House Dems Erupt Into 'Ukraine First' Chant and Wave Ukrainian Flags After Passing $60 Billion Foreign Aid Bill

How sick is this? They'll chant for the corrupt Ukraine? Why? Kickbacks, money-laundering?

These same people would never chant USA, USA, USA or America First (thinks how they hate the term 'MAGA').

The Speaker in waiting talks as if his constituents are all in on billions for Ukraine, when you know that's a lie.

Spiraling out of control and no one stopping it.

I saw the flags but didnt hear the chants

Any American lib/democrat who would shout “Ukraine first” instead of “America first” is sick
Just what are you babbling about?

Spending your days spinning these sick fantasies marks you as being very abnormal.

Are you too far gone to understand that? Probably so. You're addicted to the rush you get from hating, and your fantasies are what allow you to hate and feed your addiction.
You don't know about Biden being the first president to go to the house and ask them to give Putin, his pipeline? You really that ignorant?
You don't know about Biden being the first president to go to the house and ask them to give Putin, his pipeline?
Again, what are you babbling about?

Just because you repeat your crazy talk doesn't mean anyone else understands it.
How sick is this? They'll chant for the corrupt Ukraine? Why? Kickbacks, money-laundering?

These same people would never chant USA, USA, USA or America First (thinks how they hate the term 'MAGA').

The Speaker in waiting talks as if his constituents are all in on billions for Ukraine, when you know that's a lie.

Spiraling out of control and no one stopping it.

never happened.
I don't know how many tens (or maybe hundreds) of billions of dollars the US pumped into the Ukrainian war. They did not give that much to the ukrainians for a peaceful life...
Putin's patsies here are a minority even in the GOP.

Thus their current meltdown, which is delightful to behind. They so want the USA to become a christofascist nation like Russia, and that's not happening, so they iz sad.

Yet here you sit oh great keyboard warrior. Get lost.
How sick is supporting Putin? It is very sick COMMIE. 'MAGA' has nothing to do with helping America. It is about right wing fascism. Who gives a damn what right wing fascists think. Those constituents who oppose helping Ukraine fight Russian aggression should be deported along with you.

Go kill a Commie piss ant, until you do just shut up.
This result was far from unexpected. Early in the year Pentagon documents, since leaked, had a bleak assessment of the likelihood of Ukrainian success. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself postponed the offensive in May to avoid what he called “unacceptable” losses.

so to sum it up, we stood by Ukraine's failed attempt at negotiating peace, violated their agreement with Russia, and are all about funding a loosing situation


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