House GOP panel moves on deep budget cuts

Wow, you are partisan. You do know Obama has used the military for the very purposes you're accusing the GOP of, right? Of course you do, but that doesn't fit your narrative of "republicans bad!" so you omit it as if you're slinging some kind of truth regarding the use of powers under the federal government.

No declaration of war in Libya either, bud. Just as one example of the democrats playing the other side of the same coin as the GOP.

Obama won Libya without a single boot on the group, if we had a GOP POS president right now, you can bet we would be at full blown war with them, likely as well as Iran and Syria.
Wow, you are partisan. You do know Obama has used the military for the very purposes you're accusing the GOP of, right? Of course you do, but that doesn't fit your narrative of "republicans bad!" so you omit it as if you're slinging some kind of truth regarding the use of powers under the federal government.

No declaration of war in Libya either, bud. Just as one example of the democrats playing the other side of the same coin as the GOP.

Obama won Libya without a single boot on the group, if we had a GOP POS president right now, you can bet we would be at full blown war with them, likely as well as Iran and Syria.

And that is completely and utterly irrelevant to the point regarding constitutional use of power in the federal government. You know that too, but you're such a partisan hack, you just simply can not help yourself but to ignore the FACT that the democrats are just as guilty of abuse of authority as republicans are.

You really dont bring anything to these discussions for that reason. It's all hyper-partisan shit flinging from morons like you.
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Wow, you are partisan. You do know Obama has used the military for the very purposes you're accusing the GOP of, right? Of course you do, but that doesn't fit your narrative of "republicans bad!" so you omit it as if you're slinging some kind of truth regarding the use of powers under the federal government.

No declaration of war in Libya either, bud. Just as one example of the democrats playing the other side of the same coin as the GOP.

Obama won Libya without a single boot on the group, if we had a GOP POS president right now, you can bet we would be at full blown war with them, likely as well as Iran and Syria.

And that is completely and utterly irrelevant to the point regarding constitutinoal use of power in the federal government. You know that too, but you're such a partisan hack, you just simply can not help yourself but to ignore the FACT that the democrats are just as guilty of abuse of authority as republicans are.

You really dont bring anything to these discussions for that reason. It's all hyper-partisan shit flinging from morons like you.

So you are saying Obama is a republican? If so, you are correct.
What a piece of shit bill. No shutting down the DHS, no rolling back defense spending to pre-war levels, no cuts to politician pay and benefits, no tax reform, no fixing or repealing the ACA..............seriously wtf!

Did you actually expect them to make cuts to the government?
Obama won Libya without a single boot on the group, if we had a GOP POS president right now, you can bet we would be at full blown war with them, likely as well as Iran and Syria.

And that is completely and utterly irrelevant to the point regarding constitutinoal use of power in the federal government. You know that too, but you're such a partisan hack, you just simply can not help yourself but to ignore the FACT that the democrats are just as guilty of abuse of authority as republicans are.

You really dont bring anything to these discussions for that reason. It's all hyper-partisan shit flinging from morons like you.

So you are saying Obama is a republican? If so, you are correct.

So the democfrat party pushed a republican candidate that you defend and obviously voted for also? You're either retarded or trolling. My guess is a combination of the two.
What a piece of shit bill. No shutting down the DHS, no rolling back defense spending to pre-war levels, no cuts to politician pay and benefits, no tax reform, no fixing or repealing the ACA..............seriously wtf!

Did you actually expect them to make cuts to the government?

Of course not. But that's why I can't understand why republicans like this abomination. I thought republicans were for small government?
And that is completely and utterly irrelevant to the point regarding constitutinoal use of power in the federal government. You know that too, but you're such a partisan hack, you just simply can not help yourself but to ignore the FACT that the democrats are just as guilty of abuse of authority as republicans are.

You really dont bring anything to these discussions for that reason. It's all hyper-partisan shit flinging from morons like you.

So you are saying Obama is a republican? If so, you are correct.

So the democfrat party pushed a republican candidate that you defend and obviously voted for also? You're either retarded or trolling. My guess is a combination of the two.

