House Democrats Attempt To Shut Down Government

Let's see, the new spending bill helps the struggling Wall Street bankers. Wait, they aren't struggling!!!!
The new spending bill increases the flow of money to the political establishment. How much more money do they need to be even more bought and paid for?
And of course, there is nothing in the new spending bill to help the struggling and downward spiraling middle class which makes up the largest segment of Americana. What else is new? Legislation to help those who don't need anymore help and no legislation to help those who have been getting screwed over for decades. Well this isn't anything new.
What fine representation Americana has in Washington. That'd be zero, zilch.
And the phenomenon of taxation without representation continues for a majority of mericans. :cry:
And some people think this is good! :confused-84:
My God, some people are so naive. :shock:

Navie like the people who look to the government to fix or provide them with anything ... And in turn give power to bought and paid for politicians.

Let's see, the new spending bill helps the struggling Wall Street bankers. Wait, they aren't struggling!!!!
The new spending bill increases the flow of money to the political establishment. How much more money do they need to be even more bought and paid for?
And of course, there is nothing in the new spending bill to help the struggling and downward spiraling middle class which makes up the largest segment of Americana. What else is new? Legislation to help those who don't need anymore help and no legislation to help those who have been getting screwed over for decades. Well this isn't anything new.
What fine representation Americana has in Washington. That'd be zero, zilch.
And the phenomenon of taxation without representation continues for a majority of mericans. :cry:
And some people think this is good! :confused-84:
My God, some people are so naive. :shock:

Navie like the people who look to the government to fix or provide them with anything ... And in turn give power to bought and paid for politicians.

Based on Congresses actions off late, it seems those who buy their politicians, are relying on government to further themselves and their wealth and they are doing quite well.
The ones who are naive, are the ones who can't afford to throw money at politicians and are being ignored but keep on voting for the same clowns.
I think we should lower Capital Gains and Dividend taxes even more and then we'll see more of this, which happened after those taxes were lowered the last time.


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Please do, when you pass out you may hit the floor and knock some sense into your head.

Next time you choose to post an ad hominem, use less words. Just call me stupid, or a commie, and that will be sufficient for your purpose. Failure to regulate the financial services industry go us into a very big mess. To deny that is ridiculous. But don't take my word for it, see:

Did Derivatives Cause The Recession

If the government chooses to regulate lending organizations through threatening to take them to court for violating race based and fair housing policies ... Then don't be surprised when lending agencies follow through with the regulations. If instructed to offer loans to unqualified applicants or go to court ... Then don't be surprised when they applicants cannot make their loan payments. Not to mention that derivatives are not restricted to housing securities ... And benefits are still accrued from additional offerings.

Like I mentioned before ... My investment security and retirement options are not restricted or dependent on your opinion or narrow sighted desire to obstruct investment opportunities ... And I am not holding my breath waiting for you to agree.


Oh bullshit. Only other racists and Callous Conservatives will believe this ^^^ crap.

Everyone of us alive and aware remember efforts by the lenders to one up each other in granting loans. Hell, we must of gotten a letter a day seeking to convince us to refi (of course we never did): Free money, your house will continue to accrue equity so be happy,. don't worry!

People like you and the the self defined experts stink. The experts convinced people to sign here, here and here and be assured, your home will be worth much more five years from now when that balloon payment is due. And we know what happened next. The bigger crime is the White Collar Criminals didn't get sent to prison.

And what did Wells and BofA and other financial service companies do with those loans? The defrauded other investors, even pension funds, by bundling loans they suspected would default and sold them to make more money.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
Duped by the right wing media headlines....and more hatred inside them against liberals that blinds them... from the truth.

The right wing media drives them...look at all the threads....nothing about us tax payers being set up to bail the wall street bankers out again.... just the hahahas on liberLs shutting down the govt.

Sad, sad indeed.
So Obama is wrong to support this bill? Are you really going to decry what Obama wants?
Based on Congresses actions off late, it seems those who buy their politicians, are relying on government to further themselves and their wealth and they are doing quite well.
The ones who are naive, are the ones who can't afford to throw money at politicians and are being ignored but keep on voting for the same clowns.

