House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped

Are you living in an alternate reality or something?
Democrats also saw their numbers reduced substantially in the Midwest.

Iowa: Trump won the Hawkeye State by nearly 10 points, and on the state level, losses for Democrats were also devastating. They lost three of five state executives, a Senate seat, all but one House seat, and the majority in both houses of the legislature – 12 senators and 16 house members.

North Dakota and South Dakota: Once the home of ‘Prairie Populists,’ the state party has been devastated by the national Democratic Party’s leftward movement. The two states combined lost 80 percent of their Congressional seats, and hold just one Senate seat. The state legislature is in even worse shape, in both states’ house and senate they control less than 20 percent of the seats.

Wyoming: What Democratic Party? They have just three state senators out of 30 and nine House members out of 51.

Read more at You don’t understand how bad Obama was for Democrats until you see...
Keep it up dems more protests! more Fake Russian news! More more more!
The NYTIMES reported that Trump's people were wiretapped

They reported the Russians were wiretapped
Under the law, if the wire tap includes a conversation with an American for whom no surveillance warrant has been issued, the identity of the American must be masked, but we know for a fact that in the case of Mike Flynn, the mask was removed and the information about his conversation with the Russian ambassador was used by Obama holdovers on the Justice Department to get Flynn fired. How many more Trump associates were illegally spied on by this method?

Ambassador Kislyak phone was wiretapped ........ That is how they got Flynn and that was presented to your Fuhrer.
If Flynn phone was wiretapped.......... Trump could have used that as an excuse. Don't you think?

Also it is common knowledge that we wiretapped Russian diplomats and track foreign spies. And they do the same to us in Russia. Flynn is a stupid general........ he should know better.
The Russian ambassador's phone was tapped under a FISA warrant which specifies that if an American is on the interecept his identity must be masked, so how did the Obama holdovers in the Justice Department gain access to Flynn's identity unless they violated the law? Clearly, people from the Obama administration violated the law and misused intelligence data for political purposes. This means that even if they did not tap his phones, the Obama administration did illegally surveil at least some of the people associated with the Trump campaign and the Trump transitional government.

So your saying republican senator Nunes committee chairman of senate intelligence is lying?
I'm saying you are too stupid to understand what he said. Nunes said there was no evidence of a wiretap on Trump Tower, he did not say there was no evidence of illegal surveillance of Trump and his associates. In fact we know there was as we have seen in the case of Mike Flynn.
I'm saying you are too stupid to understand what he said. Nunes said there was no evidence of a wiretap on Trump Tower, he did not say there was no evidence of illegal surveillance of Trump and his associates. In fact we know there was as we have seen in the case of Mike Flynn.

There was no illegal Flynn surveillance, there was LEGAL surveillance on the Russian embassy, in which Flynn was caught talking to the Russian Ambassador.
They reported the Russians were wiretapped
Under the law, if the wire tap includes a conversation with an American for whom no surveillance warrant has been issued, the identity of the American must be masked, but we know for a fact that in the case of Mike Flynn, the mask was removed and the information about his conversation with the Russian ambassador was used by Obama holdovers on the Justice Department to get Flynn fired. How many more Trump associates were illegally spied on by this method?

Ambassador Kislyak phone was wiretapped ........ That is how they got Flynn and that was presented to your Fuhrer.
If Flynn phone was wiretapped.......... Trump could have used that as an excuse. Don't you think?

Also it is common knowledge that we wiretapped Russian diplomats and track foreign spies. And they do the same to us in Russia. Flynn is a stupid general........ he should know better.
The Russian ambassador's phone was tapped under a FISA warrant which specifies that if an American is on the interecept his identity must be masked, so how did the Obama holdovers in the Justice Department gain access to Flynn's identity unless they violated the law? Clearly, people from the Obama administration violated the law and misused intelligence data for political purposes. This means that even if they did not tap his phones, the Obama administration did illegally surveil at least some of the people associated with the Trump campaign and the Trump transitional government.