House GOP panel moves on deep budget cuts

now this is more in line with what the Constitution states about funding government..nowhere is Education, Interior or massive foreign aid found....:clap2:

It is in Article 1 of the Constitution

really, what part exactly? Here's a link that doesn't agree with your assertion....

Article I | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

None of the sections said anything about federal funding of education or massive foreign aid. That's because it isn't in there....try again...
I suppose I only disagree that the repuke party can be saved. I agree with being independent though. I basically am independent. I tend to vote Libertarian on many local offices, but I vote repuke in federal elections if the candidate isn't embarrassing. I simply NEVER vote democrook. As far as I'm concerned it's the bolshevik party.

I'm with you. At one time, the democrats used to stand for something honorable, but no longer. They compromised with the far left a long time ago. Now, it's just the "free shit" party. The R's are well on their way as well. I'm not convinced they will recover either since they sold their soul awhile back. I quit the Republican party a few years ago & haven't looked back since. I still agree with them on a lot of issues, but I will no longer be a faithful voter to them either....

Corruption in politics? Guess what, it is inherent and can't be fixed, only controlled. Yet, it seems, the Supreme Court and the Conservatives who supported it applaud Citizens Unions as if it was the rebirth of the Magna Carta and The Rights of Man - "it's about free speech" is the biggest lie of the century.

Lord Acton is noted for pointing out this truth, "power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"; CU v. FEC provides the power elite of this nation nearly absolute power to influence elections, local, state and federal. Honest debate on issues has been replaced by simple phrases which influence the voters; 15 or 30 second commercials which enrich the media, distort the issues and feed corruption.

to whit, you might notice that I am an Independent for this very reason. I do not belong to either party.....however, you are still a hack for the dems. You want to come at me, then drop the political bullshit nonsense & become independent. Become a free thinker for once in your life.
House GOP panel moves on deep budget cuts

now this is more in line with what the Constitution states about funding government..nowhere is Education, Interior or massive foreign aid found....:clap2:

It is in Article 1 of the Constitution

really, what part exactly? Here's a link that doesn't agree with your assertion....

Article I | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

None of the sections said anything about federal funding of education or massive foreign aid. That's because it isn't in there....try again...

He's trying to claim the general welfare clause gives Marxists like himself the right to spend other people's money to buy votes and imprison more people on the plantation of big brother government, especially brown people, because one thing the political left hates more than anything is a brown person who is self-reliant and doesn't need elitist whites to take care of him.
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House GOP panel moves on deep budget cuts

now this is more in line with what the Constitution states about funding government..nowhere is Education, Interior or massive foreign aid found....:clap2:

I wonder, did you read the link you posted and understand its implicatons? If so and you still fall back to supporting the TP Rand Paul ideology, I wonder if you would explain what you believe will be the consequences of such an economic policy?

I did read the link which is why I posted it. The consequences would be that Congress for once would be following the Constitution instead of political convenience. Homeland defense is part of the Constitution, schools are not. Those items should be funded at the state levels, not the national ones. Centralized education as we have it set up is a piss poor economic model & a failing one. THERE IS NO "Centralized education" There is no reason why our students have to consistently fare poorly when compared to other countries. A large part has to do with centralized education & a one size fits all approach. That approach simply does not work on such an issue. Defense does because you have standardization across the board. If greater control were at the local/state levels, you would not see us lagging behind as we do. That is an economic issue as well. If we can not produce good students, then how can we compete on the world stage?

Wow, you need to take a civics class and attend City Council and School Board Meetings.
It is in Article 1 of the Constitution

really, what part exactly? Here's a link that doesn't agree with your assertion....

Article I | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

None of the sections said anything about federal funding of education or massive foreign aid. That's because it isn't in there....try again...

He's trying to claim the general welfare clause gives Marxists like himself the right to spend other people's money to buy votes and imprison more people on the plantation of big brother government.

No he's not. You've built a Straw Man out of wet asbestos.
Yes, you should read the constitution.