The extremely rich provide an enormous bulk share (not all) of revenue collected and dispersed. The politicians buy votes from the incompetent with government assistance provided by the rich. The rich buy politicians to pretect their interests.

The only naive people in the equation are those who cannot understand it is the rich people's money either way ... And in the latter case at least the rich people get to decide how their money is spent.

Don't fool yourself and get lost in the woods little naive one.

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Please do, when you pass out you may hit the floor and knock some sense into your head.

Next time you choose to post an ad hominem, use less words. Just call me stupid, or a commie, and that will be sufficient for your purpose. Failure to regulate the financial services industry go us into a very big mess. To deny that is ridiculous. But don't take my word for it, see:

Did Derivatives Cause The Recession

If the government chooses to regulate lending organizations through threatening to take them to court for violating race based and fair housing policies ... Then don't be surprised when lending agencies follow through with the regulations. If instructed to offer loans to unqualified applicants or go to court ... Then don't be surprised when they applicants cannot make their loan payments. Not to mention that derivatives are not restricted to housing securities ... And benefits are still accrued from additional offerings.

Like I mentioned before ... My investment security and retirement options are not restricted or dependent on your opinion or narrow sighted desire to obstruct investment opportunities ... And I am not holding my breath waiting for you to agree.


Oh bullshit. Only other racists and Callous Conservatives will believe this ^^^ crap.

Everyone of us alive and aware remember efforts by the lenders to one up each other in granting loans. Hell, we must of gotten a letter a day seeking to convince us to refi (of course we never did): Free money, your house will continue to accrue equity so be happy,. don't worry!

People like you and the the self defined experts stink. The experts convinced people to sign here, here and here and be assured, your home will be worth much more five years from now when that balloon payment is due. And we know what happened next. The bigger crime is the White Collar Criminals didn't get sent to prison.

And what did Wells and BofA and other financial service companies do with those loans? The defrauded other investors, even pension funds, by bundling loans they suspected would default and sold them to make more money.

Yeah, yeah. Poor people are perfect and all rich people are evil.

We've heard this mess all before.
Oh bullshit. Only other racists and Callous Conservatives will believe this ^^^ crap.

Everyone of us alive and aware remember efforts by the lenders to one up each other in granting loans. Hell, we must of gotten a letter a day seeking to convince us to refi (of course we never did): Free money, your house will continue to accrue equity so be happy,. don't worry!

People like you and the the self defined experts stink. The experts convinced people to sign here, here and here and be assured, your home will be worth much more five years from now when that balloon payment is due. And we know what happened next. The bigger crime is the White Collar Criminals didn't get sent to prison.

And what did Wells and BofA and other financial service companies do with those loans? The defrauded other investors, even pension funds, by bundling loans they suspected would default and sold them to make more money.

I never claimed to be anything other than a Conservative.

If it is callous to expect that people are responsible for their decisions and actions ... I am guilty of that. I never claimed to be a financial expert ... But I can read the terms of a loan agreement and know whether or not I can afford the payments. I understand that an adjustable rate mortgage means the rate can increase (why I in my lack of expertise chose a fixed rate mortgage).

None of anything you have expressed deals with the fact derivatives are not exclusive to housing securities ... Nor that they are illegal or are required to defraud investors.

I am not arguing with the fact you are pissed at lenders ... I am only callous in saying I don't give a rat's ass that you are.

