House Dems Erupt Into 'Ukraine First' Chant and Wave Ukrainian Flags After Passing $60 Billion Foreign Aid Bill

LOL That old saw. Yeah, officially it is called the Democratic Party, but everyone, even the MSM, mostly says Democrat Party.
Only uneducated morons call it the Democrat Party
Where do you fit?
You do realize there would be no Ukraine war without the pipeline that Biden gave him.
Just what are you babbling about?
So the pedophile you support
Spending your days spinning these sick fantasies marks you as being very abnormal.

Are you too far gone to understand that? Probably so. You're addicted to the rush you get from hating, and your fantasies are what allow you to hate and feed your addiction.
I voted for Reagan.

My positions really haven't changed. The Republicans went full metal fascist and left all the decent humans behind as they lurched to the kook-alt-right.

The Democrats, they moved a little right to take the place of the Republicans.
Wrong war Skippy

You have Ukraine confused with Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq where US sent troops to do the fighting half way around the world.

Now, instead of US boys doing the fighting and dying, we just send the equipment and let Ukraine do the fighting


Ukrainians are indeed dying, and losing, and selling weapons on the world arms black market.

Then, when a peace is signed, one that could have been reached in February-March 2022, people like you will say, see, it was our tens of billions that did it. LOL

Then people like you will say, we must rebuild Ukraine! And willing to spend a trillion dollars to do so, because we insisted on Ukraine NOT signing a peace deal in 2022. Etc., etc., etc. Wake up.
Democrats steal the offices. They don't need elections. Anymore.
Good thinking. Get your excuses for losing in such a humilating fashion in place well ahead of time.

On some level, the Trump cult whiners here understand how much America hates them, and how badly they're going to lose.
Voted for Daddy Bush twice too

Voted for him in 1988, never again. Never voted for GW. Only voted for Romney because Øbama was the MOST DIVISIVE President in generations (makes me sad that I did, seeing what a tool Romney really is).
All for kickbacks and money-laundering.

Ukraine’s 2022 autumn counteroffensive did in fact leave it in a position of strength, but Biden and his NATO allies still chose the battlefield over the negotiating table. Now, the failure of Ukraine’s long-delayed “spring counteroffensive” has left Ukraine in a far weaker position both on the battlefield and at the still-empty negotiating table.

So, based on Biden’s own definition of US war aims, his policy is failing. Tragically, it is hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers, not Americans, who are paying the price with their limbs and their lives.

This result was far from unexpected. Early in the year Pentagon documents, since leaked, had a bleak assessment of the likelihood of Ukrainian success. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself postponed the offensive in May to avoid what he called “unacceptable” losses.

The delay allowed more Ukrainian troops to complete NATO training on Western tanks and armored vehicles, but it also gave Russia more time to reinforce its anti-tank defenses and prepare lethal kill zones along the 700-mile front line.

Now, after two months, Ukraine’s new armored divisions have advanced only 12 miles or less in two small areas, at the cost of tens of thousands of casualties. Twenty percent of newly deployed Western armored vehicles and equipment were reportedly destroyed in the first few weeks of the new offensive as British-trained armored divisions tried to advance through Russian minefields and kill zones without demining operations or air cover.​


Ukrainians are indeed dying, and losing, and selling weapons on the world arms black market.
Why are you pretending to care about Ukraine? I mean, if you cared, you'd listen to what the people of Ukraine want. We do. You don't.

You just back fascism. That's what drives you. Putin is a fascist, so you reflexively kneel before him. Authoritarian followers are like that.

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