So your saying republican senator Nunes committee chairman of senate intelligence is lying?
I'm saying you are too stupid to understand what he said. Nunes said there was no evidence of a wiretap on Trump Tower, he did not say there was no evidence of illegal surveillance of Trump and his associates. In fact we know there was as we have seen in the case of Mike Flynn.
Umm... Trump's claim was that Trump Tower was wiretapped. We now know he was full of shit.
Umm... Trump's claim was that Trump Tower was wiretapped. We now know he was full of shit.

Oddly the one's most likely to have wiretaped Trump Tower are the Russians. And they're the only one's Trump hasn't accused.
Trump will proclaim some other bullshit and his trumptards will forget about it. They will also forget:
Tough on China-nope
Lock her up-nope
The best healthcare for everyone, just tremendous:nope
Immigrant ban-nope(the dope can't figure out how to do it legally)
Dude wants to be a dictator not pres and doesn't know wtf he is doing. His supporters who call him god emperor actually want him to be a dictator. These individuals are enemies to the united states and our constitution and rule of law.
I'm saying you are too stupid to understand what he said. Nunes said there was no evidence of a wiretap on Trump Tower, he did not say there was no evidence of illegal surveillance of Trump and his associates. In fact we know there was as we have seen in the case of Mike Flynn.

There was no illegal Flynn surveillance, there was LEGAL surveillance on the Russian embassy, in which Flynn was caught talking to the Russian Ambassador.
There clearly was illegal surveillance of Flynn. When an American is recorded in an intercept, by law, his identity must be masked. The purpose of masking the identities of Americans on these intercepts is to protect the NSA searchable database on which these intercepts are stored from being in violation of the Constitutional rights of Americans. Our intelligence agencies employ a work around to spy on Americans when they can't get a surveillance warrant. It is called backdoor surveillance (Google it), and it has been under fire for years from privacy advocates because they claimed, and the Obama administration proved in the case of Flynn, that it can be so easily misused for political purposes. Some one had to breach the security of the NSA database to unmask Flynn's identity and make this highly classified information public. This is not just another leak. This shows just how vulnerable a key element of our national security apparatus is to misuse by unscrupulous politicians such as Obama.
They will also forget:
Tough on China-nope
Lock her up-nope
The best healthcare for everyone, just tremendous:nope
Immigrant ban-nope(the dope can't figure out how to do it legally)

They also forgot the dozens of executive orders Trump promised he'd sign on day one. The wall he would make mexico pay for, and how the keystone pipeline would be built with american steel.
Under the law, if the wire tap includes a conversation with an American for whom no surveillance warrant has been issued, the identity of the American must be masked, but we know for a fact that in the case of Mike Flynn, the mask was removed and the information about his conversation with the Russian ambassador was used by Obama holdovers on the Justice Department to get Flynn fired. How many more Trump associates were illegally spied on by this method?

Ambassador Kislyak phone was wiretapped ........ That is how they got Flynn and that was presented to your Fuhrer.
If Flynn phone was wiretapped.......... Trump could have used that as an excuse. Don't you think?

Also it is common knowledge that we wiretapped Russian diplomats and track foreign spies. And they do the same to us in Russia. Flynn is a stupid general........ he should know better.
The Russian ambassador's phone was tapped under a FISA warrant which specifies that if an American is on the interecept his identity must be masked, so how did the Obama holdovers in the Justice Department gain access to Flynn's identity unless they violated the law? Clearly, people from the Obama administration violated the law and misused intelligence data for political purposes. This means that even if they did not tap his phones, the Obama administration did illegally surveil at least some of the people associated with the Trump campaign and the Trump transitional government.

So your saying republican senator Nunes committee chairman of senate intelligence is lying?
I'm saying you are too stupid to understand what he said. Nunes said there was no evidence of a wiretap on Trump Tower, he did not say there was no evidence of illegal surveillance of Trump and his associates. In fact we know there was as we have seen in the case of Mike Flynn.
Umm... Trump's claim was that Trump Tower was wiretapped. We now know he was full of shit.
In other words, for you the important issue is not whether Obama corrupted our national security apparatus to illegally surveil the Trump campaign and Trump transitional government but whether Trump should have used the word, surveil, rather than wiretap.
I'm saying you are too stupid to understand what he said. Nunes said there was no evidence of a wiretap on Trump Tower, he did not say there was no evidence of illegal surveillance of Trump and his associates. In fact we know there was as we have seen in the case of Mike Flynn.