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I'd say who is naive is yourself.
The intended purpose of lowering the Capital Gains and Dividend taxes was to generate American jobs and to strengthen the US economy.
The result was a spike in the jobs created offshore and flat wage growth. Both which weakened the economy long-term.
Find me an economist who thinks offshoring jobs and having long-term flat wages strengthens the US economy.
"The rich buy politicians to pretect their interests." And the Middle Class can't buy politicians to protect their interests. So while the rich continue to grow their wealth, the working Middle Class spin their wheels going nowhere but down. The wealthy buy their breaks, the working class can't afford to buy any breaks. But then according to you, that's OK. The working class are the leaches for wanting some kind of help, the wealthy are simply buying protection and that's not the same?
Retailers this holiday season are very concerned about meeting their sales goals because the Middle Class isn't spending, the Middle Class is running out of money.
Who determines wages? Who bumps up their profits by keeping wages low and who benefits from keeping wages low thus improving the profits which enhances dividends.
So in the end, the US government gives the investor breaks to help investment in US companies to help the US economy, but instead this act of kindness leads to a stagnated economy because of flat wages and offshoring jobs.
Someone is ungrateful for the break they have received by their country. They didn't hold up to their end of the deal. But then that's OK.
The House Democrats attempted to shutdown the government. The made up some phoney excuse that the spending bill helps the rich. It's total BS. Elizabeth Warren is just pulling her normal communist nonsense and was hoping that the bill wouldn't pass so the government would shut down. Then she would try to blame it on the Republicans:


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), shown with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), urged Democrats to withhold support for the spending bill, calling it “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.” (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
By Lori Montgomery and Sean Sullivan December 10 at 10:02 PM
Congressional liberals rebelled Wednesday against a must-pass spending bill that would keep the government open past midnight Thursday, complaining that it would roll back critical limits on Wall Street and sharply increase the influence of wealthy campaign donors.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a popular figure on the left, led the insurrection with a speech on the Senate floor, calling the $1.01 trillion spending bill “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.”

Warren urged House Democrats to withhold their support from the measure in a vote scheduled for Thursday. But the fear of shutting down federal agencies for the second time in just over a year appeared to weigh more heavily on Democratic leaders than liberal outrage.

Warren leads liberal Democrats rebellion over provisions in 1 trillion spending bill - The Washington Post
I've always known that you were a total fraud - just an angry sad-sack railing on the interwebs.

Teabaggers are just as angry about this spending bill as Liberals.

So why didn't they block it?

If you insist on using that despicable term I feel no need to answer your silly questions.
Sad-sack? Yeah, it's a little over the line...
I'd say who is naive is yourself.
The intended purpose of lowering the Capital Gains and Dividend taxes was to generate American jobs and to strengthen the US economy.
The result was a spike in the jobs created offshore and flat wage growth. Both which weakened the economy long-term.
Find me an economist who thinks offshoring jobs and having long-term flat wages strengthens the US economy.
"The rich buy politicians to pretect their interests." And the Middle Class can't buy politicians to protect their interests. So while the rich continue to grow their wealth, the working Middle Class spin their wheels going nowhere but down. The wealthy buy their breaks, the working class can't afford to buy any breaks. But then according to you, that's OK. The working class are the leaches for wanting some kind of help, the wealthy are simply buying protection and that's not the same?
Retailers this holiday season are very concerned about meeting their sales goals because the Middle Class isn't spending, the Middle Class is running out of money.
Who determines wages? Who bumps up their profits by keeping wages low and who benefits from keeping wages low thus improving the profits which enhances dividends.
So in the end, the US government gives the investor breaks to help investment in US companies to help the US economy, but instead this act of kindness leads to a stagnated economy because of flat wages and offshoring jobs.
Someone is ungrateful for the break they have received by their country. They didn't hold up to their end of the deal. But then that's OK.

Yadda-yadda-yadda ...

If you think there is any difference in rich people buying politicians and politicians buying votes from the poor ... There isn't, they are both irresponsible.

If you think compassion solves long term fiscal problems ... Good luck.

If you think pissing off rich people is how you get ahead in life ... You really are naive.

If you think responsible adults need help from the government in achieving their goals in life ... You are certainly naive.

If you cannot understand that the middle class lacks the fiscal leverage to make rich people do anything ... Then you will forever be trapped by your failure to understand you are trying solve a wealth driven equation with a middle class mentality.