Medicare and social security are paid into, they are not entitlements.

The constitution only allows for there to be a military presence for defense only, not to become a military industrial complex that the GOP wants to use to go to war over nothing, and having bases setup around the world.
The constitution does not allow for tax dodgers and the wealthy to get massive handouts and give-a-ways by the government.

The constitution also doesn't allow for there to be huge government police state organizations like the DHS, but in the GOP's minds, nothing says "safety" like having big brother watching over everyone,..

Where did I mention anything about Medicare or Social Security? I was talking about the Depts of Education, Interior & the massive waste at the State Dept. In so far as a military presence for defense only is concerned, Article 1 seems to contradict your theory....

"To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water". While you are correct that common defense is the overriding theme, there is this little tidbit in Section 8 which allows for an offensive force., otherwise, captures on land and water would not be necessary. Plus, declaring War is in of itself, an offensive action. When you speak of the military-industrial complex, I ask you what is wrong with that? It provides patriots of this country a chance to continue their work in national defense. These are all good paying jobs & contribute to society.
I wonder, did you read the link you posted and understand its implicatons? If so and you still fall back to supporting the TP Rand Paul ideology, I wonder if you would explain what you believe will be the consequences of such an economic policy?

I did read the link which is why I posted it. The consequences would be that Congress for once would be following the Constitution instead of political convenience. Homeland defense is part of the Constitution, schools are not. Those items should be funded at the state levels, not the national ones. Centralized education as we have it set up is a piss poor economic model & a failing one. THERE IS NO "Centralized education" There is no reason why our students have to consistently fare poorly when compared to other countries. A large part has to do with centralized education & a one size fits all approach. That approach simply does not work on such an issue. Defense does because you have standardization across the board. If greater control were at the local/state levels, you would not see us lagging behind as we do. That is an economic issue as well. If we can not produce good students, then how can we compete on the world stage?

Wow, you need to take a civics class and attend City Council and School Board Meetings.

yes, there is centralized education. If there were none, we would have true school choice in this country. The public school system is nothing more than centralized education...
Yes, you should read the constitution.

Medicare and social security are paid into, they are not entitlements.

The constitution only allows for there to be a military presence for defense only, not to become a military industrial complex that the GOP wants to use to go to war over nothing, and having bases setup around the world.
The constitution does not allow for tax dodgers and the wealthy to get massive handouts and give-a-ways by the government.

The constitution also doesn't allow for there to be huge government police state organizations like the DHS, but in the GOP's minds, nothing says "safety" like having big brother watching over everyone,..

Where did I mention anything about Medicare or Social Security? I was talking about the Depts of Education, Interior & the massive waste at the State Dept. In so far as a military presence for defense only is concerned, Article 1 seems to contradict your theory....

"To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water". While you are correct that common defense is the overriding theme, there is this little tidbit in Section 8 which allows for an offensive force., otherwise, captures on land and water would not be necessary. Plus, declaring War is in of itself, an offensive action. When you speak of the military-industrial complex, I ask you what is wrong with that? It provides patriots of this country a chance to continue their work in national defense. These are all good paying jobs & contribute to society.

You're not very bright. Take my advice, find a new hobby.
I did read the link which is why I posted it. The consequences would be that Congress for once would be following the Constitution instead of political convenience. Homeland defense is part of the Constitution, schools are not. Those items should be funded at the state levels, not the national ones. Centralized education as we have it set up is a piss poor economic model & a failing one. THERE IS NO "Centralized education" There is no reason why our students have to consistently fare poorly when compared to other countries. A large part has to do with centralized education & a one size fits all approach. That approach simply does not work on such an issue. Defense does because you have standardization across the board. If greater control were at the local/state levels, you would not see us lagging behind as we do. That is an economic issue as well. If we can not produce good students, then how can we compete on the world stage?

Wow, you need to take a civics class and attend City Council and School Board Meetings.

yes, there is centralized education. If there were none, we would have true school choice in this country. The public school system is nothing more than centralized education...

See my post above.

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