House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy

House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy
Today is a very sad day in America. Internet privacy is officially dead.

Online Privacy News

In the course of one week, the theft of your internet privacy by Congress is now complete. All it needs now is for Cheeto Jesus to sign it and it's a done deal. You no longer have the "luxury" of opting out of the collection and sale of your private life by anyone willing to pay for it. Employers, government, law enforcement, advertisers, everybody can now know and sell about your plans to look or another job, donate to Planned Parenthood, use tracking to know when your children leave and arrive to and from school, where you go on vacation and whether your home is vulnerable to robbery while you are gone, can use your email, text messages, internet browser history, internet forms you fill out, deny you healthcare, car insurance, inform your employer that you are planning to leave, falsely incriminate you for activities that are nobody's business but yours...

The only hope is that the state you live in will be as outraged as you are and will motivate state politicians to create protections for you at the state level. Most of us, (maybe all of us) don't even have the luxury of boycotting the ISPs with whom we subscribe services and switching services to another, more ethical vendor, if any really even exist outside the realm of local dial-up ISPs.


Allowing corporate America to fuck you in the ass since 1776.

It's been the plan of the right all along, from 9/11 they saw the opening to infringe on people's liberties and rights, by making them fear something. Yeah, they created the fear, and now they have the tool to do whatever they like.

Democrats, Republicans, makes no difference.

You first paragraph is spot on, the second is belied by the facts.
Isn't a president supposed to protect the citizens of this country's privacy instead of the opposite?
House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy
Today is a very sad day in America. Internet privacy is officially dead.

Online Privacy News

In the course of one week, the theft of your internet privacy by Congress is now complete. All it needs now is for Cheeto Jesus to sign it and it's a done deal. You no longer have the "luxury" of opting out of the collection and sale of your private life by anyone willing to pay for it. Employers, government, law enforcement, advertisers, everybody can now know and sell about your plans to look or another job, donate to Planned Parenthood, use tracking to know when your children leave and arrive to and from school, where you go on vacation and whether your home is vulnerable to robbery while you are gone, can use your email, text messages, internet browser history, internet forms you fill out, deny you healthcare, car insurance, inform your employer that you are planning to leave, falsely incriminate you for activities that are nobody's business but yours...

The only hope is that the state you live in will be as outraged as you are and will motivate state politicians to create protections for you at the state level. Most of us, (maybe all of us) don't even have the luxury of boycotting the ISPs with whom we subscribe services and switching services to another, more ethical vendor, if any really even exist outside the realm of local dial-up ISPs.


Allowing corporate America to fuck you in the ass since 1776.

It's been the plan of the right all along, from 9/11 they saw the opening to infringe on people's liberties and rights, by making them fear something. Yeah, they created the fear, and now they have the tool to do whatever they like.

Democrats, Republicans, makes no difference.
One small problem. It's not the democrats putting our privacy at risk. This is another part of the republican crazy side of town.

Actually it's both sides. Just because this was pushed through by the Republicans, doesn't mean the Democrats haven't done bad things.
That's a really dumb statement. Focus on the OP.
Buy stock in VPN companies.

No shit, the other day I was walking around some stores and all the sudden my phone alerts me, it was an alert for a coupon to some store I had never heard of, looked around and the store was just down the street. The fuckers knew exactly where I was

Don't blame congress for that, blame the apps you use.

/---- go back to a flip phone and stop your bellyaching, woman.

First, I ain't no woman. Second I wasn't the one bellyaching about being tracked and getting coupons. I don't use apps that track me.
A wise community organizer once said elections have consequences.

Why do you fools blame Prez Obama when it was Prez Cheeeney and his puppet Bush who put this in place?

Do you understand that no president will ever EVER be able to end it?

No, of course you don't.

I am SO sick of ignorant RWNJs. They refuse to learn and refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.

Whenever anything happens they bend themselves into pretzels to make rediuclous claims that the Dems are at fault .
Says the two dufus's who go off on crazy tangents ranting like insane psychos because I simply made a quote about elections have consequences.
A wise community organizer once said elections have consequences.