I'd say who is naive is yourself.
The intended purpose of lowering the Capital Gains and Dividend taxes was to generate American jobs and to strengthen the US economy.
The result was a spike in the jobs created offshore and flat wage growth. Both which weakened the economy long-term.
Find me an economist who thinks offshoring jobs and having long-term flat wages strengthens the US economy.
"The rich buy politicians to pretect their interests." And the Middle Class can't buy politicians to protect their interests. So while the rich continue to grow their wealth, the working Middle Class spin their wheels going nowhere but down. The wealthy buy their breaks, the working class can't afford to buy any breaks. But then according to you, that's OK. The working class are the leaches for wanting some kind of help, the wealthy are simply buying protection and that's not the same?
Retailers this holiday season are very concerned about meeting their sales goals because the Middle Class isn't spending, the Middle Class is running out of money.
Who determines wages? Who bumps up their profits by keeping wages low and who benefits from keeping wages low thus improving the profits which enhances dividends.
So in the end, the US government gives the investor breaks to help investment in US companies to help the US economy, but instead this act of kindness leads to a stagnated economy because of flat wages and offshoring jobs.
Someone is ungrateful for the break they have received by their country. They didn't hold up to their end of the deal. But then that's OK.

Yadda-yadda-yadda ...

If you think there is any difference in rich people buying politicians and politicians buying votes from the poor ... There isn't, they are both irresponsible.

If you think compassion solves long term fiscal problems ... Good luck.

If you think pissing off rich people is how you get ahead in life ... You really are naive.

If you think responsible adults need help from the government in achieving their goals in life ... You are certainly naive.

If you cannot understand that the middle class lacks the fiscal leverage to make rich people do anything ... Then you will forever be trapped by your failure to understand you are trying solve a wealth driven equation with a middle class mentality.


And again you fail to address my points that I have posted.
It's rather sad that you can't fall back on something, anything to prove what you so loyally defend has ever worked long-term. However, history has shown that strong Middle Classes generate strong economies and strong countries.
Oh and my Middle Class thinking is a nature defensive tool, it's better than rolling over and being weak.
I'm not right or left, I'm all about the Middle Class.
Now go back to your worshiping the wealthy. I have work to do.
And again you fail to address my points that I have posted.
It's rather sad that you can't fall back on something, anything to prove what you so loyally defend has ever worked long-term. However, history has shown that strong Middle Classes generate strong economies and strong countries.
Oh and my Middle Class thinking is a nature defensive tool, it's better than rolling over and being weak.
I'm not right or left, I'm all about the Middle Class.
Now go back to your worshiping the wealthy. I have work to do.

You just don't understand the answer ... So I will try to reduce it further and make it easier to understand.

You don't ask poor people what is necessary to gain wealth and prosperity ... They obviously don't have a clue.

This practice of righties posting threads complaining about things Democrats do, that Republicans got criticized for when they did getting old.

It never was very creative, and if there is any poster on this site that believes their side isn't every bit as hypocritical as the other side...well I guess they might enjoy threads like this.
oh gee, now little liberals are upset about bullshit bills that waste taxpayer money?
And do YOU support tax payers insuring the risks that Wall Street takes with derivatives? IF YES, then can you explain to me why you and I should do this and pay for this? And if NO, have you emailed your congress critters and senators that you DISAGREE with this measure?

There is very little in DC that I agree with. This proposal isn't one of those things.

I just find it to be more than a little dishonest to cry about one bill and defend your party for voting against it just a few short months after crying about the other party voting against a bill they disagreed with
We don't walk in unison and lock step as Republicans do...

And your party and my party WANT US to argue over exactly the point you made, instead of the SUBSTANCE of the Bill....

I thought you were suppose to be smarter than the average bear...? Yet you bought in to something so menial yet divisive, and the "you did it so we can do it crapola", while not focusing on what is right and just for us citizens and what is wrong for us citizens.... You and others like you, on both sides of the aisle, are what is wrong with this Nation....

And yet one can search the archives here and will NEVER find a post by you attacking the dems doing anything similar. You only do so when you can blame it on republicans. Go figure.
oh gee, now little liberals are upset about bullshit bills that waste taxpayer money?
And do YOU support tax payers insuring the risks that Wall Street takes with derivatives? IF YES, then can you explain to me why you and I should do this and pay for this? And if NO, have you emailed your congress critters and senators that you DISAGREE with this measure?

