THIS IS WHY this controversial measure was PURPOSELY added to this bill....because no one can turn it down due to a gvt shut down pending if they do...

AND IT IS BULL CRAP to the enth degree....
Duped by the right wing media headlines....and more hatred inside them against liberals that blinds them... from the truth.

The right wing media drives them...look at all the threads....nothing about us tax payers being set up to bail the wall street bankers out again.... just the hahahas on liberLs shutting down the govt.

Sad, sad indeed.
What's sad is that you don't know obama wants to sign it and you are guilty of what you accuse others of.
Of course he wants to sign a bill to keep the country running....

But WHY did the Republicans put in this bill that we, the tax payers, have to insure the LOSSES of derivatives IN THE FIRST PLACE?


CAN ANYONE answer that question? WHY is this in the republican bill to fund the government, why, why why? sheesh....

It was introduced, originally, by two Dems and two Republicans.
in the House? Who were the Dems in the House of Representatives that put this in to the House bill? Did they just not vote for the bill that they introduced this legislation on?

I know the Senate did this, Dem and Repubs, but the House bill has Dems too? Good to know... but it is still WRONG TO DO...

And again, WHY, why do they want us tax payers to insure derivatives? Day&action=keypress&region=FixedLeft&pgtype=Blogs
That article is from over a year and a half ago...

Why was this measure added to this bill to fund the gvt? A must pass bill at the last minute that everyone has to say yes to or the gvt is shut down...

and did the House dems that support this measure vote for this bill in the house? The answer is least that is my understanding?
Do you agree with tax payers being forced to insure derivatives? Yes or NO?

IF YES, can you explain why you think this is right and just for us to do, AGAIN?

We have to pass a budget, THIS IS WHY this controversial measure was PURPOSELY added to this bill....because no one can turn it down due to a gvt shut down pending if they do...

AND IT IS BULL CRAP to the enth degree....

Uh no ... I don't support anything you keep expressing in your posts.

I support the idea that Republicans put the Dodd-Frank poison pill in the bill ... Forcing the Democrats on the record voting to shut the government down. Making all kinds of hay in the media about the lives of government employees that will be ruined if the Democrats got their way and shut the government down.

Then the Republicans can pass a three month extension ... And address the spending bill in the new Congress when Democrats have little to no say-so at all in what gets passed.

But of course I have already stated that in this thread ... You must have missed it.

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oh gee, now little liberals are upset about bullshit bills that waste taxpayer money?
And do YOU support tax payers insuring the risks that Wall Street takes with derivatives? IF YES, then can you explain to me why you and I should do this and pay for this? And if NO, have you emailed your congress critters and senators that you DISAGREE with this measure?

There is very little in DC that I agree with. This proposal isn't one of those things.

I just find it to be more than a little dishonest to cry about one bill and defend your party for voting against it just a few short months after crying about the other party voting against a bill they disagreed with
We don't walk in unison and lock step as Republicans do...

And your party and my party WANT US to argue over exactly the point you made, instead of the SUBSTANCE of the Bill....

I thought you were suppose to be smarter than the average bear...? Yet you bought in to something so menial yet divisive, and the "you did it so we can do it crapola", while not focusing on what is right and just for us citizens and what is wrong for us citizens.... You and others like you, on both sides of the aisle, are what is wrong with this Nation....

What's sad is that you don't know obama wants to sign it and you are guilty of what you accuse others of.
Of course he wants to sign a bill to keep the country running....

But WHY did the Republicans put in this bill that we, the tax payers, have to insure the LOSSES of derivatives IN THE FIRST PLACE?


CAN ANYONE answer that question? WHY is this in the republican bill to fund the government, why, why why? sheesh....

It was introduced, originally, by two Dems and two Republicans.
in the House? Who were the Dems in the House of Representatives that put this in to the House bill? Did they just not vote for the bill that they introduced this legislation on?

I know the Senate did this, Dem and Repubs, but the House bill has Dems too? Good to know... but it is still WRONG TO DO...

And again, WHY, why do they want us tax payers to insure derivatives? Day&action=keypress&region=FixedLeft&pgtype=Blogs
That article is from over a year and a half ago...

Why was this measure added to this bill to fund the gvt? A must pass bill at the last minute that everyone has to say yes to or the gvt is shut down...

and did the House dems that support this measure vote for this bill in the house? The answer is least that is my understanding?

Yes, it is over a year and a half old. That's how damn old the bill actually is.

To what benefit for us every day Joe and Josephine citizens is insuring derivatives?
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
All Warren is doing is trying to be relevant. She's running for president and Democrat voters need another self-centered communist/Marxist who won't work with Republicans to run for the Oval Office.

She isn't even close to a communist or Marxist.

The author of the OP is a shameless partisan who is dishonest to his core. He hopes that the echo chamber will carry his filthy water and doesn't really give a damn what educated people think.

I doubt he knows a lick about Communism, Marxism, Marxist-Leninism, Socialism or much of anything, to him they are words which foster emotion, not thought, and thus appeal to he and his compatriots.
To what benefit for us every day Joe and Josephine citizens is insuring derivatives?

Let's hope Joe and Josephine have a 401k and don't end up short-changed by Social Security.

please explain?

What do you need me to explain to you ...

What derivatives are
How Joe and Josephine can benefit from derivatives
What a 401k is
How 401k's benefit from derivatives
How a 401k can provide more financial security than Social Security
How Joe and Josephine are probably going to get short-changed by Social Security

I mean I am not going to guess at how far you might need to be brought up to speed.

Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
All Warren is doing is trying to be relevant. She's running for president and Democrat voters need another self-centered communist/Marxist who won't work with Republicans to run for the Oval Office.

She isn't even close to a communist or Marxist.

Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
All Warren is doing is trying to be relevant. She's running for president and Democrat voters need another self-centered communist/Marxist who won't work with Republicans to run for the Oval Office.

She isn't even close to a communist or Marxist.

The author of the OP is a shameless partisan who is dishonest to his core. He hopes that the echo chamber will carry his filthy water and doesn't really give a damn what educated people think.

I doubt he knows a lick about Communism, Marxism, Marxist-Leninism, Socialism or much of anything, to him they are words which foster emotion, not thought, and thus appeal to he and his compatriots.
I know that unless they are strictly one class or another and never deviate one iota, never take advantage of capitalism or anything thing outside of their core ideology, meaning as long as they don't show themselves to be utter hypocrites, they can't be a pure Socialist, a pure Marxist, or a pure Communist.

This is a total dodge.

These people are seeping in corruption. They tell us how to live and they do the opposite. It's like Obama being against fossil-fuels and guns yet he jets all over the world and burns jet fuel like it's going out of style all the while he's surrounded by gun packing bodyguards, and passes out military weapons to our enemies like he's throwing around candy during a parade.

Of course Warren isn't a pure Communist/Marxist. She's too deeply seeped in hypocrisy to be one. She's in Washington to take advantage of our system and she's just there to make herself rich while she's screwing businesses over, thus screwing up the economy and making life harder for the working Middle-Class.

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