Why do you fools blame Prez Obama when it was Prez Cheeeney and his puppet Bush who put this in place?

Do you understand that no president will ever EVER be able to end it?

No, of course you don't.

I am SO sick of ignorant RWNJs. They refuse to learn and refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.

Whenever anything happens they bend themselves into pretzels to make rediuclous claims that the Dems are at fault .
Says the two dufus's who go off on crazy tangents ranting like insane psychos because I simply made a quote about elections have consequences.

It wasn't your post . It was the ones on page 1 that blamed obama .
Buy stock in VPN companies.

No shit, the other day I was walking around some stores and all the sudden my phone alerts me, it was an alert for a coupon to some store I had never heard of, looked around and the store was just down the street. The fuckers knew exactly where I was

You can turn your GPS service on your phone off
I'm exposing your hypocrisy and you don't know how to get out of it.

Where have I supported it...or condemned it? Oops!!!

It doesn't matter loon, they have your info anyway, all of it Bank it
We're all still waiting for you to criticize the republicans for selling your web browser history to corporations.

Really from a bunch of liberal mongoloid rejects that said nothing when their messiah gave control of OUR internet bandwidth to a foreign entity. Liberals are by far the stupidest animal on earth. All of the shit in the things you post are cobbled together BS sessions. Why don't you post the text of the bill instead of what some liberal dogshit liar says about it. Liberals always post the talking points lie of the day just like their Nazi counterparts did in the late 30's party line propaganda designed to make their lies more palatable by giving the impression of widespread acceptance of the premise.

You lie .

And you won't address the subject of this thread .

Want an ass whipping, I DO NOT HAVE TO LIE, find me and I will show you WHY. I have addressed the damn subject, The idea that the GOP house passed a bill. I said give me the damn text, not some liberal lying piece of shits OPINION of what is in it. UNDERSTAND THAT PUNK!!!!

Are you too lazy to find the text of the bill? Why don't you get off your own fat ass and use the search engine of your own choosing rather than making the nerds do your homework for you, genius? Your feigned 'outrage' is pathetic..

Left or right: today's sellout by our own representatives (mine too) is a disgrace.
House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy
Today is a very sad day in America. Internet privacy is officially dead.

Online Privacy News

In the course of one week, the theft of your internet privacy by Congress is now complete. All it needs now is for Cheeto Jesus to sign it and it's a done deal. You no longer have the "luxury" of opting out of the collection and sale of your private life by anyone willing to pay for it. Employers, government, law enforcement, advertisers, everybody can now know and sell about your plans to look or another job, donate to Planned Parenthood, use tracking to know when your children leave and arrive to and from school, where you go on vacation and whether your home is vulnerable to robbery while you are gone, can use your email, text messages, internet browser history, internet forms you fill out, deny you healthcare, car insurance, inform your employer that you are planning to leave, falsely incriminate you for activities that are nobody's business but yours...

The only hope is that the state you live in will be as outraged as you are and will motivate state politicians to create protections for you at the state level. Most of us, (maybe all of us) don't even have the luxury of boycotting the ISPs with whom we subscribe services and switching services to another, more ethical vendor, if any really even exist outside the realm of local dial-up ISPs.


Allowing corporate America to fuck you in the ass since 1776.

It's been the plan of the right all along, from 9/11 they saw the opening to infringe on people's liberties and rights, by making them fear something. Yeah, they created the fear, and now they have the tool to do whatever they like.

Democrats, Republicans, makes no difference.
One small problem. It's not the democrats putting our privacy at risk. This is another part of the republican crazy side of town.

Actually it's both sides. Just because this was pushed through by the Republicans, doesn't mean the Democrats haven't done bad things.
That's a really dumb statement. Focus on the OP.

Well.... my statement isn't dumb, it's actually true and totally relevant to the OP. Your statement on the other hand....
Gee what could go wrong if your SS# got into the wrong hands? Or any others from the list.

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