There is very little in DC that I agree with. This proposal isn't one of those things.

I just find it to be more than a little dishonest to cry about one bill and defend your party for voting against it just a few short months after crying about the other party voting against a bill they disagreed with
We don't walk in unison and lock step as Republicans do...

And your party and my party WANT US to argue over exactly the point you made, instead of the SUBSTANCE of the Bill....

I thought you were suppose to be smarter than the average bear...? Yet you bought in to something so menial yet divisive, and the "you did it so we can do it crapola", while not focusing on what is right and just for us citizens and what is wrong for us citizens.... You and others like you, on both sides of the aisle, are what is wrong with this Nation....

And yet one can search the archives here and will NEVER find a post by you attacking the dems doing anything similar. You only do so when you can blame it on republicans. Go figure.

Yep same as liberals here are about racism and slurs and whatever else.All over the right, but when you ask why they never point out when the left does it they look at you dumbly and say " I've never seen anyone from the left be a racist, or whatever "LOL
I'd say who is naive is yourself.
The intended purpose of lowering the Capital Gains and Dividend taxes was to generate American jobs and to strengthen the US economy.
The result was a spike in the jobs created offshore and flat wage growth. Both which weakened the economy long-term.
Find me an economist who thinks offshoring jobs and having long-term flat wages strengthens the US economy.
"The rich buy politicians to pretect their interests." And the Middle Class can't buy politicians to protect their interests. So while the rich continue to grow their wealth, the working Middle Class spin their wheels going nowhere but down. The wealthy buy their breaks, the working class can't afford to buy any breaks. But then according to you, that's OK. The working class are the leaches for wanting some kind of help, the wealthy are simply buying protection and that's not the same?
Retailers this holiday season are very concerned about meeting their sales goals because the Middle Class isn't spending, the Middle Class is running out of money.
Who determines wages? Who bumps up their profits by keeping wages low and who benefits from keeping wages low thus improving the profits which enhances dividends.
So in the end, the US government gives the investor breaks to help investment in US companies to help the US economy, but instead this act of kindness leads to a stagnated economy because of flat wages and offshoring jobs.
Someone is ungrateful for the break they have received by their country. They didn't hold up to their end of the deal. But then that's OK.

Yadda-yadda-yadda ...

If you think there is any difference in rich people buying politicians and politicians buying votes from the poor ... There isn't, they are both irresponsible.

If you think compassion solves long term fiscal problems ... Good luck.

If you think pissing off rich people is how you get ahead in life ... You really are naive.

If you think responsible adults need help from the government in achieving their goals in life ... You are certainly naive.

If you cannot understand that the middle class lacks the fiscal leverage to make rich people do anything ... Then you will forever be trapped by your failure to understand you are trying solve a wealth driven equation with a middle class mentality.


And again you fail to address my points that I have posted.
It's rather sad that you can't fall back on something, anything to prove what you so loyally defend has ever worked long-term. However, history has shown that strong Middle Classes generate strong economies and strong countries.
Oh and my Middle Class thinking is a nature defensive tool, it's better than rolling over and being weak.
I'm not right or left, I'm all about the Middle Class.
Now go back to your worshiping the wealthy. I have work to do.
This practice of righties posting threads complaining about things Democrats do, that Republicans got criticized for when they did getting old.

It never was very creative, and if there is any poster on this site that believes their side isn't every bit as hypocritical as the other side...well I guess they might enjoy threads like this.
Yup. Can't engage in the discussion because it's easier just to throw out a few false stereotypes and think you've proved something.
Oh bullshit. Only other racists and Callous Conservatives will believe this ^^^ crap.

Everyone of us alive and aware remember efforts by the lenders to one up each other in granting loans. Hell, we must of gotten a letter a day seeking to convince us to refi (of course we never did): Free money, your house will continue to accrue equity so be happy,. don't worry!

People like you and the the self defined experts stink. The experts convinced people to sign here, here and here and be assured, your home will be worth much more five years from now when that balloon payment is due. And we know what happened next. The bigger crime is the White Collar Criminals didn't get sent to prison.