There was no illegal Flynn surveillance, there was LEGAL surveillance on the Russian embassy, in which Flynn was caught talking to the Russian Ambassador.
There clearly was illegal surveillance of Flynn. When an American is recorded in an intercept, by law, his identity must be masked. The purpose of masking the identities of Americans on these intercepts is to protect the NSA searchable database on which these intercepts are stored from being in violation of the Constitutional rights of Americans. Our intelligence agencies employ a work around to spy on Americans when they can't get a surveillance warrant. It is called backdoor surveillance (Google it), and it has been under fire for years from privacy advocates because they claimed, and the Obama administration proved in the case of Flynn, that it can be so easily misused for political purposes. Some one had to breach the security of the NSA database to unmask Flynn's identity and make this highly classified information public. This is not just another leak. This shows just how vulnerable a key element of our national security apparatus is to misuse by unscrupulous politicians such as Obama.
The first I heard of it was when the White House asked him to resign over his Russian connection.
They will also forget:
Tough on China-nope
Lock her up-nope
The best healthcare for everyone, just tremendous:nope
Immigrant ban-nope(the dope can't figure out how to do it legally)

They also forgot the dozens of executive orders Trump promised he'd sign on day one. The wall he would make mexico pay for, and how the keystone pipeline would be built with american steel.
Yup and more. Trump is a con artist with easy marks.
There clearly was illegal surveillance of Flynn. When an American is recorded in an intercept, by law, his identity must be masked. The purpose of masking the identities of Americans on these intercepts is to protect the NSA searchable database on which these intercepts are stored from being in violation of the Constitutional rights of Americans.

That is true unless the american is a high ranked official, like Sec of State, or in this case National Security Advisor. There is an exception allowing them to be identified by name or title, to lend context to the conversation.
I'm saying you are too stupid to understand what he said. Nunes said there was no evidence of a wiretap on Trump Tower, he did not say there was no evidence of illegal surveillance of Trump and his associates. In fact we know there was as we have seen in the case of Mike Flynn.

There was no illegal Flynn surveillance, there was LEGAL surveillance on the Russian embassy, in which Flynn was caught talking to the Russian Ambassador.
There clearly was illegal surveillance of Flynn. When an American is recorded in an intercept, by law, his identity must be masked. The purpose of masking the identities of Americans on these intercepts is to protect the NSA searchable database on which these intercepts are stored from being in violation of the Constitutional rights of Americans. Our intelligence agencies employ a work around to spy on Americans when they can't get a surveillance warrant. It is called backdoor surveillance (Google it), and it has been under fire for years from privacy advocates because they claimed, and the Obama administration proved in the case of Flynn, that it can be so easily misused for political purposes. Some one had to breach the security of the NSA database to unmask Flynn's identity and make this highly classified information public. This is not just another leak. This shows just how vulnerable a key element of our national security apparatus is to misuse by unscrupulous politicians such as Obama.
The first I heard of it was when the White House asked him to resign over his Russian connection.
You must not be paying attention to the news. Under the law, no one in the Justice Department or the WH should have had access to his identity on the intercept. Clearly laws were broken and questions have been raised about the security of the NSA database.
There clearly was illegal surveillance of Flynn. When an American is recorded in an intercept, by law, his identity must be masked. The purpose of masking the identities of Americans on these intercepts is to protect the NSA searchable database on which these intercepts are stored from being in violation of the Constitutional rights of Americans.

That is true unless the american is a high ranked official, like Sec of State, or in this case National Security Advisor. There is an exception allowing them to be identified by name or title, to lend context to the conversation.
lol Bullshit.

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