House Dems Erupt Into 'Ukraine First' Chant and Wave Ukrainian Flags After Passing $60 Billion Foreign Aid Bill


Ukraine funding bill just passed with Democrats UNANIMOUSLY voting YES.
After 2+ years of pointless carnage with no end in sight, not a SINGLE Dem in the entire House of Representatives has any misgivings about US war policy.
A remarkable display of brain-dead partisan conformism
Putin's patsies here are a minority even in the GOP.

Thus their current meltdown, which is delightful to behind. They so want the USA to become a christofascist nation like Russia, and that's not happening, so they iz sad.
A rare moment where a satanic leftist reveals his true colors. This is why the left hates Russia. Their Church is back. Under the Soviet regime the Clergy was butchered and Churches destroyed. The people that did that a lot of their offspring work in the USA government.

The lefts wants to flood Russian with 25 million African migrants because in their mind any "white Christian country" should be illegal.
How sick is this? They'll chant for the corrupt Ukraine? Why? Kickbacks, money-laundering?

These same people would never chant USA, USA, USA or America First (thinks how they hate the term 'MAGA').

The Speaker in waiting talks as if his constituents are all in on billions for Ukraine, when you know that's a lie.

Spiraling out of control and no one stopping it.

Why rae you so angry at a bipartisan bill being passed. Surely that is a victory for democracy ?
We learn from this that maga does not habe the numbers to do anything b but obstruct.
You could work around that by electing enough maga to vote thru your policies.
Meanwhile you now know who is on Putins payroll. Moscow Marje and a few other traitors.
They have all become about social agenda politics now instead of American politics. And they are supposed to be American politicians.

That money could have closed our border entirely, kicked out all these illegals in our country, and strengthened our immigration policies a couple times over.

They do not care about america or Americans, they have proven that over and over again. They only care about whatever the current trend is.

They are supposed to represent Americans and America first and foremost. But they do not.
A rare moment where a satanic leftist reveals his true colors. This is why the left hates Russia. Their Church is back.
The Russians attack any Christians who aren't Russian Orthodox.

Are you evangelical? The Russians would kill you. Makes their Christofascist utopia a little less appealing, eh?

The lefts wants to flood Russian with 25 million African migrants because in their mind any "white Christian country" should be illegal.

As one of my points is that White Supremacism is the other thing, aside from Christofascism, that drives Putin's patsies here, I thank you for confirming my point.
Republicans and Democrats got into an altercation during the vote on the aid package for Ukraine because of Ukrainian flags, which were waved by representatives of the Democratic Party. According to Fox News, near the end of the vote, Democrats began waving Ukrainian flags, causing Republican Mark Molinaro, who presided over the vote, to accuse them of violating protocol.

"The left side of the aisle (of where the Democrats sit) exploded with cheers as the vote timer reached zero, for which Molinaro admonished them. He said flag-waving was a violation of the rules and called it 'inappropriate,' to which the Democrats responded with taunts," the story said.
For her part, Florida Republican Anna Paulina Luna stepped up to the microphone, saying: "Put those damn flags away," which prompted an even bigger verbal reaction from Democrats, the TV station notes.

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul posted a video of the vote on social network X showing Democrats holding Ukrainian flags, criticizing the allocation of Americans' "hard-earned money" to a "corrupt foreign regime."

"And just like that, they shout, 'Ukraine! Ukraine!" while happily working to secure Ukraine's borders instead of ours," the senator took umbrage.

On Saturday, the House of Representatives passed a bill allocating almost 61 billion dollars to Ukraine.
After the House of Representatives approves it, the document is sent to the US Senate for consideration. In addition, a bill including a provision on the confiscation of Russia's sovereign assets in favor of Ukraine was also passed.
Why rae you so angry at a bipartisan bill being passed. Surely that is a victory for democracy ?
We learn from this that maga does not habe the numbers to do anything b but obstruct.
You could work around that by electing enough maga to vote thru your policies.
Meanwhile you now know who is on Putins payroll. Moscow Marje and a few other traitors.

You are one dumb ass.
We tried to secure the border but you kids didn't want it done.
Nope you loons own the border, they stopped the impeachment of Mayorkas. Anyway if Biden reistates the policies of Trump, that he did away with. Problem would be solved, no bill needed.
Ukraine is democratically elected. Whats Russia again?

Yeah, and we and the EU made up a revolution in 2014 to get a democratically elected President of Ukraine removed. So much for 'muh, democracy'.

This authoritarian-follower needs a daddy-figure very badly. Both Trump and Putin are failing in that role, so he's lost and confused.
You do realize there would be no Ukraine war without the pipeline that Biden gave him. So the pedophile you support is the cause of the billions we are sending to Ukraine.
How has it become acceptable for leaders to call the mass sacrifice of men an ‘opportunity’ or a ‘great investment’? People are slaughtered like animals for profit by war profiteers and we’re just watching, doing nothing. A world without empathy will be destroyed without empathy.

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