And what did Wells and BofA and other financial service companies do with those loans? The defrauded other investors, even pension funds, by bundling loans they suspected would default and sold them to make more money.

I never claimed to be anything other than a Conservative.

If it is callous to expect that people are responsible for their decisions and actions ... I am guilty of that. I never claimed to be a financial expert ... But I can read the terms of a loan agreement and know whether or not I can afford the payments. I understand that an adjustable rate mortgage means the rate can increase (why I in my lack of expertise chose a fixed rate mortgage).

None of anything you have expressed deals with the fact derivatives are not exclusive to housing securities ... Nor that they are illegal or are required to defraud investors.

I am not arguing with the fact you are pissed at lenders ... I am only callous in saying I don't give a rat's ass that you are.


Oh, we agree, people should be held responsible for their decisions. We hire agents to represent us, when they only represent their own interests I believe, as you should, that they too need to be held responsible.

Real estate agents, real estate brokers lending agents, etc. saw an opportunity to make a lot of money, and they gave piss poor advice to the people you blame; people not trained, maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer, trusting and thus gullible. None of those are criminal actions regulated by the government.

Agents and brokers, bankers and such are not supposed to take advantage of their customers, YET THEY DID! And I suppose as a conservative, likely a callous conservative, you don't give a shit. Let the buyer beware is likely your motto, as well as I got mine, fuck the rest of you (the code of ethics of your kind).

I'm no more pissed at the lenders as I am pissed at purse snatchers or drug dealers or other career criminals. The difference being the former get sent to jail, and the latter go to The Hamptons.
Oh bullshit. Only other racists and Callous Conservatives will believe this ^^^ crap.

Everyone of us alive and aware remember efforts by the lenders to one up each other in granting loans. Hell, we must of gotten a letter a day seeking to convince us to refi (of course we never did): Free money, your house will continue to accrue equity so be happy,. don't worry!

People like you and the the self defined experts stink. The experts convinced people to sign here, here and here and be assured, your home will be worth much more five years from now when that balloon payment is due. And we know what happened next. The bigger crime is the White Collar Criminals didn't get sent to prison.

And what did Wells and BofA and other financial service companies do with those loans? The defrauded other investors, even pension funds, by bundling loans they suspected would default and sold them to make more money.

I never claimed to be anything other than a Conservative.

If it is callous to expect that people are responsible for their decisions and actions ... I am guilty of that. I never claimed to be a financial expert ... But I can read the terms of a loan agreement and know whether or not I can afford the payments. I understand that an adjustable rate mortgage means the rate can increase (why I in my lack of expertise chose a fixed rate mortgage).

None of anything you have expressed deals with the fact derivatives are not exclusive to housing securities ... Nor that they are illegal or are required to defraud investors.

I am not arguing with the fact you are pissed at lenders ... I am only callous in saying I don't give a rat's ass that you are.


Oh, we agree, people should be held responsible for their decisions. We hire agents to represent us, when they only represent their own interests I believe, as you should, that they too need to be held responsible.

Real estate agents, real estate brokers lending agents, etc. saw an opportunity to make a lot of money, and they gave piss poor advice to the people you blame; people not trained, maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer, trusting and thus gullible. None of those are criminal actions regulated by the government.

Agents and brokers, bankers and such are not supposed to take advantage of their customers, YET THEY DID! And I suppose as a conservative, likely a callous conservative, you don't give a shit. Let the buyer beware is likely your motto, as well as I got mine, fuck the rest of you (the code of ethics of your kind).

I'm no more pissed at the lenders as I am pissed at purse snatchers or drug dealers or other career criminals. The difference being the former get sent to jail, and the latter go to The Hamptons.
Lets recap shall we? Clinton made it so people who could not afford homes were able to buy them. When Bush and Mc Cain tried 3 separate times to rein in the Housing Market Dodd and Franks lead the Congress successfully to oppose a reined in Housing market. In fact months before the collapse Franks was on national TV INSISTING the market was sound and the ONLY danger it faced was more regulations.

So remind me? When Bush and McCain tried to rein in the Housing Market who did YOU side with?

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